Cheating on your WIFE!


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Yep, I said WIFE!

If you desire to cheat on your wife, end it and then go do it. To sit here and advise a guy who is cheating on his WIFE and how to get away with it or keep it under wraps is fvckin wrong.

So many guys on here will do absolutely anything to slip their pecker into a new and different greeeezy little hole it's astounding. What's more astounding is that they don't give a fvck who they hurt, even themselves. All for a one hour bone dance.

You guys can go ahead and flame me as I have you.

Got any principles, morals or even ethics?

This just hit's too close to home. I have seen too much pain and heartache because somebody can't resist the power and magnetism of a vagina. You hurt yourself, your spouse and even your kids. Is it really worth it?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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The dance floor
I understand what you're saying, I feel in a similar way about the topic but people are different. Everyone has self destructive habits, and for people who are falling into temptation then this type of rant isn't actually going to help anyone.

It's a bit like shouting at an obese person that they're a disgrace and they need to look in the mirror and realise how pathetically weak they are etc etc. You'd just be pushing them towards a metaphoircal mound of cheeseburgers.

Saying that I don't think giving advice on how to cheat on your wife is very DJish at all.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Gro0ver said:
I understand what you're saying, I feel in a similar way about the topic but people are different. Everyone has self destructive habits, and for people who are falling into temptation then this type of rant isn't actually going to help anyone.

It's a bit like shouting at an obese person that they're a disgrace and they need to look in the mirror and realise how pathetically weak they are etc etc. You'd just be pushing them towards a metaphoircal mound of cheeseburgers.

Saying that I don't think giving advice on how to cheat on your wife is very DJish at all.
OK. See what you are saying and respect it. As far as this rant not helping anyone is concerned, think about it. Does anything good come out of cheating on your wife? What if you get busted? What if you yourself feel regret? Self esteem issues?

I'm just saying, if you need to cheat, you should not be married in the first place as you are fooling not only yourself, but your wife.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
I agree with 5string, but the reality is temptation is real. we all fight temptation, and none of us above it.

though we have a forum like this one to help one another grow, the truth is forums like these could stunt that growth. the true message consistently gets buried behind "how to get laid" and "fvcking as many women as possible".

Ideally, once we one has obtained the level of success we'ved hoped for, we can now find a true sense of happiness as it relates to "relationships". However, we read threads, and get advice from others and once weve seen a glimpse of success, we dont know how to turn off the faucet. confidence no longer comes from self, but is defined from women. and some of us have moved from being a slave to our self concious, to becoming a slave to the vagina.

We finally get women, and then we want MORE. the young male who before couldnt get laid to save his life, now associates accomplishment with the number of women he sleeps with. and in truth, has not grown at all as it relates to becoming a true alpha male with self worth and respect.

We need to use these forums to educate, not only others but ourselves from others misfortunes and success.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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5string said:
I'm just saying, if you need to cheat, you should not be married in the first place as you are fooling not only yourself, but your wife.
It's really not as cut and dry as you make it out to be. Your marriage may be fine, but what about the marriages that have gone to 5hit? It's not easy to just dump out of a marriage that you've put effort into and even raised children in. You've signed a legal contract and perhaps even gone into a mortgage together, bought furniture together, created joint bank accounts, and the list continues. That's a lot of 5hit to undo.

There are men out there who will cheat on their wives in the moment that a dripping pu55y waves in front of their nose. There are also those who are frustrated with their wives' drinking problems, drug addictions, gambling addictions, depression, selfishness, and whatever other major defects she has. There's always the possibility that she could fix those problems in her life. Would you want to be faithful to a woman like that? Would you love her so much that you'd be willing to put off sex until she fixes her problems? If ever?

Marriage creates many complications and one must decide how to handle those complications. An affair could be a band-aid for a temporary problem, or it could be the ending of the marriage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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A couple of scenarios to consider:

1) You're on a business trip somewhere and you're staying at a hotel. You decide to go grab a few drinks at the hotel bar. There you start chatting up a decently attractive woman who's staying at the same hotel. You've got nothing better to do so you flirt with her for a bit. Pretty soon you're really hitting it off. She's all yours if you want to tap that ass.

2) You've been married for a long time now. You've got a couple kids who are off at college. Your wife is still attractive but age has taken its toll on her looks as it does on everyone's. She's away visiting her parents and you have the house all to yourself. You have a decent disposable income to play with. With a phone call and a few hundred bucks, you could have a smokin' hot 21 year old come over and fvck you like you're a frat boy on Friday night.


In both scenarios, the only way your wife can find out is if you tell her (I guess in scenario 2 the neighbors could spy on you but let's assume you were extremely careful).



Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Reverse both of those scenarios and tell me how you'd react to your wife screwing another dude behind your back.

Unlike the storybook concept of "honor", most people's morals and ethics are only as strong as the situation dictates. Rarely is anything ever black and white. There are cases where the cheater is just acting utterly selfish and impulsively, and there are some scenarios where cheating seems pretty damn justifiable.

It's easy to sit on a high horse and say "well if you wanted to cheat your shouldn't have gotten married", but I'm sure cheating wasnt on their mind when they took their vows. Temptation, testosterone, and opportunity can get the better of anyone.

I'm certainly not defending cheating, but I'm not a moralizer either, because I know I'm subject to the same temptations as any other man given the right circumstances.

We'd like to think that our ethical code is so strong we would never cheat on our wife, but man that is dangerous and delusional thinking. Fidelity is a daily, sometimes momentary decision. I think a good rule of thumb is don't do something you wouldn't want your wife doing to you. That's kinda what marriage is about.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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1) Marriage is a very fragile thing. It doesn't take much to mess up your marriage or someone else's.
2) Infidelity occurs in marriages a lot more than most would think.
3) I used to think that the married person who cheats is solely responsible for the infidelity. But as I'm a little older and wiser, I realize the marrried person who doesn't cheat also had a role in the infidelity. It takes two people to make a marriage work or to destroy it. There are exceptions to the rule, but in most cases, I think this is true.
4) People in affairs tend to be in fogs. They're not seeing things clearly, nor thinking clearly. This can last for months to years.
5) While infidelity is one of the most self-destructive things you can do to yourself, many people will do it at least once in their lifetime.
6) The grass is always greener on the other side. But when you get to the other side and once you're out of the fog, you realize the other side is just as crappy as the side you came from.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The Bible's most noted adultery was David and Bathsheba. David was God's chosen king, slayer of Goliath, and direct bloodline to Christ. He is the good guy. And yet he still commits adultery, and even worse sends his men into a battle just trying to cover up his scandal, and several of them die. The message is clear that what he does is a bad thing, but yet at the same time that does not make him a bad person. Good people do bad things, but that does not necessarily make them bad people.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Hey 5String, I'm in TOTAL agreement with you on this. I understand that there can be some grey areas in regards to maintaining marital fidelity, but when guys GLADLY go for new pussssy just because they can, then I'd have to question their purposes for getting (and STAYING) married in the first place.

Again, I agree wholeheartedly with you 5String. BUT...just for the sake of amusing myself, let me do some "play-acting" and give you a few "fictitious" responses to the points that you made in your original post.

In the following commentary below, Victory Unlimited temporarily plays the role of the average, composite, So Suave poster number 368 (also known as Mr. Super-Alpha Key Board Jockey Dude!"

Cheating on your WIFE!
Yep, I said WIFE!

If you desire to cheat on your wife, end it and then go do it. To sit here and advise a guy who is cheating on his WIFE and how to get away with it or keep it under wraps is fvckin wrong.
"No, 5string, you're incorrect because "right" and "wrong" are value judgments. Altruism can be easily explained away by reading the book "The Selfish Gene" 25 times in one night. Try it. I did. It'll show you that guys who believe like you do only do so because they're too ego-invested in their own self-righteousness!" says Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude!

So many guys on here will do absolutely anything to slip their pecker into a new and different greeeezy little hole it's astounding. What's more astounding is that they don't give a fvck who they hurt, even themselves. All for a one hour bone dance.

"Hey! You better stop talkin' 'bout us chasing Almighty Pusssssy like that! And another thing: Just because I came OUT of a pussssy and I've spent every waking moment of my whole life tryin' to find ways to climb back into one NO MATTER WHAT THE COST---------that doesn't make me a slave. No, in fact, I think that's what makes ME an "Alpha" and everybody else who thinks differently than me a lowly "beta"!"
says Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude!

You guys can go ahead and flame me as I have you.
"Yeah! You're damn right we're gonna flame you! Why? Because NOW that I've finally found a way to fall a$$ backwards (probably mostly by mistake...) into some cootchie twice in one year---------there's NO turning back now. I'm convinced that NOTHING else in life is more important to me as a MATURE man than trying to find out where my next piece of pusssssyy is gonna come from!" says Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude!

Got any principles, morals or even ethics?

"No I don't. And neither should you! I told you before:REAL MEN don't let "feminized concepts" like principles, morals, and ethics stand between them and random pieces of pussssy! You obviously married one woman because you don't have what it takes to date and chase 37 heartless, hoe-type chicks nonstop for the rest of your life like I can!"
says Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude!

This just hit's too close to home. I have seen too much pain and heartache because somebody can't resist the power and magnetism of a vagina. You hurt yourself, your spouse and even your kids. Is it really worth it?
"Hell yeah, it's worth it, man! Why would I let something like RATIONAL thought and my OVERALL best interest get in the way of me and my pursuit of pleasure. After all: Everybody knows that men are better people than women, anyway. Why? Because women are slaves to their emotions, while we men are only slaves to our Dikks-------so that obviously means that we're much more evolved!" says Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude!

This concludes Victory Unlimited's attempt to channel the fictitious responses of Mr.Super-ALPHA Key Board Jockey Dude.

Carry on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Some of the gents on this thread protest too much.

Hmm....are the wifeys checking up on your internet activity, fellas?

The outrage expressed here seems a little over the top. We get it...cheating is bad. You can step off the soap box now.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
its strange how men have become women.

faithfulness is for women

men are supposed to cheat...the minute you as a man LOSE THE DESIRE TO FVCK A HOT PIECE OF AZZ AND ENDEAVOR TO DO SO you are no longer a man.

women know this...they can only respect a man who can get another girl at a moments notice. this is why so many 'husbands' fail in the eyes of their wives and get cheated on.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Social_Leper said:
Women want to be with a man who could cheat (options demonstrate value), not one who will cheat.
just verbal semantics

so be the guy who COULD cheat just don't be mad when your wife DOES cheat

marriage these days for everyone is equivalent to going steady 40 years ago...nothing more nothing less...there is no religious nor moral underpinnings anymore save for what benefits the individual...only a fool of a man doesn't realize this and builds a dream castle around what is a shaky contract at best.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Mr Burroughs nailed it.

I'm 100% behind the push to be the better man that this site promotes but I'm very much disagreeing with the word "cheat". Haven't men of power and worth always had crumpet on the side since beta's created the institution of marriage? Believe it or not men can differentiate sex and emotions.

Why can't I truly love my T-bone steak but have a greasy burger now and then?

Got any principles, morals or even ethics?
Absolutely, but mine differ from yours.

Btw on a side note where are all the older women parroting to the younger women "Dont cheat"?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Believe it or not men can differentiate sex and emotions.
This is a really interesting statement when it comes to cheating. When I was screwing around on my ex, I was able to keep emotions out of my affair. However, my mistress was not able to do so. She flat out told me that she was falling in love with me. In the emails I found between my ex and the guy she cheated with, they were planning a life and family together.

Sex really does make an emotional connection with women. If the woman cheats, the marriage is basically finished. If the man cheats, the marriage could easily continue successfully for years.

where are all the older women parroting to the younger women "Dont cheat"?
There are none. Instead they're saying "You go girl! You do what makes you happy!" Yet another thing I saw in my ex's emails.


Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
Burroughs said:
its strange how men have become women.

faithfulness is for women

men are supposed to cheat...the minute you as a man LOSE THE DESIRE TO FVCK A HOT PIECE OF AZZ AND ENDEAVOR TO DO SO you are no longer a man.

women know this...they can only respect a man who can get another girl at a moments notice. this is why so many 'husbands' fail in the eyes of their wives and get cheated on.

The statement quoted above has got to be one of the biggest loads of horse $hit I've seen shoveled on this forum yet.

:crackup: Oh man...


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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