Another problem with Italy is the idyllic weather and scenery. When there's no survival threat and a woman can destress by simply sitting on the patio with a beautiful landscape and enjoying the refreshing sea breeze, there's less need for a man in their life. Add in the fact that almost everyone in the world wants to visit your country, the women will get egotistical on that fact alone.
I cannot think of any country on the planet that has received an undeserved ego boost more than Italy has. My friends from there talk about how bad youth unemployment is and if the North decided to secede from the South, then Southern Italy would probably be worse off than Albania. However, as much as there is a lot to respect about the Romans and classical Italian culture (Da Vinci, Vivaldi, etc.), modern day Italian culture attracts some of the fakest and dumbest people on the planet.
For some reason, Italy is almost synonymous with fake wealth and fake class for me. It is the fake rich that buy expensive Italian brands and cars while the real rich seem to not mess with that stuff. Even the women who are obsessed with Italy or Italian culture seem to be those who are too dumb to learn a foreign language and think saying "Gucci" makes them a carbon copy of an educated Victoria Secret model.
I'll give credit where it is due though,
Northern Italy is one of if not the most beautiful place in the world. However, talk to any young Italian that is not drinking the Kool Aid and they will tell you how the youth flood out of the country for an education or work opportunities.
Now as for how this applies to the women and the culture, the culture itself attracts a lot of the fakest and most delusional women out there. I mean let's look at the numbers, how many Italian women have won Ms Universe contests or a Victoria Secret contract? Very little, but they have an ego worse than that of women from much prettier nationalities.
Same with Italian American women and those who affiliate with the culture in the US. Embodiment of fake wealth and delusion, a culture that looks down on actual education and chases clout like nothing else.