Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
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Who is Gerald Celente? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Celente

Gerald Celente is a United States trend forecaster and author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute founded in 1980. He is noted for predicting the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union.[1] Celente is a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer whose practice reflects his proactive philosophy.[2] He is a self-described "political atheist" ("I look at things for the way they are, not the way I want them to be") and "citizen of the world".[2] Celente has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show[3] amongst other business news and morning shows.
To my understanding, this is not a psychic prediction, but an analytic one.

The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions - all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.

Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.

Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

“We’re going to see the end of the retail Christmas….we’re going to see a fundamental shift take place….putting food on the table is going to be more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree,” said Celente, adding that the situation would be “worse than the great depression”.

“America’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,” said Celente, noting that people’s refusal to acknowledge that America was even in a recession highlights how big a problem denial is in being ready for the true scale of the crisis.


Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

Celente, who successfully predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, the subprime mortgage collapse and the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar, told UPI in November last year that the following year would be known as “The Panic of 2008,” adding that “giants (would) tumble to their deaths,” which is exactly what we have witnessed with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others. He also said that the dollar would eventually be devalued by as much as 90 per cent.

The consequence of what we have seen unfold this year would lead to a lowering in living standards, Celente predicted a year ago, which is also being borne out by plummeting retail sales figures.

The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,” and that, “The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.”

In a separate recent interview, Celente went further on the subject of revolution in America.

“There will be a revolution in this country,” he said. “It’s not going to come yet, but it’s going to come down the line and we’re going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen.”

“The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. That’s going to be the big one because people can’t afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax. You’re going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop.”

“It’s going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and we’re going to see many more.”

“We’re going to start seeing huge areas of vacant real estate and squatters living in them as well. It’s going to be a picture the likes of which Americans are not going to be used to. It’s going to come as a shock and with it, there’s going to be a lot of crime. And the crime is going to be a lot worse than it was before because in the last 1929 Depression, people’s minds weren’t wrecked on all these modern drugs – over-the-counter drugs, or crystal meth or whatever it might be. So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybody’s comprehension.”

Now, you guys are pretty much kept away from what really going on out there. :D For example, this site, is infested with enemy, who likes to cry either antisemitism or political thread every time a patriot posts truth. :D It is unclear if they are taking advantage of your mods, or the mods are the enemy too. :crackup: In any case, in real world, there are 3 wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Pakistan is a nuke nation. Our enemy wants war with Pakistan to use it as an excuse for nuclear / flue pandemic false flag attack at home. Too many patriots that know the truth you see, they want cleansing. Time frame for this is about a year, they want markets go up, suckers invest, then crash it. Who's behind it? Rothschilds, etc, etc.. :D No point in me telling you this, you can find out the truth if you are willing to go down rabbit hole, take a red pill, you know, edge of the matrix is out there. Take the red pill, be prepared to be labeled a nut. :D A gun for every nut brothers. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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This should be added to this thread, even though I didnt consider it a conspiracy theory thread until the very bottom. And no, the mods arent 'the enemy' trying to silence anyone. They merely realize that political or religious debates are futile, at best, and do nothing but make everyones blood boil. And, I do believe a lot of conspiracy theories. It's just pointless, worrying about them.

What the hell are we supposed to do about it anyway? We cant change the fact that we're headed for hell in a handbasket, and everyones heard of 2012. Either its coming, or its not. Theres no use fvcking up the last few years we have, by worrying about it. Whether it be an Asteroid, Planet x/nibiru, aliens, religious rapture, worldwide financial ruin, eco-disaster, nuclear war, famine and pestilence, illuminati, or an 'awakening' and entrance into the age of aquarious.

We have three choices:

1 Ignore it, or accept it, and 'finish the game'

2 Go militia style, collect weapons and move to Montana

3 find the Lord, so 'His second coming wont be as a 'theif in the night.'

If you believe in a higher power, anything that happens will be for the best, and if you dont believe in a higher power, we're screwed, and it doesnt matter anyway, so why worry.

Personnally, I believe in God, and whatever happens, its Gods will, and God will handle it the way it should be handled, and even though it might totally suck, it's for the best.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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This is simple economics + history folks.

When things get bad enough, revolutions happen. The depression will only get worse because it is a cycle. Here's how it works:

1. Companies fire employees.
2. Former employees have no money. Spend none.
3. Companies make less money. Companies fire more employees to keep bottom line.
4. Repeat until equilibrium or something else happens.

This whole political discussion banning is ridiculous. It's going to be brought up again and again anyways. Why not just merge all this into one huge "Politics and the Supernatural Megathread" or something.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
The neutrality of this article is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (March 2009)


* The article is entirely positive, with zero criticisms. Given that predicting the future is almost guaranteed to be wrong a considerable portion of the time, some criticism of past predictions has to be included. Looking at the CNN transcript cited, it looks like he was saying several of the same things in 2000 (impending major recession, but a new age of miracle cures etc.) as he did in late 2008, minus some of the doomsday stuff.
* Much of the positive basis of the article rests on Celente's predictions of the 1987 stock crash, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the 1997 Asian financial crisis. However, there are no citations for any predictions prior to the events, only recent news stories (and one from 2000) that assert that he was correct in predicting them. This is probably the most important point.
* A number of the recent predictions appear to me to be a mixture of no-brainers (people growing gardens more and indulging in escapism) and somewhat outlandish scenarios (tax rebellions, food riots, major cities becoming slums). He took a mocking from Stephen Colbert about it, surely someone serious has criticized him as well.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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My predictions for 2012:

  • The weather will be normal. Slightly more rain for Los Angeles, drought for Maine, modestly average hurricane season.
  • The Patriots win the Super Bowl, the Yankees win the World Series, and the Magic will make it to the NBA Finals.
  • Playstation 3 sales will trump Wii.
  • The economy will have bounced up.
  • No revolution, food riots, or tax rebellions.
  • The earth will still exist.
  • Doomsayers will change their predictions to 2015.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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Alle_Gory said:
1. Companies fire employees.
2. Former employees have no money. Spend none.
3. Companies make less money. Companies fire more employees to keep bottom line.
4. Repeat until equilibrium or something else happens.
its important to note that this kind of doom predictions are the source of how governments manage to convince people to follow their idiotic programs that decrease labour productivity, create inflation and prevent economic recovery.

it wont by itself lead to a depression because more unemployment decreases labour costs due to increased supply, less spending and more saving leads to deflation and lower interest rates which in turn increase the value of people's savings and create incentives to spend.
all in all the natural course of the market will lead to recovery and productive distribution of labour in 1-3 years

the thigns that DO make it into a depression however, are government regulations like minimum wages, bailouts that prevent unproductive labour use being replaced with productive one, government jobs with artificially high wages that make it more difficult for private sector to competitively decrease wages which makes it necessary for them to sack employees.

more regulation leads to more trouble, that is the key.

Deep Dish said:
[*]The economy will have bounced up.
thats not possible as long as governments keep doing everything wrong(the fact that they are doing anything at all to mellow the recession is wrong) and decrease future productivity and welfare to achieve short term easing.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Cry For Love said:
more regulation leads to more trouble, that is the key.
If you look at the financial world, relaxed regulation caused by the Clinton Administration caused this massive credit bubble. Now it burst and all the imaginary money disappeared. Regulation is necessary. How much depends on the industry. I agree that minimum wage reguation is ridiculous and its a band aid on a much larger problem.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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Alle_Gory said:
If you look at the financial world, relaxed regulation caused by the Clinton Administration caused this massive credit bubble. Now it burst and all the imaginary money disappeared. Regulation is necessary. How much depends on the industry. I agree that minimum wage reguation is ridiculous and its a band aid on a much larger problem.
i understand your scepticism on complete free market principles, but in terms of the credit bubble: it cant happen without a central bank. no central bank means that banks that get too leveraged get knocked out by bank runs and large scale leveraging is impossible due to fast credit expansion leading to high interest rates due to high demand for money(which didnt happen during the last 2 bubbles because of fed keeping interest rates insanely low)


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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And remember Caliente or whoever he is said this on FOX NEWS. Fair and balanced my ass...


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Cry For Love said:
(which didnt happen during the last 2 bubbles because of fed keeping interest rates insanely low)
That's the purpose of the central bank. To set the prime rate. The american central bank is an abomination in its current state but I'm not sure how things can be run without it.

Here in Canada, they're more responsible but not much.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Alle_Gory said:
If you look at the financial world, relaxed regulation caused by the Clinton Administration caused this massive credit bubble.
False. The problem was caused by George Bush who wanted to help Americans buy homes. Polices were pushed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused them to back up bad loans. Fannie and Freddie are both government not private controlled companies.


Luthor Rex said:
False. The problem was caused by George Bush who wanted to help Americans buy homes. Polices were pushed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused them to back up bad loans. Fannie and Freddie are both government not private controlled companies.
That was definitely Clinton.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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The economic meltdown is actually a failure of science, particularly of physicists and mathematicians. During the 1990's, scientists with degrees in physics but who went into finance—dubbed ”quants”—developed mathematical models to assess investment risk and the models are now proven to be based on faulty assumptions. Add deregulation and a feeding frenzy of greed—viola! These physicists, quants, who developed the incredibly complex mathematical algorithms may ironically be the only people on earth who can figure out how to get out this mess. I have trust.

Who exactly are these ”quants” and what they were thinking can first be found in a 1994 article in Wired magazine called "Cracking Wall Street" authored by Kevin Kelly.
Money is just a type of information, a pattern that, once digitized, becomes subject to persistent programmatic hacking by the mathematically skilled. As the information of money swishes around the planet, it leaves in its wake a history of its flow, and if any of that complex flow can be anticipated, then the hacker who cracks the pattern will become a rich hacker.

Some sort of financial hacking has been around as long as computers. The art reached an apex in the late 1980s when powerful PCs allowed any numskull to click on a computer and perform quick and massive trades under certain favorable conditions. When a heavily computerized stock market collapsed in October 1987, this "programmed trading" was blamed. In the subsequent years, as the stock market rebounded, the increasing computerization of financial trading was ignored. More and more of the everyday tide of money flowed in digital bits, and more and more sophisticated games could be played with them. The traditional financial gamble of derivatives is the latest to be computerized
In the '70s and '80s chartists had modest success in predicting currency markets because, one theory says, the strong role of central banks and treasuries in currency markets constrained the variables so that they could be described in relatively simple linear equations. (In a linear equation, a solution can be expressed in a graph as a straight line.) As more and more chartists exploited the easy linear equations and successfully spotted trends, the market became less profitable. Naturally, forecasters began to look at the wild and woolly places where only chaotic nonlinear equations ruled. In nonlinear systems, the outcome is not proportional to the input. Most complexity in the world -- including all markets -- are nonlinear.

More importantly, all classical economic understanding has been based on the premise that the collective action of a market is not biased toward particular players or patterns but operates consistently and uniformly throughout the marketplace. An unbiased marketplace was seen to be maximally efficient in allotting resources and rewards; any inefficiency in the marketplace would be exploited by players until it disappeared. Indeed, the efficiency of a random market was the cornerstone of modern economic theory.

But with the advent of cheap, industrial-strength computers, mathematicians have been able to understand certain aspects of nonlinearity and are now questioning the premise of random markets. While traditional economists elaborate ever more complicated explanations of how markets cannot be predicted, money -- big money -- is being made by math jockeys who extract reliable patterns out of the nonlinearity of financial prices and then bet on them. The computer nerds who decipher these esoteric methods, and who have invented computerized derivatives, are called "rocket scientists" or "quants," short for quantitative analysts. These geeks in suits, working in the basements of trading companies, are the capitalist hackers of the '90s.
Given the propeller-headed math needed to build this incredibly complex forecast, it is not surprising that Wall Street Analytics was started by ex-physicists. "Investing is increasingly becoming dominated by mathematicians, electrical engineers, and programmers," says Adrian Cooper, vice president of Wall Street Analysts. "As a grad student in physics you spend five years banging your head against an abstract problem that no one can solve. This prepares you for working with intractable problems on Wall Street." And the pay can pop the eyes of a postdoc. Salaries on Wall Street can be three times those of physicists. According to Science magazine, "Two of the four students who received doctorates in theoretical physics from Harvard went off to jobs on Wall Street.... Of the twenty or so students who received theoretical physics doctorates over the last five years from Stanford University, only two or three [classmates say] are still in physics; they can name eight or nine who are working in finance."
Next in our brief journey is an article published in December 2008 by Scientific American magazine dubbed "After the Crash: How Software Models Doomed the Markets".
The software models in question estimate the level of financial risk of a portfolio for a set period at a certain confidence level. As Benoit Mandelbrot, the fractal pioneer who is a longtime critic of mainstream financial theory, wrote in Scientific American in 1999, established modeling techniques presume falsely that radically large market shifts are unlikely and that all price changes are statistically independent; today’s fluctuations have nothing to do with tomorrow’s—and one bank’s portfolio is unrelated to the next’s.
Lastly, briefly, there is the recently published article in Wired magazine, "Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street."
For five years, [David X. Li]'s formula, known as a Gaussian copula function, looked like an unambiguously positive breakthrough, a piece of financial technology that allowed hugely complex risks to be modeled with more ease and accuracy than ever before. With his brilliant spark of mathematical legerdemain, Li made it possible for traders to sell vast quantities of new securities, expanding financial markets to unimaginable levels. His method was adopted by everybody from bond investors and Wall Street banks to ratings agencies and regulators. And it became so deeply entrenched—and was making people so much money—that warnings about its limitations were largely ignored.
There you go.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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You should change your name to "Chicken Little", haha

What a load of crap.

The stock market is showing signs of dragging the bottom. In February (if I'm not mistaken) the real estate market here (which is one of the worst hit in the nation) posted a 30% gain in home sales over the same period last year. Gas prices keep edging higher (in step with the improvement of the stock market).

People aren't flooding the market with discretionary spending, but some might say there is already light at the end of the tunnel.

I for one won't be stockpiling weapons and canned goods. Something tells me the bozo who started this thread won't be either.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
You should change your name to "Chicken Little", haha

What a load of crap.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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The new world order is coming. The demise of America has been foretold by conspiracy theorists for so long that now people like Alex Jones are treated like psychics now adays. Read about Alex Jones, Henry Makow, David Icke, people that have spoken about the stuff that is going on now years before it started. They were not psychics, they have just been telling people all along that there is a powerful secret society called the illuminati which pulls the strings in the world and some of their steps for a new world order (global government) is the collapse of the dollar, a global currency, the collapse of the USA by destroying its economy and turning it into a third world country.

In fact conspiracy theorists have been speaking about the demise of America and what is happening on now for decades. We had a top exg KGB man in the 80s go around touring America warning Americans to get out because from his work in the Kremlin and documents he saw he found out that America was "mystery babylon" (search yourself what happens to mystery babylon. The stuff he spoke of is happening now.

you called those that said concentration camps were being built in america as cooks, hell now even people like Glenn Beck in a major news network are mentioning it (talk about preparing americans for what is coming or better yet desensitize americans for when the govt will be "forced" to use them due to the coming food riots).

People called those that spoke about "the Amero" and the collapse of the mighty american economy as cooks, wait what is going on now? yup who was right? have you been reading the news about the call to dump the dollar and a global currency? we are seeing the signs it won't take long before it takes you $25 to buy a chocolate bar.

I personally have been reading this stuff for years and saw the signs and now that we are living towards the end of this country I am hoping to be out before the SH%*# hits the fan which according to some will be 2010 (supposed dollar collapse).

Time is running out, ignore what the haters say, have an open mind and read what these conspiracy theorists have to say because they are the ones that have been right and if they continue to be right you are f$%@$@. Then make a decision on where you want to go with your life because frankly you have very little time left.

DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT! google, youtube, start educating yourself now on the new world order plan because your life depends on it.

Tao walker 2005

Don Juan
May 30, 2005
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str8up I got respect 4 u and Deep Dish both u guys are Gods of Pvssy but on this topic u got 2 be dreaming. Luthor Rex, Celente isn't some kind of superstitious soothsayer, he's a trend analyst who looks at the current train of events and calculates based on the speed and direction of events where the destination will be. Thats why u say that his calls are no brainers....

It is said that the truth passes through 3 phases. 1st it is ridiculed, then it is vehemently opposed, and finally, it is held to be self evident.

Guys like Celente and Peter Schiff were ridiculed - laughed off the television, in 2005, 06 and 07 for warning that the fundamentals of the US economy were unsound and that the housing market would unravel. (Check out Peter Schiff was right - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I0QN-FYkpw)

Now that they have been proven RIGHT time after time, they are being vehemently opposed by mainstream economists, who say that Schiff/Celente were right, but for the wrong reasons!
... meanwhile, the guys who didn't even see it coming and laughed at them are the ones that actually do know why it happened??? sure

As an outsider with no Patriotic bias and a deep understanding of History, Politics and Economics, it is self-evident to me that the US is losing its status as the pre-eminent power the world - never to be regained. Why? its the economy stoopid!

With total debts and unfunded liabilities totalling over 65 trillion dollars, the US gov't will never be able to raise that much by selling bonds to the chinese. (Even if they could, would u really want a rival super power to have that much influence over your country?) Therefore, they will resort (infact, already have resorted) to the printing press.... and we all know where that leads (or at least u should if you know your history - Weimar Germany 1923 anybody?).

This is the eye of the storm ppl, use this time to get your assets out of USA b4 its too late.

gösta berling

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, We're in phase 2 now. Excellent post Tao Walker.:up:

MOSCOW, March 19 (Reuters) - China and other emerging nations back Russia's call for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency, a senior Russian government source said on Thursday. Russia has proposed the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, among other measures in the text of its proposals to the April G20 summit published last Monday.