KontrollerX said:
Being a DJ is finding out who you really are underneath all the AFC muck, learning the DJ ways and teachings and applying them.
Then once you have all of the knowledge you do what you really want in life with that knowledge as your guide.
So if you are a Christian against your will then this is society's shackles you need to cast off to be free so you can do what you want and be a DJ.
However if you are a Christian by choice having fully thought it through alone by yourself with plenty of opposing viewpoints on the religion taken in by you yet still rejected by you as you still find Christianity to be what you truly want in life then sure you can be a Christian and a DJ.
Being a DJ is about freeing your mind in the sense that you learn enough about yourself and enough about life that you don't live for other people's expectations anymore be they male or female but your own.
If people are manipulating you into being a Christian by peer pressure, playing on your emotions or just adult and societal pressure in general by where you live of everyone being Christians then you are not living free but under manipulation.
Its critical that if you are to be both a Christian and DJ these things are both fully your choice and your choice alone.
Sorry for rambling and I hope I got the point across I was intending.
He said he was strong in his faith...why question and suppose people are manipulating him?
You say he has shackles...i disagree. Those without faith have shackles. But thats a debate i'm not going to participate in because afterall, who wants to believe they are in shackles?
You make Christianity seem like a bad thing...and it definitely seems like you are trying to hurt his faith. That isn't right. Maybe you didn't do it entirely purposely...but are supposing a lot about him and his faith.
Y'know, not many people nowadays are truly strong in faith, infact i believe that to be strong in faith is extremely difficult for younger men...and god bless him for it.
And i really think you don't have to read all the other view points to be a true Christian. There will be many times in his faith, that he will question it, it will impact his life greatly, but if he truly believes it is the truth, he will be fine. There is a lot of poison out there. Many lies of unbelievers.
Being a DJ isn't just about women and learning techniques
its about becoming your own man
its about reaching for your dreams...and actually doing it
it's about standing up for yourself,
its about having self respect
its about having confidence
its about being an individual
its about learning how love works, and how to keep it
its about life......and how to get your sorry ass out of your mom's basement and get you moving in your life