i disagree with the common trend going on here.
So long as ur DJ enough to kiss a girl, movie dates are great. -and i owe GGTW this, for making me realise.
Who here is actively looking for an LTR? Raise your hand.
If you are, ignore this post.
HOWEVER. If like me you're just looking to get laid, movie dates are a GREAT first date.
For me, it works like this. Meet at club. Kiss close. Number close.
IF i choose to date them, it'll be a movie date.
So far, i know F*ck all about them, they know F*ck all about me. Its all just physical attraction.
In the cinema, i don't need to get to know them, i don't want to get to know them. I'm not looking for an LTR i'm looking for a Lay.
To get laid, the girl is going to need to feel comfortable with you. Making out with her, will make her feel comfortable with you.
She's now felt comfortable with you at the club and at the cinema. A bit more making out in the car.
This girl still knows very little about you, but has had a great time with you, and feels very sexually about you.
You've got mystery, without the need of playing little games.
You've got rapport, without the need of conversation.
You've got social proof, so long as you actually know people at the club.
You've got physical attraction, or she wouldn't be there.
You've applied a lot of kino, or you're not doing what i said.
And while we're doing all this. Lets throw in some MAVEC.
This girl is now ready to get laid.
First (club) Meet. Second (movies) Mystery, Rapport, Social Proof, Physical Attraction, Kino, MAVEC. Third (bedroom, DVD, Condom) L__D.
First person to fill in the blanks wins a special prize!