Classic sunshine girl? or am i in the wrong?


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Started seeing this girl went on our third date last night... progressive kino from the first to third date. She shows strong interest in her body language that shes interested. We have some interesting conversations, but sometimes it can get dull. This is what throws me off

We kissed on our second date, i noticed some apprehension. It's kinda like guilt. You know when a girl stops kissing you and turns her head to the side and thinks and continues (kinda like she has a boyfriend).. she did that, i asked her what was wrong and she said nothing and continued.

Third date, i greeted her with a kiss and she seemed to like it, during our bowling date we kissed a few times and she seemed to be receptive of it. The end of the night comes and we walk to our cars and we kiss and we stop, I start (touching hot spots) with no response at all she was not getting hot at all. She actually giggled when i went near her ear. We kissed some more and she stopped it and said.. ok softly (like she had enough).

I feel that physical connection isn't their from that apprehension.. What are my options here..I'm getting the feeling shes going out with me for the attention.

The other issue is that I can only date one girl at a time due to money constraints, I have like $40 spending money a week for dates and going out because im a student, If i stay with this girl, i won't be able to meet other girls with the boys.

- My intuition tells me she is seeing other guys and she just wants to keep her options open (which is cool im game for competition). YET, i feel physical connection is important, and i know she sucks at kissing. Am I too early into this to be jumping to these conclusions that their won't be that physical connection and im just wasting my time?

Key points:
- I'm 25 shes 27 years old.
- I pick the places and we meet there, usually they are in my area and she will drive there after work. She doesnt like meeting during the weekday because she has to miss her workouts, but I say my weekends are pretty busy so she still meets.
- I sent her a text before this date saying it "change of plans, no more squash" (we had plans to play squash) and she said, "heyyy lol what happened" and i never responded back all night, called her the next morning and told her i never got her text, and shes like i thought you were cancelling, and i said.. no i just couldnt get the sqaush courts so were going bowling instead.
- After our third date she asked me to text her when i got home so i sent her a "im home, drive safe" text, and she responded with, "John I just walked in the door. Thanks so much for bowling and the company tonight. Sleep well ".. i felt bad sending such a dry text so i sent her one back saying, " I hope you had fun, i never knew how great bowling is. Your probably jealous of that strike, its ok! just be happy im on your team. Will talk soon"


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
She's interested in you, might want to do a background check to whether she's also seeing someone exclusively.

Otherwise, she's just a bit shy when it comes to PDA.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Completely agree!

She maybe seeing someone else but i think its cool... I'll just play my game..

I'll call her in about three days, and setup a lunch meet rather then some outing at night. She probably thinks i want to get in her pants.

Embarrassing Moment: We were sitting at the restaurant and a guy i haven't seen in a long time comes up to me and says hi, then turns to her and says, "is this your girlfriend".. i just stayed silent.. and he introduced himself to her (thank god), i then told him i'd talk to him later.

How do you respond to that anyway?