City-Data's section on Relatjonships


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Son recently i stumbled upon City-Data's relationship section. I had no idea that that section even existed, since there is a lot of sections, so I decided to take a look. There is so, so, so, so, so much bad advice being floated around... And the trolling...

I signed up an account a few days ago and have been trying to spread some word and challenge my knowledge but lately I've been getting replies that I don't even know how to respond to. It's not that I don't know the answer, just that the stuff they challenge me with is just... Dumb. Like I wouldn't even have thought of the stuff they respond to my "misogny" or "PUA" talk if I were still an AFC... It's just so bad... I mean some responses, and I mean like 4, are people actually curious but the rest is just trolling and overall ignorance. And it's that ignorance that creates those dumb questions/statements or attempts to flame me.

I've been on that section for about 3 days and here's what I learned:

- Women apparently know what they want.

- A man who has a backbone is apparently "controlling."

- Marriage is better for the man somehow.

- Online dating is like 100%, only source for meeting people over there.

- Men should apparently listen to women on how to get women.

- Being a single mother is somehow a good thing.(Strong independent! But low quality!)

- I should logically rationalize everything women do.

- You should love yourself for who you are, regardless if you're a sh*tty person.

I think that's about it... But the thing is I'm getting repped by people who agree with me. That forum is super, super, active as well. But those people who agree with me are like silent while the others are busy running their mouths giving horrid advice. I'm trying to really stay and make somewhat of a difference on that forum but its really difficult. Mainly because that section just sucks in general.

If anyone wants to assist me it would be appreciated, but I completely understand if you don't. I'm trying to get some more traffic here as well.
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Don Juan
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
I agree whole heartedly with you! Everytime I posted something in the Relationship section, the replies I got were either irrelevant to my post, and or bullying me. Calling me "desperate" or saying how much the guy didn't like me etc, and I am too conceited. Blah blah blah, it is a horrible forum. People give horrible advice and opinions. It's ridiculous. Cause they all sound like old, bitter, losers that couldn't get a boyfriend or a girlfriend in life, so they take their frustration out on that forum and knock and girl or guy on there. It's a pathetic forum, definitely!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
The problem with the internet is that there are no such thing as experts so every shmuck who has an opinion gets equal time.

If you had cancer, would you let random people on the internet give you advice on how to get rid of it, or would you seek the advice of a doctor who's a cancer specialist?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
xxJuliexx said:
I agree whole heartedly with you! Everytime I posted something in the Relationship section, the replies I got were either irrelevant to my post, and or bullying me. Calling me "desperate" or saying how much the guy didn't like me etc, and I am too conceited. Blah blah blah, it is a horrible forum. People give horrible advice and opinions. It's ridiculous. Cause they all sound like old, bitter, losers that couldn't get a boyfriend or a girlfriend in life, so they take their frustration out on that forum and knock and girl or guy on there. It's a pathetic forum, definitely!
I stopped reading the advice and everyone else's input within the first hour of browsing that forum to be honest. I only really read the stuff that people post in response to my posts. Or if something catches my eye somehow.

This is my highlight of the day :

Someone(a woman) made a thread about why guys look but don't approach. So we were talking about cold approaching, you know going up to a random attractive girl getting some rapport then going for the number, and everyone was saying how it was "Wrong." This guy stands out though. :crackup:

some guy said:
"Because it's boorish and obnoxious. If I were a woman, and some random guy approached me on the street, I'd vociferously swing my purse into his crotch."
This guys post just speaks for about 99% of that section. I seriously thought this guy was a woman until I re-read it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Just visited that site. Never again!! I almost went back to AFC with the crap they post. God!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
This is my highlight of the day :

Someone(a woman) made a thread about why guys look but don't approach. So we were talking about cold approaching, you know going up to a random attractive girl getting some rapport then going for the number, and everyone was saying how it was "Wrong." This guy stands out though. :crackup:

Hahahahaha! How is it wrong? I mean what else is the guy suppose to do? That's what guys do, I don't get how it's "wrong"? Lmao.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
I feel sorry for the guys on there genuinely looking for help and being fed some of the worst advice I have seen.

It was hard reading some of that stuff.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
City Data is golden in the sense that it provides amazing information on traveling and about any given location but the other forums are for the most part trash. The problem with most dating forums is that there are a lot of women giving advice and women are going to give advice that benefits the female gender. You would think that the men there giving advice would know better but most men who are regulars on dating/PUA forums are not that good with women. Most of the guys are at a low point in their lives and just need someone to chat with, quite a few just want to cry about their situation in life and not really do anything about it.

Ideally I don't believe a young guy should be spending time on internet forums in general, let alone dating forums. Young guys should be going out there and experiencing life for themselves.