Why do you think it is like this? We are just wired differently from them? Or is this the Alpha Widow thing?
Men and women are built differently biologically and psychologically.
Women have value for the simple fact of being women when they are young, pretty and fresh while such value slowly decreases when they get older, less attractive and most of all while their goods are given to many men.
Men have no free value given to them at birth (except for great genetics when present), they build their value with their achievements and success and most of all through action and work.
What worked for centuries and basically in every culture and civilization was that men of value committed to women of value while women of value gave themselves to men of value.
Both men and women knew that in order to have a good deal there was a DO and DONT list, and for women the first DONT was giving herself physically to many men that had no intention to commit while for men the first DONT was to investing time and resources to unworthy women unwilling to give themselves to him.