I have an issue. My of 2 and half years saw some text messages from me to this chic(I know I was slipping). Apparently she figured out my pin on my phone. This very attractive woman I was texting wanted stay in contact with me so I gave her my number. This is the reason why I gave her my number throughout our time together we had some serious arguments. Mainly because she has a short temper and her insecurities. I just got tired of it. Anyway my gf contacted the woman and of course the woman got upset with me. She never asked me if I had had a gf. I told her whatever my gf told that there is more to the story. She ended up forwarding the text to my gf. Basically now she doesn't want me to text her anymore. I'm really feeling girl. I want to continue trying to get to know her. I want to explain to her face to face instead of texting. What do you all think I should do? Thanks!
I have an issue. My of 2 and half years saw some text messages from me to this chic(I know I was slipping). Apparently she figured out my pin on my phone. This very attractive woman I was texting wanted stay in contact with me so I gave her my number. This is the reason why I gave her my number throughout our time together we had some serious arguments. Mainly because she has a short temper and her insecurities. I just got tired of it. Anyway my gf contacted the woman and of course the woman got upset with me. She never asked me if I had had a gf. I told her whatever my gf told that there is more to the story. She ended up forwarding the text to my gf. Basically now she doesn't want me to text her anymore. I'm really feeling girl. I want to continue trying to get to know her. I want to explain to her face to face instead of texting. What do you all think I should do? Thanks!