Changing my life...


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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A Little Background
Im 16, and a junior in high school. I have just started reading all the stuff on here and I see that I am way out of shape. Ive been doing it all wrong all these years.
Ive always been that shy nice guy who might have a girlfriend but would never get laid.

Im going to switch schools this year, and Im gonna take this opportunity to totally change myself over the summer so I will be a much better person at my new school.

Im looking for ways to fix these things I dont like about myself, so maybe you guys could help me out.

1. No sense of humor
I can laugh at other kids jokes, but I dont have the wit or sense of humor to actually make other people laugh.

2. Bad voice
My voice is a deep voice and I frequently have problems with mumbling, muffling, voice tone, and voice projection.

3. Popularity
Ive always been a kinda quiet guy, and not real outstanding or noticeable. I want to become popular, a kid the whole school knows about.

4. Friends
I have my small group of friends, but I'd like to make alot more. See above

5. No More Mr. Nice Guy
Ive gotta become more of an *******, Im way too much of an nice guy right now. I dont want to switch all the way to the bad side either.

6. Overall Experience/Confidence
No matter how much I learn, Ive got to be able to try it out and build my experience/confidence. Hopefully I can do this over the summer even before I go back to school.
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Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, you have basically described me and i'm turning 19 this year. I'm glad you decided to change when you're young and still in high school. It's a shame I didn't do it years ago, but i've only started to change.

Take a look at my thread I posted The advice the people made there were great and very supportive. I think that's what could have inspired me to keep at it and avoiding to feeling low.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Missing and presumed dead sexy.
Originally posted by lavida88
A Little Background
Im 16, and a junior in high school. I have just started reading all the stuff on here and I see that I am way out of shape. Ive been doing it all wrong all these years.
Ive always been that shy nice guy who might have a girlfriend but would never get laid.

Im going to switch schools this year, and Im gonna take this opportunity to totally change myself over the summer so I will be a much better person at my new school.

Im looking for ways to fix these things I dont like about myself, so maybe you guys could help me out.

1. No sense of humor
I can laugh at other kids jokes, but I dont have the wit or sense of humor to actually make other people laugh.

2. Bad voice
My voice is a deep voice and I frequently have problems with mumbling, muffling, voice tone, and voice projection.

3. Popularity
Ive always been a kinda quiet guy, and not real outstanding or noticeable. I want to become popular, a kid the whole school knows about.

4. Friends
I have my small group of friends, but I'd like to make alot more. See above

5. No More Mr. Nice Guy
Ive gotta become more of an *******, Im way too much of an nice guy right now. I dont want to switch all the way to the bad side either.

6. Overall Experience/Confidence
No matter how much I learn, Ive got to be able to try it out and build my experience/confidence. Hopefully I can do this over the summer even before I go back to school.
Cool, that's what I'm gonna do when I move this summer to a new school! Except that I am already pretty funny, am in pretty good shape (though I will improve), and I'm not that much of a ***** ass nice guy.

Humor: Watch alot of stand-up comedy on Comedy Central or something of the sort, it gives you alot of good jokes.

Voice: It may not help, or you may not want to do it, but you could take singing lessons.

Popularity: You may not have the same interests as me, but you could learn a band-type musical instrument (guitar, drums, singing) and try and find a band when you get to your new school. Chicks will be all over you when they find out you're in a band.

Friends: Just talk to alot of people; make a good impression when you first arrive at your new school.

No more Mr. Niceguy: This actually somewhat worked for me, but you could try being an ******* for a day. Just talk to people like you don't give a ****, and gain a bit of selfishness and arrogance. While it's not good not to have alot of arrogance, a little bit can help you.

Overall, just don't be scared anymore, face your fears, and build confidence. Good luck.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
One thing i found out is you can still be a nice guy and not be a *****. Just be ****y as hell and dont let people talk **** to you or walk on you. One big thing to getting more popular/ getting more friends is play a sport or join a club or something. Football was sweet for me, met a ton of people. Right now im playing lacrosse so im meeting all the older popular kids. Also be yourself, dont change you because you want to be mr popular or whatever.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by jrme1212
One thing i found out is you can still be a nice guy and not be a *****. Just be ****y as hell and dont let people talk **** to you or walk on you.
I am just that, Im ****y and I dont let noone walk over me, Ive gotten into two fights this year cause kids were trying to give me ****.

But whenever I am with a girl, it seems like I turn from a bad-ass to jello and I am extremely, disgustingly nice to her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
MyNameIsTaken has the idea.

Some more tips:

Humor: watch The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, Dazed and Confused, Old School, Anchorman, and every Family Guy episode there is and pick up on some of the lines, phrases, and styles in those

Bad voice: practice talking to yourself in mirror, tape recording yourself, etc.

Popularity: talk to everyone. Make friends with everyone that seems like a cool person (not just popularity cool, but cool in general) to you; try and get in on the party scene

Friends: basically same thing; talk to kids about stuff teens like to talk about. parties, sex, movies, music, disliking school, etc.

The other ones I can agree on everything Name has said.

Also, try finding a sport you can play, or some other interest that will draw people to you. Make sure it's something people find cool though, like being in a band, not some weird hobby.

Michael Chief

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
You know what would be absolutely PERFECT?

A summer camp. A well-respected and educational one that gives you a college dorm life experience.

You interact with peers 24/7 which gives you the opportunity to be yourself and show your true attractiveness. It can REALLY change you for the better if you do things right. And it really adds to your maturity as a person.

I went to EPGY last summer and it was the best 3 weeks of my life (summer romances can be really fun ;) )
I got accepted for next summer, too, but I'm also applying to Summer@Brown, which is unfortunately at the same time as EPGY :( I'll evetually have to choose between them.

Summer@Brown : uhh...i forgot the URL...go to and browse.

There are MANY more summer camps like this, and it's an experience you CANNOT miss out on. Ask you high school counselor!


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
I might check out the summer school thing, that'd be a great way to try out all the DJ principles

Anyone else got any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Dude, don't become a jerk. Having a deep voice can be an asset, deep voices when used with firmness and clarity can have power over a conversation. as for humor, watch stand up comics, and just be attentive to what is happening around you. Develop your own sense of humor, don't copy others. If you want to get into shape, start going to a gym preferably, you can take girls alng with you, and it doesn't take a whole lot tot make a girl think you are really strong, regardless if you are or aren't.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by penkitten
wit will get you almost anywhere:)
Yeah, it got me a hot babe.


Forbidden Love

Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Do something you do very well. And if you're in the top few people who can do it well, be arrogant for a bit.

I'm one of the concert masters for my orchestra [violin] and trust me, even orchestra, which my school doesn't respect as much, I get arrogant sometimes. I believe my school is one of the best high school orchestra programs, and thusly, we're called the preppy snooby orchestra group. We can outplay anyone in the state and we know it :O

Ummm humor? I use sarcastic humor to make fun of others a bit. HOwever... don't concentrate just on one person! That makes you look like a jackass...

more later... school now :O


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
To gain popularity: Join a team and excell. Rumours of your greatness shall spread. Be good at anything (i.e. personality, etc.) and word will spread.

Its High School, what less could you expect?