The problem is that that there seems to be a misconception that we act graceful and courteous to only hawt chicks or something.
If this is true, then it is an ego mechanism , a way of putting these women on the pedastle.
Theres realy no way to tell with 100 percet accuracy if a person will receive your act of courtesy with appreciation.
See , heres the Ego dilemma.. you do it for your fellow man, because you, yourself , are a Man of High Character?
Or are you doing it to give an APPEARANCE of a refined gentleman, who in fact is tryring to score 'brownie points" and "look" cool?
Again, people act out of anxiety, exasperation, apprehension, ill temper and short patience becasue they are peoploe who cannot Self Manage,
They cannot manage their Well Being.
So they become RUDE
These rude people operate from the Scarcity principle and LACK
"Get outta my way, I gotta get mines , YO!!!"
Tyring to overtake you and out run you and be aggressive with you , in order to 'get theirs'.
With the over abundance of lack of self respect, morals, values, ethics, codes to live by, and the Lack of INTEGRITY and IMPECCABILTY to uphold those values.... you guys honestly want to perpetuate that?
" one else is doing it, so why should I bother??!!"
Are you seriously going to choose to be part of the , what I call, the "Zombie/checked out" crowd??
Or are you going to be a highly evolved and refined man?
Are you ultimately doing things to GET REACTIONS from people?
Or because it gives YOU gratification and satisfaction to actually HELP a fellow human being???
This is why it is important ot be self refelcting and truly look at your true motivations for doing things.
Youd be surprised at what you find there , hidden.