Check this b.s out that a girl I knows guy wrote.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
This girl I knows guy wrote this on his Myspace page ...complete afc material , he does not even know me and he lives half way across the ****ry and was trying to tell my girlfriend that was a drugy because I smoke an accessional cigar.
Keep in mind this guy is twentythree and pretty much has no life .

ettiquette on how to treat a lady ;) ladies please correct me if Im wrong
Current mood: content

first and foremost, I want to put any claim that may be going around about men lol certain jerks out there have given us guys a bad wrap, because of their crude, macho, and selfish attitudes and disrespectful nature towards women. I am writing this blog to tell you ladies that not all guys ( I shouldnt even call the above men they are more like childeren) are this way and I am putting to rest all things that pertain to how a woman is SUPPOSED to be treated. First off a woman is not a peice of meat, therfore stop looking at them like they are. Second they are not animals so stop making yourself look like one while hollaring out the window yelling "Hey baby" at the top of your lungs like you are giving some kind of mating call that sound absolutely rediculous. You are a human being start acting like one. Second a woman isnt there to be a footstoole for you, they are not here to walk behind you or in front of you ( ladies :p) but beside you, stop thinking you are better than the other, and like you are something special and you deserve something from her, cuz in reality more than likely you are selfish and only care about yourself and what you can get from her. Thirdly, Love is not a feeling its a choice and being selfcentered and rude is not love, love is not selfseeking its just the opposite it is giving all you have away for the person you are with time , love , energy , ect. again its not about you, and what you can get, its what can I give without expecting anything in return? Agape Love is unconditional love, do it simply for the fact you know they love it, and it will brighten her day. Simply, drop off a bouquette of flowers at her work without saying a word and leaving so that she can spend the whole day at work thinking about how much you care about her and not get a kiss right then like hey look at me I did something nice now kiss me, just give it, and let her enjoy it trust me it will work out better for you in the long run. Make her dinner one night, have everything ready for her when she comes home( house cleaned dishes washed .... I know thats a lot to ask, but the woman you are with is more wonderful than any flower you can find on this earth..... and if you really truly mean when you say that you love her it would be well worth it just to see the smile on her face when she gets home and sees what you have done just for her)pull out her chair for her when she goes to sit down at the table and push her in and serve her dinner so that she doesnt have to do anything but relax. Then give her a foot massage after her long day at work. Hold the door for her if you get there first ... and only if she is willing to accept it , knowing and respecting the fact that she can and is perfectly capable of doing it herself but that you simply want to do something to make her life easier. When you are with her dont kiss her every 2 seconds or grope her every 5 seconds, try this go on a date take her to a fancy restaurant, and go for a walk under the stars at night without kissing her or even so much as holding her hand, but simply walking beside her and talking with her, making sure to look her in the eyes, or at least in her direction and (above the shoulder) to let her know you are truly interested in what she has to say, and really listen , not be so eager to get your word in........ How much do you just simply enjoy listening to the sound of her voice? Something else too is to take a portable radio and go somewhere thats quiet where you can see the stars and moonlight and just be alone completely, and dance with her under the stars to some classical music( when I say dancing I mean the way they did it in the olden days one hand on the side and the other holding her hand out to the side..... she will melt I promise lol. My dad did something that sticks with me that I am really honored to say that he is my father by this:) and something I learned myself.......... My dad drove 3 or 4 hours into the mountains just so that he could take my mother on a picnic that make me just about cry..... gentlemen, how far are you willing to go , how much are you willing to sacrafice, to make your love for the woman you say you love an action, and not just words? You dont expect them to do anything for you, you do things for them that will make them WANT to do those things. The bible says the woman is the glory of and shines the man, so if something is wrong in your relationship and there is something you dont like about her, guesswhat lol gentlemen its your fault lol :p hows that for a punch to the ego, so if you want her to do something for you, and if there are problems in your relationship you need to start figuring out what it is you are doing. Also, I know pet names are fun and even sometimes can tell the person how much you care, but she has a name boys, use it sometimes because a name is what makes a person unique an individual, special, it feels good when the man you love speaks to you by using your name doesnt it ladies, and when he says I love you .......... and your name it makes it so much more meaningful, cuz its directed to you as a person an individual.... who you are, and you alone. Last and certainly not least, respect her..... and I dont just mean not to treat her like a dog, that should be a given, but I mean she has opinions, wants desires, dreams views, respect them and encourage them, listen to them, care for them just simply because she does. In closing I will say boys and ask you ladies treat a woman like this and it will make a relationship so strong not even the winds could seperate it, a love so strong, not even the most difficult of trials in life could brake it, for love is not a feeling it is a CHOICE. So choose wisely, and go in the peace love and strength of the lord Jesus Christ cuz he loves you all like this:).

God Bless,


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
This dude is incredibly confused. He's mixing chivalry, the view of society, and feminist bull5hit all into one thought.

My dad drove 3 or 4 hours into the mountains just so that he could take my mother on a picnic that make me just about cry
LMAO!!! He is truly a feminist. :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
I'm waiting for the day his thoughts die and he comes to this page :up:


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Well, obviously this guy is a crumb and talks and acts like a woman.

But, I'll leave y'all with a few words from the master::up:

""Since I first began to notice the difference between men and women, which was around the time of my first birthday, women have sometimes been referred to as broads, chicks, skirts, baby, honey, and sweetheart. A woman's reaction to those words depends a great deal on how they are spoken and in what context. To me, they are all ladies.

I may sound old-fashioned, but I want to think all women should be treated like I want my wife, daughters, and granddaughters to be treated. I notice today that good manners - like standing up when a woman enters the room, helping a woman on with her coat, letting her enter an elevator first, taking her arm to cross the street - are sometimes considered unnecessary or a throwback. These are habits I could never break, nor would I want to. I realize today a lot more women are taking care of themselves than in the past. But no woman is offended by politeness."

-Frank Sinatra
The Way You Wear Your Hat


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

justjosh47 said:
This girl I knows guy wrote this on his Myspace page ...complete afc material , he does not even know me and he lives half way across the ****ry and was trying to tell my girlfriend that was a drugy because I smoke an accessional cigar.
Keep in mind this guy is twentythree and pretty much has no life .

ettiquette on how to treat a lady ;) ladies please correct me if Im wrong
Current mood: content

first and foremost, I want to put any claim that may be going around about men lol certain jerks out there have given us guys a bad wrap, because of their crude, macho, and selfish attitudes and disrespectful nature towards women. I am writing this blog to tell you ladies that not all guys ( I shouldnt even call the above men they are more like childeren) are this way and I am putting to rest all things that pertain to how a woman is SUPPOSED to be treated. First off a woman is not a peice of meat, therfore stop looking at them like they are. Second they are not animals so stop making yourself look like one while hollaring out the window yelling "Hey baby" at the top of your lungs like you are giving some kind of mating call that sound absolutely rediculous. You are a human being start acting like one. Second a woman isnt there to be a footstoole for you, they are not here to walk behind you or in front of you ( ladies :p) but beside you, stop thinking you are better than the other, and like you are something special and you deserve something from her, cuz in reality more than likely you are selfish and only care about yourself and what you can get from her. Thirdly, Love is not a feeling its a choice and being selfcentered and rude is not love, love is not selfseeking its just the opposite it is giving all you have away for the person you are with time , love , energy , ect. again its not about you, and what you can get, its what can I give without expecting anything in return? Agape Love is unconditional love, do it simply for the fact you know they love it, and it will brighten her day. Simply, drop off a bouquette of flowers at her work without saying a word and leaving so that she can spend the whole day at work thinking about how much you care about her and not get a kiss right then like hey look at me I did something nice now kiss me, just give it, and let her enjoy it trust me it will work out better for you in the long run. Make her dinner one night, have everything ready for her when she comes home( house cleaned dishes washed .... I know thats a lot to ask, but the woman you are with is more wonderful than any flower you can find on this earth..... and if you really truly mean when you say that you love her it would be well worth it just to see the smile on her face when she gets home and sees what you have done just for her)pull out her chair for her when she goes to sit down at the table and push her in and serve her dinner so that she doesnt have to do anything but relax. Then give her a foot massage after her long day at work. Hold the door for her if you get there first ... and only if she is willing to accept it , knowing and respecting the fact that she can and is perfectly capable of doing it herself but that you simply want to do something to make her life easier. When you are with her dont kiss her every 2 seconds or grope her every 5 seconds, try this go on a date take her to a fancy restaurant, and go for a walk under the stars at night without kissing her or even so much as holding her hand, but simply walking beside her and talking with her, making sure to look her in the eyes, or at least in her direction and (above the shoulder) to let her know you are truly interested in what she has to say, and really listen , not be so eager to get your word in........ How much do you just simply enjoy listening to the sound of her voice? Something else too is to take a portable radio and go somewhere thats quiet where you can see the stars and moonlight and just be alone completely, and dance with her under the stars to some classical music( when I say dancing I mean the way they did it in the olden days one hand on the side and the other holding her hand out to the side..... she will melt I promise lol. My dad did something that sticks with me that I am really honored to say that he is my father by this:) and something I learned myself.......... My dad drove 3 or 4 hours into the mountains just so that he could take my mother on a picnic that make me just about cry..... gentlemen, how far are you willing to go , how much are you willing to sacrafice, to make your love for the woman you say you love an action, and not just words? You dont expect them to do anything for you, you do things for them that will make them WANT to do those things. The bible says the woman is the glory of and shines the man, so if something is wrong in your relationship and there is something you dont like about her, guesswhat lol gentlemen its your fault lol :p hows that for a punch to the ego, so if you want her to do something for you, and if there are problems in your relationship you need to start figuring out what it is you are doing. Also, I know pet names are fun and even sometimes can tell the person how much you care, but she has a name boys, use it sometimes because a name is what makes a person unique an individual, special, it feels good when the man you love speaks to you by using your name doesnt it ladies, and when he says I love you .......... and your name it makes it so much more meaningful, cuz its directed to you as a person an individual.... who you are, and you alone. Last and certainly not least, respect her..... and I dont just mean not to treat her like a dog, that should be a given, but I mean she has opinions, wants desires, dreams views, respect them and encourage them, listen to them, care for them just simply because she does. In closing I will say boys and ask you ladies treat a woman like this and it will make a relationship so strong not even the winds could seperate it, a love so strong, not even the most difficult of trials in life could brake it, for love is not a feeling it is a CHOICE. So choose wisely, and go in the peace love and strength of the lord Jesus Christ cuz he loves you all like this:).

God Bless,


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
hahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahhaha! I read that whole thing and the only thoughts giong through my head were "oh god no hahahaha" and "Does he really believe some of what he's saying?!?!" I have to give it to him though if he had a back bone AT ALL he would change a few things big time. But at the same time in an extreamly AFC way he has a few things right. Like buliding up anticipation before you kiss her thing. Or like how you shouldn't use kino on her all the time (Keep your hands to yourself every now and again perv!). Yeah if you took this AFC and showed him some DJ he'd catch on pretty quick I think.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
I looked though it, eyes burning and all. Nothing worse then a non-breaking blob of text unparagraphed, and the idiot who quoted the entire goddamn thing to say 'LOL', good job douchebag.

As for the OP, it carries a few cool points, and with the proper touch, even the AFC things you state could be gold to the right girl. Obvisously this knowledge came from a working mother/father relationship, so it can't be fully wrong.

HOWEVER, if misused in the AFC style, expect your dating ruin. Use everything properly and don't become so focused on not being AFC, that you distance yourself too much from the feelings that are requied to be shown to hold everything together.

Start reading justjosh47 and EVERYONE, there gold in them hills, no matter where you look. It's your job to mine it out to perfection.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
Well, that was interesting :confused:

More than anything else, I'm guessing this 'dude' is under the (misguided) impression that his pandering and asskissing towards women will net him some action.

Too bad he's doing the opposite.



Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
It's funny now, I mean it wasn't funny back in the day, but I just can't comprehend anymore how guys can be that ****ed up in the head... And I say thing knowing in the back of my head I wasn't to far behind him 5 years ago


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Oh man, this guy sounds like a chick. I mean really he thinks he's being chivalrous when its just one more thing to tack on to the manipulative women-like things these guys do.

I was talking to a good friend of mine just the other day and he said that he lays down and takes whatever his gf says because it's just easier to say "yes dear". How can a man or men for that matter do this to themselves?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
it made me want to puke too. the only thing i can say: good luck to this guy in life. my prediction he will marry a fat slob

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
You know what the irritatingly ironic thing is... he thinks he's superior to other guys.

He thinks he can give advice to people.

He thinks he knows better.

What arrogance...


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Frank Sinatra said:
I realize today a lot more women are taking care of themselves than in the past. But no woman is offended by politeness."
Women aren't offended by politeness, but they do take advantage of it.

Anything done regularly enough becomes "normal", which means that eventually it will lose its significance to her. In order to keep her from getting bored or feeling unappreciated, you have to escalate things – not only continuing what’s normal (for reasons I’ll discuss below), but adding something new, with may need to be even more stimulating (read: expensive and/or supplicating) than the first thing was.

Additionally, failure to do the thing becomes "abnormal", which means the woman will notice it and attach all sorts of irrational emotional subtext to it. "You didn't hold the door open for me. Do you not love me anymore?" "Why are you always trying to sex me? Is that the only reason you like me?" "Why aren't you always trying to sex me? Are you cheating on me?"

Women don't think that everything a man says and does is wrong, but they do think that everything he says and does is significant, and indicative of something he's not admitting to her.

Don’t let anything become routine. While you’re told to do this because women like exciting men, you should also do it to keep her from getting accustomed to anything – “Give me what I want or no sex!” – as well as to keep you from having to constantly one-up your last performance. Remember, even exciting can become routine, and when that happens, you’re screwed, because nothing you do will get that woman’s juices flowing again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Can a nigga get a spellcheck? (and an enter button)

I somehow got through this entire thing a few days back, and regret having wasted 5 delirious minutes doing so. I should have stopped reading at the point that jj47 said he called him a druggie for smoking cigars (cigars = win)