Long story short, I am talking to a girl who is not a good idea besides being a FWB or F*ckbuddy or someone you can get nudes from or hit up when you are bored.
Problem is I am starting to give a f*ck about her, where my brain is starting to tell me that she is probably cheating on me or lying to me (mind you, we are not in a relationship... this is the beta coming out) my brain is constantly nitpicking little details and inconsistencies.This is not a good mindset and all its doing is cramping my game and preventing me from having fun and sex.
Now I dont know if its insecurity or if I will attract what I fear etc. OR maybe its my instincts telling me something is wrong (I dont like being lied to) however, I want these feelings of attachment, jealousy, etc. to stop. It makes no sense, she is not my girlfriend yet my sub-conscious makes it seem like she is.
How do I make it stop? How do I get better at compartmentalizing?