Chicks getting in my face in the club


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
It happened to me again last night. I'm on the dance floor and some chick pops out of nowhere and yells "NO!". No what? I wasn't even LOOKING at the biatch! Then some dude walks up and she points to him like he's gonna kick my ass. Yea, whatever. I just went back to dancing with some other GOOD LOOKING girls.

I think I did bump her friend a couple of times while dancing. Big deal, it's a club.

For the life of me I don't know where these girls get their confidence from. They can be the fattest, nastiest ho's in the place and they STILL think every guy there wants to get into their panties.

The other time this happened some chick gets in my face telling me to "Back off". I wasn't looking at, touching, dancing with, or otherwise doing anything that could be construed as trying to make contact with her or her friends. Both times I was in the groove having a good time without a care in the world.

Are they jealous of someone who is able to let loose because they are uptight b!tches? Or do they get off snubbing guys who they imagine are attracted to them? Waddya think?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
they get off snubbing guys who they imagine are attracted to them :p

That's the whole reason why a lot of girls GO to clubs.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
My happy place
i've never gone to a club, but i know a little bit about the way people act in public.

most people that cannot have something, a car, a person, whatever it is, they will disdain those things that they do not, or cannot have.

I'm an above average looking guy, and i often times find myself passing by girls who are less than great that won't even give me a second's notice. However, girls that are sizzling, will give me the time of day, their phone numbers, pager numbers and their e-mail addresses. U know what i mean?

don't be fooled, these girls want you, but they do not believe they have what it take to get you. I find it harder to get a fat chick than a good looking girl. Simply because i have to fake all of my emotions towards them, however when it comes to talking to good looking chicks it all comes naturally. neg hits, compliments, flirting, etc...

Remember. Rudeness is an insecure person's way of showing fake power.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Clubs are a whole different world Adr3nalin. If girls pass on you in real life, you ain't gonna get ANYONE in the clubs. Unless you wear those fat Gucci glasses that cover your face almost.


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
don't let it get you down. i've had some bow-wows pull that manuever on me and they were gaggingly ugly. we're not talking beer goggles. we're talking beer blindness.

The only thing i can think is they are trying to create some interest where it doesn't exist.

how sad that ladies like that act like that instead of swinging from the manroot and singing your praises.

it happens.

rte 66
Jan 4, 2002
Reaction score
haha, man. Ya i know what u mean about girls in the clubs...but from my experience, most girls ARENT like that, its just that the ones that are, stand out, ya know. I would say some girls get off by doing that...specially if she's not so good looking....the club is the one place where they can tell a guy to f* off because they can't do it in real life. makes em feel strong. the fact she pointed to the guy is hilarious. Whats he gonnda do? hit you so you can press charges against him? funny. keep the DJ ways alive man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
It happened to me again last night. I'm on the dance floor and some chick pops out of nowhere and yells "NO!".
Next time, just reply with something corny/witty, like, "Did someone just ask you if you were fat? Because if they did, you just yelled out the wrong answer."

Then see if the bee-atch messes with you again. I would wager that she won't.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by TurboOverCubicInches
I would say some girls get off by doing that...specially if she's not so good looking....the club is the one place where they can tell a guy to f* off because they can't do it in real life. makes em feel strong.
That seems to be the concensus.

Hell, I do the same thing, kinda. When we have chicks who are feeling us we laugh about it in a bragging sort of way the next day. Feels good to get attention. The difference is that I don't care how nasty the chick is (honestly I DO have my limits) I'm not gonna outright rudely push her away. I'll just grind on her ass for a couple of minutes then move harm done.

This all goes back to men giving women too much power then the women not respecting the men for it. Fukk feminism. If you're strong they'll submit to you anyways.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
>For the life of me I don't know where these girls get their confidence from. They can be the fattest, nastiest ho's in the place and they STILL think every guy there wants to get into their panties.

HA!!, mate, you hit the nail right on the head there...this is something i've always said and it's nice to see that someone else see's it aswell!!,

one night i was jigging away, i was away from my g/f at the time on the dancefloor (she was very hot indeed!), and decided to dance with another group of girls who were in a circle...a real fat, ugly girl approached me and starting dancing with me, turned round and slapped me in the face and shouted 'as if i would do anything with you', needless to say i was speechless and then walked back over to my mates and g/f. Later the same girl saw me with my hot g/f......i blew out my cheeks to her to show her how fat i thought she were, turned round and walked off laughing!!

i love winding up girls!!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 7, 2002
Reaction score
Arizona, AKA redneckville
Sounds to me like she's trying to get into the bytch club. What more can women do to make themselves look like asses nowadays? Yeah, it's a power/control type of move. Next time it happens don't dignify the idiotic behavior by just ignoring them.

Why do so many women hate men? I mean, what the hell have we done? Behaviors like these aren't as innocent as they appear. It's deep rooted and they're getting some bad fvcking advice along the way.

As good ole Doc Love says, "keep the bytches out and let the sweet girls in". In my words, "keep the fvck away you head case bytch before I call a bytch cop". :eek:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Here's a story you all might be able to find interesting. My current primary girlfriend, I met at a bar. She treated me like crap, giving me the whole "I can't believe YOU would ever try to talk to ME" attitude. And even though I broke throught that, made convo w/ her, at the end of the night when I asked for her number, she sharply announced a snobbish "NO!!!!" that embarrased the **** out of me because it was so loud. Three days later, she coincidentally started a new job at my gym! Guess what? The tables were turned. She came up to me (I didn't even recognize her) and said she was really happy to see me again and she said the night we met she was thinking about it and didn't know why she was acting that way. She wanted to hook up after that, but nooo way. I treated HER like ****, and let me chase her for a few months before we finally get together. Nowadays, she's the one always begging for my attention.

Moral of the story: b1tches in bars|clubs are all powerful, simply because of the sheer # of desperate horny guys (like most of this community) that populate them. So with all this power, they let it get to their heads. Power corrupts people.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
Man, just bust out laughling like hell and point at her and say "you think I'm attracted to you!!!" and walk away still laughing...

They're doing it so they get MORE attention. Make a scene and people look...


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2001
Reaction score

"FAT B!tches need love too, Craig!".....DeDe , Next Friday
