Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions


Feb 10, 2005
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I don't put much stock in guys like Cliente and others, but anyone can see what's happening if they just wanted to. Simply, foreign nations are dismantling the U.S. and our own government is helping them do it. What government would willingly give up it's own production and tax base to foreigners to be bought up and indebted but a treasonist goverment? You can only come to two real conclusion, the US government officials are are so greedy and jealous and envious of their own citizens they're intentionally trying to harm the U.S. citizen's standard of living, and/or they're are trying to dissolve the U.S. into a One World Order. Either way the latter presuppose the former in my book.

It really does look like the international corporations, bankers and other major financial people pull the strings in the government. And the news media too for that matter, so they are pulling the strings of most of the public too. You can tell by just listening to the average person talk, "New world order? Trade deficits? What me worry? Those things are great! tee hee". That's why I blame the average person for the economy as much as anything.

One thing a lot of people fail to mention is, much of the world is running off of the U.S. consumer. That's drying up now. Eventually the foreigners are going to suck the U.S for all it's worth and then what? Also the real estate bubble isn't really a new thing, maybe just in the details and the size. I heard somewhere that real estate bubbles were intentionally created about 6 times since the Civil War and they collapsed everytime.

I don't believe the sky is falling, just that American's are getting poorer and will continue to do so, and more opportunity are disappearing. If things don't reverse course, and I don't think they will, I'd give it at least 10-15 years before it gets really bad.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Posting in this thread is just giving FOX News and the likes more ideas. I wouldn't be surprised to see Glenn Beck and Stephen Colbert themselves right here (or other wanna-be journalists), garnering up ideas for tomorrows taping. I have serious doubts about the transparency of the internet these days as everyone seems to be able to perpetuate the problem, yet has no solution on any level. Combine that thought with Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence and you will be able to see the disturbing capability of the machine to process your entire life in it's microchips.

They (who?) are looking for a way to handle the world's impending crisis, and having a record on the minds of the populace (dare I say the American people) causes problems for you because they will try to use this information to control your mentality. The goal is to decide your actions and therefore the impending crisis. Change is coming. But who's change?