You are talking about that Girl? Don't you?
Favorite Girl Officially Diagnosed with BPD
Not an argument. She either has BPD and doesn't show me any bad signs, or doesn't really have it. The methods you guys use to dismiss working examples is a riot. I must be paying. She must be lying. She's not that hot. Don't trust strippers. She's got BPD... Well, I'm on my way to see her. Taking her to a different strip club on a date tonight (where my second favorite girl works).
The reality is, I have about 8 girls at my disposal and I have consistently chose this one, and yet people think they can dismiss her as being the best. If she weren't, I would have fallen back to the other 7 (yawn). I've spent the night with 4 different women (ages 19, 22, 26 and 40) and had dates with 3 other girls (ages 23, 45, and 24) besides her since we started dating but hardly mention them.
Notice how when I say things are good, people say I'm lying, but when I say she has BPD, people exaggerate how much that means? It's called Bias.
There is a growing opinion among many men (especially on this forum) that relationships should be an effortless stream of bliss and any sign of discomfort or unhappiness is a warning sign to end the relationship immediately.
If there is one theme of my discussions of my favorite girl, it is this. People want to say "Aha! She wasn't perfect!!" and they are keeping track of her flaws the way my mom would.
This girl (who is 21 and super hot, as if she should be expected to be faithful) was with one other guy besides me (on a ONS she says was borderline date rape) in our nearly 6 months of having sex and people think that proves that I should have dumped her back in December. Since then I have had some of the best dates of my life, have taken some of the best photos, and had some of the best sex of my life. I would estimate that most members here would have recommended I break up with her before any of that happened, because she didn't automatically commit to me within the first month we had sex.
As it turns out, that ONS she had scared her straight. She had been young and wild most of her life, but that made her realize that we have something special that she can't repeat with anyone (the way ordinary sex was in abundance for her). When I slept with other girls I realized the same thing:
when you find the right person, sleeping with someone else makes you like the right person more, not less. Truth be told, I should have paid that guy to take her out in December.
That's why I like dating strippers. If you get a date, that means she chose you out of 1000 guys. Your relationship is like tempered glass at that point. They are harder to get, but easier to keep.