Vincent Freeman
Don Juan
Alright, for those for haven't read my previous posts, I have been dating this chic for about a month now and there are a few things that confuse me about her or at least that I am not use to. Now, we have hooked up and we are always displaying affection with each other, but one thing she never really does is compliment me or even buy me stuff. Now I know this may sound childish, but to be honest every chic I have dated (even just hooked up with) has always been very complimentary and even bought me stuff. The last chic I dated for 2 months, would bring me stuff everytime she got back from the mall. I remember the 2nd week we were talking she bought me a nice versace tie she liked. But this girl I am talking to now, has not bought me anything or even complimented me yet. She's affectionate, but yet she doesn't really directly compliment me or even buy me stuff! She does do other things like leave me cute voice messages and notes, but that's really pretty much it. What should I think of this, and is this normal? What could this mean about her?