Proud to say I participate daily in this program. I don't think you will see more children down the toilet. You will however see women who are less willing to have sex freely and become westernized (a growing trend among the population). China is changing rapidly and the last few months have seen a dramatic shift in rules and laws in China. The current state is akin to 1980's USA, new fashion, ideas and products are available to the Chinese and a new middle class has risen from the ashes of the old world, helped along by the american dollar. Chinese tend to think with a heard/hive mentality so when I address China, I'm addressing the majority of the population.
I think China is seeing the world as it becomes more aware of super power status. The USA and the other 1st world countries are experiencing a dramatic increase of gay/transgender/lesbo/single mom incidences and they want to curb this in order to keep things from devolving into the current chaos you have at home.
Chinese people are still pretty comfortable with their genders and roles as men and women. They also generally reject and are somewhat disgusted by the western ideas of trans-gender and gay, however the western progressive attitudes are being fed into the people slowly via English school teachers, many of whom are unmarried, fat, single american women (potential lesbo) on 'eat,pray,love' vacations and gay dudes masquerading as macho guys.
Luckily my wife at 24 is still repulsed by the thought of two guys or two girls. Many women here have a general disdain for single mothers and cause of a heavily embedded Chinese culture, will be quick to swarm/shame any single mothers. If you are NOT married in China and are over the 25 year mark, you are a societal outcast and a detriment to your family. Most Chinese men will not marry women over 25 and only the lowliest men will consider a single mom, which is basically akin to eating someone else's vomit. Unfortunately, at the same time many Chinese women want to be like Americans and are thus adopting these wayward attitudes. I truly believe the gay/single mom epidemic is a depopulation weapon system of some sort. Seems a lot of people are just jumping on the gay wagon and coming out as cross-dressers and what not at home because its the 'in' thing. The penalties associated with this behavior in China are quite heavy, the one gay friendly woman I know, is fairly attractive but at 30 she still can't figure out why she can't meet a man that will marry her. She complains that all of her male friends are gay and frequently travels to Britian and America to seek out companionship but it has yet to translate into a family.
Its time to take a good hard look at what America has wrought upon itself. Women by association to American ideals are becoming spinsters and men, gay friendly manginas. I address this issue quite a bit when the Chinese go on their anti-west tirades. Imagine the 50's looking at our generation, what would they say? That is China in a nutshell. While things aren't great here and there are many problems that need attention, I can still be a man in a man's world where people IDENTIFY with the characteristics and natural instincts they were born with. Single motherhood has never been popular and should never gain popularity, the fall of the family is at hand in America and the rise of pro gay/lesbo/feminist rights is your result. If you support these then you are against family and against the human race, China and the communist party realize this. Strangely enough there are SOME benefits to a one party system if the one party is still conservative.
Hopefully China isn't wiped out by 'western' progression. I truly believe we are seeing the fallout of the western empire.