Chaotic Gamer: and the case of the Internet artillery


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I can understand young teenage girls being attractive in an innocent kind of way, but usually guys who go that young go for only one reason, they can't get a girl their own age.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2007
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Bvbidd said:
I can understand young teenage girls being attractive in an innocent kind of way, but usually guys who go that young go for only one reason, they can't get a girl their own age.
I think the fact that a 25 year old is coming to this forum asking for help on what to say to a 16 year old to get her to like him proves that theory


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
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Bvbidd said:
I can understand young teenage girls being attractive in an innocent kind of way, but usually guys who go that young go for only one reason, they can't get a girl their own age.
Not entirely true... and it is a little harsh to say but a girl's beauty expires really quickly.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
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ligyron said:
I think the fact that a 25 year old is coming to this forum asking for help on what to say to a 16 year old to get her to like him proves that theory
Completely exaggerated man. you should read my original post for this thread.
I am astonished in disappointment that you do not get the point.

I just want to know some routines to Bust the balls of a Girl who has a Disgusting Enormous Ego(beceuse she thinks of herself as hot sh1t). and I want to do it Online.

Is that too much to ask?

And I have dated girls older than me, and my conclusion is that they're booooring. They usually have other priorities in life, and take everything more seriously. and are deeply concerned(most of the times) about having kids. To me that's the biggest turn-off.


Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
ChaoticGamer said:
Not entirely true... and it is a little harsh to say but a girl's beauty expires really quickly.

Wow! So women become hags at 18 huh? I guess Paris Hilton should be taken out and shot. While we're at it, lets just bann all women from s#x after 12. Afterall, it's all downhill after that according to you. Isn't it funny that BIOLOGICALLY (I know that's a realllly long word) men are EXTINCT at age 19. Unfortunately, we women like you anyway. What in the hell is wrong with u? Expecially when the Kinsey report (look it up on the internet) confirmed that women are physiologically fit "there" long after age 80 as long as they continue to have s#x regularly. But, don't let me interupt y'alls fantasies. :flowers:


Oct 10, 2007
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Oh, by the way, women between ages 13 and 30 get pregnant almost instantaneously. I hope you have enough brains to use protection since you don't seem to know that you don't need to bust a girl's balls - just let her enjoy you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Moonlight said:
Oh, by the way, women between ages 13 and 30 get pregnant almost instantaneously. I hope you have enough brains to use protection since you don't seem to know that you don't need to bust a girl's balls - just let her enjoy you.
I guess you would know - since it happened to you 4X already!
I've experienced feelings and needs that, as I look back, were mystifying to me now. Why, why, why was I so driven to have children and willing to do ANYTHING to get pregnant?
Anyhow, this thread got closed, so I wanted to just post my psycho-analysis here:

ItsNotMeCheckMyIP said:
So...feel free to compare IPs...mine will not match to the ones in question.
That's pretty easy to change. Simply use a different computer - a friend's, workplace, library, etc. Or a proxy.

What you CAN'T change is your persona.

Let me show the court some hints:
1) "Moonlight" is a similar handle to "Wyldfire." Both "elemental."
2) Writing idiosyncracies like CAPITALIZING words for emphasis, misspelling "bad" words like slvt, cvnt, s#x and using a lot of "have a nice day" emoticons after beeeyitching to fake like you're an ally (frienemy). :flowers: (She's not alone in most of these, but it still all shows strong consistency with her style.)
3) Constantly deny who you really are and your underLYING you continue to "slyly" propagate it. "I'm not here to hurt men, I'm here to help you <insert pro-female agenda>!" "I'm not a feminist...<insert feminist garble, obsession with gender debate, constantly accusing this forum of female discrimination, etc>!" "I'm not Wyldfire...YES, YOU ARE." You keep bashing this "misogynistic, hopeless, disgusting" forum with persecution-complex ultimatums about how you're DONE WITH IT "FOR GOOD"...yet KEEP COMING BACK! :crackup:
4) Constantly bash hot young women, champion cougars and flirt with young men. Yes, any female under 42 is just a "girl," while you are a "real woman." Always brag about what a "hot" and "smart" "hard catch" you are with such high standards (LMAO) - and try to get validated by younger men (your real modus operandi here).
Now...back to getting my feet tickled by my MUCH younger boyfriend.
5) Post-horing (even with multiple IDs Dapper/Brazen Woman/etc) with excruciatingly long posts to derail every thread into a complete waste of our time having to debunk all your spin-doctored BS. Which is why you were banned - you are simply an attention-starved black hole that drains all the energy in this entire forum.

I mean, think about it, you just re-registered as ItsNotMeCheckMyIP and openly admitted it was you, Wyldfire. Funny how just out of the blue you knew about this thread and outed yourself right on cue. Didn't waste a minute. There's no way you could have done that unless you were posting in and following this thread yourself. In fact, Moonlight's last post was at 6:23 PM and she (you) hasn't posted since. Then, "YOUR" first post under this ID was just several hours later at 10:48 PM last night. It's like one picked up right where the other left off!

Of course, you claim:
I am Wyldfire. Don't worry...I'm not staying. Someone informed me of this little debate, so I am here only to straighten it out.
Riigghhtttttt... :rolleyes: YOU ARE WYLDFIRE, NOW GTFOH! :wave:
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
You're obsessed...and quite wrong. It's rather sad and pathetic, actually.

That Moonlight person is so obviously a troll that is attempting to imitate me just to wind up people like you. If my goal were to post here under a new persona and hide it was me I would not imitate myself...I would post as a dude. However, I have no interest in that.

You seriously need to get over your obsession with me. I haven't posted here in ages and a quick browse of the forums shows that most of your posts are devoted to talking about me. Get a grip and a life, sound like you've gone off the deep end.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Jesus Christ on a hotdog stick, Wayward!

CUT IT OUT ALREADY! Who cares!? Moonlight is doing what she came to do and that's push your buttons. It's working.



Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score

Why did MoonLight attack me like that? I don't get it.....

I'm amazed this thread is still alive....

DJs, thanks for the support !


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
I can understand young teenage girls being attractive in an innocent kind of way, but usually guys who go that young go for only one reason, they can't get a girl their own age.
Or more likely don't WANT one their own age. :rolleyes: Been a middle adged woman long?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
All guys want young and hot.

I don't know how many times I have to say this before it sinks in!


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
bigjohnson said:
Or more likely don't WANT one their own age. :rolleyes: Been a middle adged woman long?

Right on ! I couldn't have said that in a better way myself...

Going back to the actual purpose of this thread...

I must report that just minutes ago, I chatted with the girl from MySpace and I had my first Clear Positive reaction..

She put a nice pic of herself and I used some of Mystery's negs online.
I told her.... "Nice pic", "Gorgeous hair"... and then she said: "Thanks, I do everything I can".. Then I go ahead and told her: "Those gotta be extensions, right?"
And she said: "Nooooooooo, they're not, It has taken me six years to have it like this"..
Me: "Well, I didn't see that coming, I'm usually right, like 101% of the time, with a 1% error margin... But you can blame hollywood and all the fake girls out there"
Girl: LMAO

Then she basically chatted, but with a big difference....With interest.

If someone has any other advice to share... you're very welcome...

Good Luck!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
ItsNotMeCheckMyIP said:
I haven't posted here in ages
You haven't posted here in 4 1/2 months. I've had STRs last longer than that.

Web definition for age: long time: a prolonged period of time; "we've known each other for ages"; "I haven't been there for years and years"

Wyld, you're addicted to the drama that this forum created for you, and I lost the bet on how long it would be before you came back. You have no self-control and cannot break free from the addiction you have to this message forum. Here's a site that may help you with your problem:
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
You haven't posted here in 4 1/2 months. I've had STRs last longer than that.

Web definition for age: long time: a prolonged period of time; "we've known each other for ages"; "I haven't been there for years and years"

Wyld, you're addicted to the drama that this forum created for you, and I lost the bet on how long it would be before you came back. You have no self-control and cannot break free from the addiction you have to this message forum. Here's a site that may help you with your problem:'ve actually kept track of how long it has been since I was here? Damn, Des, that's rather sad. I certainly haven't kept track. Ages actually means lifetimes, eons, etc., and trying to pick apart a common phrase people use as if it is significant is rather silly.

If I were addicted to the drama as you insist then I would have come right back and kept on posting. However, I didn't do that. I came back because someone I keep in touch with sent me an email and told me that I was being accused of being someone that was not me. I came here to clear it up. Now, if anyone is addicted to the drama it would be those individuals on this site who are waiting and watching for me to show up. How empty your lives must be if you invest any of your time and energy into making bets about, waiting and watching for or discussing me. I'm living my life and having a great time and I haven't missed this place at all. You and several others are the ones who could really use that link.

Okay, I said my piece and made it clear that I am not the IDs wayword is accusing me of being. Unlike some of you, I am not going to hijack this thread and make it about me. That's also a poor example for a moderator to set, but after the way I witnessed you behave a few months back I'm really not surprised. You're following in Gio's footsteps...


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
ChaoticGamer said:
Not entirely true... and it is a little harsh to say but a girl's beauty expires really quickly.

Hopefully your jail sentance will to
:HI im chris hansen with dateline NBC:trouble:
you: Dammit i shoulda listned to the guys at sosuave!!!