My Ex GF started putting on the pounds. Funny thing, I saw her downtown the other day. We were both running laps around one of the parks. She's lost weight, funny it took a break-up for her to get to it. IF anything she owes me a fine thank you. I've single handedly helped her improve her health thru breaking up with her. How about that! Granted in her eyes I'm just another A$$hole that didn't appreciate her. Nothing improves a mans ratings as much as how many women hate him. The more they talk about you, in a good light, in a bad light....doesn't matter, the more other women will want you.
Fat is a western weakness. Alot of women will try to shame a man into a relationship even though they are not healthy. Rather than work on themselves they project the entitled attitude that their own weaknesses towards food shouldn't stop them from getting an Alpha Male. It's pervasive. I wish it weren't that way, but that's our world today.