Master Don Juan
Are you born with it or do you develop it over time.Some people say I have it and I believe I owe it to this site and some books I have read on the subject.What do you guys think about charisma.
Originally posted by RKTek
My dictionary defines "charisma" thus:
1) a divinely conferred gift or power
2) the special quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people
3) the special virtue of an office, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration.
Some world leaders seem to have it in spades, and it can obviously be used for evil since many consider Adolf Hitler to have been exceedingly charismatic.
The key word seems to be 'power' over other people. To me, that comes from confidence, self confidence, which many find to be seductive. It's one of the keys to getting women that we discuss here. As such, yes, I think that although some people are born with it, it's possible to develop charisma.