Pilot - just go with what you know. Sit down with an acoustic and start throwing some patterns together...chord progressions, finger picking, whatever. Get a few of your own patterns under your belt for acoustic stuff. Playing by ear rocks. One of the most ridiculous things in the world to me is seeing somebody (girls unfortunately are really guilty of this, only because more of them play the piano) playing the piano beautifully until you remove the sheet music from in front of them. Then they can't play a note, even though they may have been playing Rachmaninov for years!
Fransico, I just have to interject here... LaVilla!!!! OMG Dude. Do you really think that a most chicks will even follow it? Mind you, it is the most awesome song in my book. The live version from Exit Stage Left is my fave of all time. Bar none. My strat and I absolutely love playing it. I personally believe it takes a pretty sharp chick with a love of music to appreciate Rush. Anyway, nice choice. The beginning of Trees or Closer to the Heart, Xanadu or bits of 2112...Anyway, you see where I'm coming from. I learned almost everything I know (guitar!) from listening to Lifeson and Page.
Back to Pilot...again man, with your electric, mellow it way out, use a little reverb and slight delay, maybe a tiny hint of phase, but NO distortion. Drop your fingers on the frets and start hunting for those Eric Johnson chord patterns. You be da man!
Tiny, I've a lot of vinyl. A shame no turntable anymore. I have some really awesome tunes like Bill Nelson/BeBop Deluxe, Roy Buchanan, even a lot of Windham Hill label stuff that I wish everyday I could listen to. I guess I should come off a Ben Franklin and get turntable, huh?
Tiny and Girly - it really is nice to know you are out there.
Nuff said for now. I understand the point about groupie chicks, but there are plent of them out there too that actually appreciate music and talent, a la Tiny and Girly.
Rock on my brother!