Tenacity said:
I have been in business for almost 10 years, been pretty successful at it for the most part. We have clients that do outright stupid things within their business that violates their contract with us, that causes us to no longer be able to service them going forward.
Would you go into business with clients that you knew were already $hitty?
Why would you go into a relationship with a $hitty girl?
The point of being successful is going with something that will give you good results either in business or with women.
$hitty women are to be avoided at all cost like a bad client.
Criticizing the woman and the client for being $hitty is stupid when it was your fault for taking on the crap.
You deserve the blame for that.
Tenacity said:
The only mistakes that the OP made was being in a relationship with a lying, cheating, sneaky, h0e and not getting out of it immediately once he found her to be cheating on him by sexting.
If the OP doesn't learn right from wrong and change his beta ways every relationship he attempts will be just like this.
He knew the type of person she is. She is always going to be that way. It's his fault that he is still with her.
Sexting is not cheating since no actual sexual contact was involved but she should be dumped for sexting.
His GF is a $hitty person. $hitty person's should be removed from your life or should not be allowed into your life. It is your job to screen for people like that. Blaming them for being $hitty is stupid cause they will always be $hitty no matter what.
It's like playing with a snake then crying after you got bit wanting to blame the snake.
The snake doesn't know any better just like a $hitty woman since that is normal behavior and they will never change.
Tenacity said:
What other mistakes did he make?
He made a ton of mistakes over and over and broke every rule in the book. Can't you see that?
MISTAKE #1. Trying to continue a relationship when she goes off to school.
MISTAKE #2. Agreeing to have a long distance relationship.
MISTAKE #3. Not dumping her the first time he caught her
texting "Mike".
MISTAKE #4. Allowing her to tell him how she fvcked Mike in the past. If the sex was so bad then why is she texting him to get it on with him again?
MISTAKE #5. Not dumping her after she told him the story.
MISTAKE #6. Allowing her to treat him like crap going cold ignoring him still chatting with Mike.
MISTAKE #7. Not dumping her after she went cold and was talking to Mike again.
MISTAKE #8. Calling out a woman who doesn't respect you wanting her to do what you expect.
MISTAKE #9. Allowing her to lie to him after she said she wouldn't talk to Mike.
MISTAKE #10. Not dumping her after she lied to him.
MISTAKE #11. Watching her text Mike over and over again for a week. Letting her lie to him over and over again for a week.
MISTAKE #12. Not dumping her for her repeated lies and $hitty behavior.
MISTAKE #13. Allowing her to make a fool out of him over the course of a week.
MISTAKE #14. Acting like a beta that whole time.
MISTAKE #15. Searching through her phone and facebook to read messages they wrote to each other going on trips etc.
MISTAKE #16. Not dumping her after he read all the evidence.
MISTAKE #17. Confronting her about what he read and demanding her to stop talking to Mike.
MISTAKE #18. Allowing her to cry and give him a SOB story promising to never do it again.
MISTAKE #19. Watching her text Mike again the very next day and not doing anything about it after she said she won't do it again.
MISTAKE #20. Allowing her to lie to him another time still texting Mike. How many times has she already promised not to?
MISTAKE #21. Not dumping her this time after she lied to him all over again.
MISTAKE #22. Logging into her facebook to read more messages between her and Mike discussing going on trips.
MISTAKE #23. Not dumping her this time after he saw she lied to him again.
MISTAKE #24. Confronting her again and yelling at her over the messages she still is sending to Mike after she said she would stop.
MISTAKE #25. Fighting with a girl that doesn't respect him demanding respect from her.
MISTAKE #26. Allowing her to lie to him again over d!ck pics that were sent.
MISTAKE #27. Not dumping her after she lied to him AGAIN.
MISTAKE #28. Demanding her to go on facebook with him to tell Mike that she won't fvck him. LOL.
MISTAKE #29. Fighting with her. Forcing her to tell Mike through FB message to stop sending d!ck pics. Making her message Mike on FB forcing her to tell him to stop talking to her and she can't talk to him cause she is in a relationship.
MISTAKE #30. Letting her lie to him again about why Mike was sending the d!ck pics and she was talking to him.
MISTAKE #31. Watching her half ass do what he demanded knowing something was wrong and could tell she was still lying.
MISTAKE #32. Not dumping her after that encounter.
MISTAKE #33. Reading Mike's FB message telling her she doesn't have a problem with him sending d!ck pics.
MISTAKE #34. Making up with her instead of actually dumping her.
MISTAKE #35. Logging into her facebook and confronting Mike through FB message about the d!ck pics he was sending her. Asking how him many d!ck pics he sent? LMAO.
MISTAKE #36. Not dumping her after that.
MISTAKE #37. Confronting her again over the d!ck pics Mike sent to her.
MISTAKE #38. Getting into another fight with her over talking to Mike after she lied and said she wouldn't talk with him anymore.
MISTAKE #39. Listening to her admit she lied to him again. Allowing her to give him a bull$hit story to why Mike had to send her pics that included his d!ck.
MISTAKE #40. Giving her ultimatums of dumping her instead of dumping her.
MISTAKE #41. Allowed Mike to disrespect him through message and fight with him.
MISTAKE #42. Allowed the girl to disrespect him again.
MISTAKE #43. Allowed her to give some bull$hit story to why she was behaving that way.
MISTAKE #44. Believing in a serial liar lie to him again.
MISTAKE #45. Still has not dumped her yet.
45 mistakes I counted. Proabably more he hasn't told us. So you're not going to fault the OP for any of this pathetic behavior?
It's his own fault he is still with her believing in her bull$hit.