Bingo-Player said:
Hmmm a mixed bag of opinions
I think everyone is in agreement that i shouldn’t be contacting her via media for a while unless she initiates
however I disagree point blank with the theory that if she doesn’t initate she ISNT interested
Unfortunately what you have these days is lots of dating advice media telling both men AND women NOT to initiate contact to maintain an air of mystery and keep the other party interested
What you then have from both sexes is a stalemate , in the early stages of a relationship i think a smart woman would only initiate contact as a last resort due to keeping options open and not wanting to come across as needy
You also have the same attitude from in the know men like ourselves
can we do a lot about this ? .....well no not really people have become wise to the power that comes with dating and nobody wants to come off as too “needy”
sometimes you just got to trust your gut , if she’s replying promptly and adding to the conversation you cannot confirm a low interest level
anyway il see what happens when i see her in person
It seems you're a bit stubborn.
We all agree that unless she's really interested, she's not gonna contact you first in the begining. By begining I mean: BEFORE YOUR FIRST OR SECOND DATE.
If after this time she doesnt initiate contact, SHE IS MORE THAN LIKELY NOT INTO YOU or SHE'S A DAMN MANIPULATOR or SHE'S SEING SOME OTHER GUY, or ALL OF THIS TOGETHER. In either case she's not worth it cause the amount of trouble she'll give you is too much.
Yes, there could be one girl out of 100 that eventhough she likes you a lot doesnt initiate contact, but that is a very rare exception. If they're interested, from medium interest to high, they cannot resist to contact you, text you, send you emoticons, send you pictures...etc. That is how it works.