chick drives, i to get a date planned


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Not having a car is only a big deal if you MAKE it a big deal. I've got no car. This girl I dated over the summer drove to my house every day, then usually took me where we were going, then came back to my house til 11:30 and then went home. She lives about 15 minutes away or so, or about 15 miles.

Now, this girl I'm currently dating has driven to my house a few times, and taken me where ever we go, or else we just chill at my crib. The cool thing is, she's friends with plenty of my friends, so I usually end up getting a ride from one of them, and hanging out with her wherever we're going.

Theres ways around this man. DEFINITELY ways around it. I'm friggin 18 and don't have a license. It sucks, get a car quickly.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
the only way i got around it with my ex was that i made sure i was the only one she liked. this could be a bit tougher in ur situation but if you have any friends in common (besides this guy thats after her) maybe u could just start settin stuff up where u get rides from other ppl and then end up havin her take you home and go inside for the post-date fun lol but really this isnt that big of a deal. if u get her to be only sweatin u then u should be straight. a car as this other guy's only one-up on you doesnt really count for too much.


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
just "borrow" a car from "someone"
if this **** about a car is pissing u off then get a motorbike,
show ur friend up wit a nice bike
this girl would be putty in ya hands plus she can hold onto tightly plus u would beat ur filo friend in a traffic light drag

if u can't get a bike just tell the ***** "wat every happened to fallin in love with a nigga with a bus pass"