I believe you. But sources would be great. I wouldn’t get the jab for a million bucks.
I don't post sources to encourage people to research on their own. Out of the 30+ people I know I'm the only person who spends hrs a day researching the truths in life. Im the only whos done extensive research on the vaxxx even though I was never planning on taking it. Ive been telling these same people for almost a year to stay away from it or at least research it before signing your life away, I mean liability from the ones poisoning you. Not a single person I've asked can name just one ingredient in the shot aside from the obvious mRNA.
You have to dumb down your conversations with people these days otherwise they're quick to call you a conspiracy theorist. One being this whole thing is one big Satanic Ritual. Masks, 6ft social distancing and hand washing are part of the occult rituals. Corona in numerology is 666. I'm sure some of you got an alert on your phone April 19th that kids are now able to get the shot. What 99% don't know is the 19th was start of the major sacrifice rituals with an emphasis on children.
Children are not effected by Rona with a 99.9% survival rate. In order for a vaxx to be given to children it has to be 100% effective which these pos did. What's even more disgusting is how the WHO's warning labels on social media posts was telling people the vaxx goes through safety before "it's approved" then a couple months later changes it to "monitored closely". I screen shot the labels separately and stitched them together. The fact they were advertising the shot as approved when it wasn't would be an easy win for a good lawyer. Just look at the all the companies lawsuit history.
You have JJ selling baby powder they knew was causing cancer. Then Pfizer paying billions for bribing Dr's and manipulating adverse effects data. Moderna who's never made a vaxx before. All the people in power from the bottom to the very top has been gas lighting, deceiving & manipulating the world every sec of everyday. The fact people trust these companies & organizations to inject themselves with gmo no one needs and does absolutely nothing for whats going on will go down as the biggest crime ever committed against humanity.
There are so many things that happened this past year that give away the obvious. When you're living in the constant state of fear, your brain will not allow you to process facts, truths or have common sense. Satan is a master of deception, he knows fear is how he controls. Here is one of the many Dr's across the globe who are speaking out. This guy is tame compared to some. Others Dr's mention the animals in the trials over the past decade died from bleeding out of their brain, lungs or heart from auto immune disease that attacked the organs. What most all of them seem to say is the ones who took it will die in 1-5 years. The scariest is some even saying the vaxx is a bio weapon. It self replicates the spike protein to the host which they then spread to those who haven't taken it via shedding. Some Dr's have said all they will purposely blame deaths via vaxx to a new strain of rona. That one is obvious as they would want to scare the remaining ones to rush out and get it which Im sure a good portion would. They want us all dead if you haven't figured that out by now.
My neighbor who took the shot has been in and out of the emergency room since she took the shot with all sorts of complications. She told my roommate shes thinks she's going to die. Some nurses are making videos saying every single rona patient on the entire floor is there from adverse effects of the shot, not rona.
I'm not saying this will happen. We know Chinna wants take over the US. We know they own just about all the people in power. What if come a couple years from now a large part of the population dies off as planned from the vaxx and they come invade. I know how these Satanists think and I sure a chit know they are all laughing their a$$ off at how easy it was to get millions to get injected with an experimental gene therapy shot, while signing away any liability to the ones giving it to them. Some wouldn't budge so we offered free donuts, beer, burgers, fries, ice cream. You know, reward you with unhealthy things to get injected with unhealthy things. Or we get a Dawn movie like scenario. The fact the CDCe posted this chit around the same time the shots started rolling out is down right sinister. Has anyone else seen all the videos of people sticking magnets on the injection site? I have my thoughts on what I think it might be. Their main desire is to make us all trans human connected to AI. They dont want humans on this earth other than themselves.
MIRROR SOURCE: TimTruth: https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Magneticvaxsite:1 Join our leading researchers on https://GroupDiscover.com Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ to find the best videos from...
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