Casual Dates?!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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I hate casual dates!! Dinner, coffee, movies, ect.

My last date was great 'cause it was somthing I was going to go to no matter what. If she didn't want to go fine. BUT now I have to come up with other dates....(don't I?)...

And I really don't want to do any of the usual stuff people do when dating...

She wants to do all these things I am not into..So I tell her. NO!

BUT that isn't really flying too good, but I still am not going... SO I need some advice.

Oh and flamers I won't even read your post so waste your time if you want to.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
The thing is, you hate those kind of dates, but I love the coffee one. (movies....bleh, dinner...$$$)

Coffee is such a easy date, because girls usually say yes to a coffee when they say no to a movie. But I've had coffee dates that turned into a few games of pool, driving around, honking the horn at random people and THEN settling down for that coffee and having some fun converstation as a finale.

It's all in your planning, and your ability to think on the spot.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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Docs said:
The thing is, you hate those kind of dates, but I love the coffee one. (movies....bleh, dinner...$$$)

Coffee is such a easy date, because girls usually say yes to a coffee when they say no to a movie. But I've had coffee dates that turned into a few games of pool, driving around, honking the horn at random people and THEN settling down for that coffee and having some fun converstation as a finale.

It's all in your planning, and your ability to think on the spot.

Yea but aren't coffee dates a no no? WTF over My mind is melting....

JP. FOR real though... There has to be somthing better than casual dates... THERE JUST HAS TO BE!!!

I am a club guy I love clubs and dancing, however girls seem to want more than that for some reason (a place where they don't have to compete). I like clubs and hanging out at their place (never my place, that is my place only!)

SO what are some other things that are not the norm? (no mini golf or theme parks either - hate em)


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
zerocelcius said:
Yea but aren't coffee dates a no no? WTF over My mind is melting....

JP. FOR real though... There has to be somthing better than casual dates... THERE JUST HAS TO BE!!!

I am a club guy I love clubs and dancing, however girls seem to want more than that for some reason (a place where they don't have to compete). I like clubs and hanging out at their place (never my place, that is my place only!)

SO what are some other things that are not the norm? (no mini golf or theme parks either - hate em)
The problem you have is that you read too much. You've adpated your mindset to follow what the rules are set as. Rules are a limitation to the full potential of something.

There is rarely such a thing as a no-no. Lets take the coffee date.

Why is a coffee date a no-no, please tell me this? (ie: tell me what you think before you read on,..)

Next, I'm going to tell you how the style of thinking you have is a limitation in itself and it's something you should strive to change.

Why a Coffee Date is a yes-yes.
The number one reason why a coffee date is successful is by knowing your conversation skills. The second reason, the lack of a over-whelming enviroment such as loud music, or dancing. Most people see it as a friends move to try a coffee date, but they fail to realize that if a newly aquired girl accepts a coffee date, she's indirectly telling you that she's interesting in getting to know you better, or else, why didn't she flake?

Next, it's all about the first five minutes you see her. When you first see her, are you going to say hey, give her a hug, pick out the first thing that appears odd, tell her she's very pretty, or what? Your intial approach sets a lot of attributes for her to examine and figure out how you're like. If you come off weak and shy, then she knows that. She's trying to get a read on you, so don't let the first try be a weak one, and that's something you'll have to read off of her as well, and also in trial and error.

So, you met her, normally, we'd both order something and sit down and wait for the waitress to bring it in. It's also a perfect time to chat with the pretty girl serving you, as it helps in giving that outgoing impression your girl is looking for.

Next, you find a spot, and you start talking. This is the bread and butter of the coffee date, because if you're weak in conversation skills, then it won't go well. But if you can carry conversation, daisy-chain topics of interest and make her laugh, you're doing pretty good.

But of course, any good friend can talk, you have to do better, and that is to TEASE and FLIRT. I cannot stress the UTMOST IMPORTANCE of doing that, right from the approach. If you can't flirt, learn how. Flirting is the most powerful key you have to gaining interest, and receptive flirting from her tells you a lot. Is she playful, can you bug her easily, is she a little slow to get things, how comfortable can you touch her, etc. Remember that if you can't flirt and're just a friend.

Lastly, KINO. It's important that you take the incentive to at least touch her from the first minute on. I usually pull a happy OMG hug, it usually gets them to laugh. Play palm games, hit her playfully when she makes fun at you, and encourage her to touch you as well.

But, a coffee date is even more then that. I've had ones where instead of just a coffee date, we went and shot pool, drove around, did some stupid stuff (honking at a group of people she knows), and THEN the coffee date is also another way of doing things. On the same note, it can start out as just a coffee date, and you both decide to have a little adventure to the grocery store, or to really find out for yourselves whether something you both talked about with the city you're in is true. The uses of a coffee date are endless, from it being the core of your night, to a opening of the night, or a wind down from other dates.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
I'll answer these seperately.
I am a club guy I love clubs and dancing, however girls seem to want more than that for some reason (a place where they don't have to compete). I like clubs and hanging out at their place (never my place, that is my place only!)

SO what are some other things that are not the norm? (no mini golf or theme parks either - hate em)
I like clubs too, I go there to just loose myself in the music, look at the girls all around and have a good time, just like anyone else.

But, you already know girls just don't hang out at the club and their house, that'd be a pretty boring life I'd think. You should already know that anything can be a date, even if it's for her to tag along with you to shop for stuff for a little party you'd be hosting, teaching her to drive (YES, it works), going to the park (trees...playground), even letting her lead the date are all valid and great ideas. Try them sometime.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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I hear what you are saying about the coffee shop and taking it from the shop to the world. I got you there.

My issue left I guess is... I don't want anybody in my private day to day unless we are exclusive!!!!

Like if she was my one and only, but to let her tag along with me would get real old real quick! UNLESS she was my Girlfriend.

I am fine going on casual dates with a steady girlfriend, 'cause they aren't so much casual dates, they are just hanging out doing whatever you want to do.

I think another thing is I am busy alot, so I only have time to hang out at night, LATE NIGHT not early night.

I go to school in the morning until 2pm
Go to work at 2pm
work there somtimes til 2 am
DJ after that (music)

I have one day off and that is homework day...and laundry day, and ... YOU GET IT.

Thanks for you advice and you did help me realize how much of it was me being closed minded.

Now that you kinda know more about the schedule issue and stuff do you have any other advice?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
zerocelcius said:
I hear what you are saying about the coffee shop and taking it from the shop to the world. I got you there.

My issue left I guess is... I don't want anybody in my private day to day unless we are exclusive!!!!

Like if she was my one and only, but to let her tag along with me would get real old real quick! UNLESS she was my Girlfriend.

I am fine going on casual dates with a steady girlfriend, 'cause they aren't so much casual dates, they are just hanging out doing whatever you want to do.

I think another thing is I am busy alot, so I only have time to hang out at night, LATE NIGHT not early night.

I go to school in the morning until 2pm
Go to work at 2pm
work there somtimes til 2 am
DJ after that (music)

I have one day off and that is homework day...and laundry day, and ... YOU GET IT.

Thanks for you advice and you did help me realize how much of it was me being closed minded.

Now that you kinda know more about the schedule issue and stuff do you have any other advice?
Private day - Hey, I asked a girl to come help me shop for food, and she came. Of course, I'm not the keenest on how things mix (like italian for casear salad persay), but it was fun still. Really, I could of done it myself, but I wanted her to tag along to make my day a little more fun and better.

Girls are all about ENRICHING your life, not having one as the SOLE PURPOSE of your life. Whether they are friends, or your girlfriends, they shouldn't detract from your life!

You got quite the odd schedule there, but schools another spot to try to have fun with meeting girls. As for making time..Go to bed early, wake up earlier and have a little brunch with whoever you fancy for the day. You might think, oh no, I'm spending money on her, that's AFC, but when you think about it, for maybe...$14-20, you get a meal and a date. You'll waste more money on useless stuff then you ever will on dates and gifts for a girl, so live once in a while.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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Agian I see what you are saying.

Enriching my life. I still don't think I could have a girl tag along with me. I seriously don't have the personality for that. I am still growing I guess.

My Schedule is Very Very strange. I am a natural Night Owl. So I had to adapt my schedule to it or fail in society. Thank Goodness there are career choices you can make that pay decent and let you work at night.

I am going to let your advice sink in and what the hell maybe give it a shot, see how it tastes.

OH and I do have fun at school. That is actually why I go, plus I get payed to go, so win win!

Oh and Brunch...Never done that, I'll have to give that a try too. Paying is no problem Last Night I bought 7 People Dinner after Partying.

Thanks DOC. Talk to you agian.

Peace 'n Beatz

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Ever consider not going out with women that enjoy casual dates?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Ever consider not going out with women that enjoy casual dates?
Am I reading thst right...? Consider not dating girls that like causal dates...? Or basically, a girl that only likes clubs....>>?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
My Schedule is Very Very strange. I am a natural Night Owl. So I had to adapt my schedule to it or fail in society. Thank Goodness there are career choices you can make that pay decent and let you work at night.

I am going to let your advice sink in and what the hell maybe give it a shot, see how it tastes.

Oh and Brunch...Never done that, I'll have to give that a try too. Paying is no problem Last Night I bought 7 People Dinner after Partying.
I work maybe...6 hours a day (at most) doing general IT work or stuff...I make $20 an hour...that leaves me pretty well my whole night to do stuff. :)

Advice usually works that way, you try it out and you get that Damn! feeling.

And see, a new idea!


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Ever consider not going out with women that enjoy casual dates?
Actually do to my schedule and way of life, those are the only girls I used to know. The girl I am seeing now is new to clubs, and I think that is why I liked her. 'cause she was into other things.

In the end I think it is going to boil down to your advice. Unless I change my whole way of life, and that isn't a current possibility.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Docs said:
I work maybe...6 hours a day (at most) doing general IT work or stuff...I make $20 an hour...that leaves me pretty well my whole night to do stuff. :)

Advice usually works that way, you try it out and you get that Damn! feeling.

And see, a new idea!

I am happy at work. I make more in 8 hours a weekend than I do 80+ hours working, but I like working. Somtime soon I will change all of that, but for now it is my set schedule.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Docs said:
Am I reading thst right...? Consider not dating girls that like causal dates...? Or basically, a girl that only likes clubs....>>?
Possibly. Whatever style of woman that matches his style. The only obvious alternative (that's already been stated) is for him to change his style. There are alternatives. How viable are they, I won't say.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
zerocelcius said:
Actually do to my schedule and way of life, those are the only girls I used to know. The girl I am seeing now is new to clubs, and I think that is why I liked her. 'cause she was into other things.

In the end I think it is going to boil down to your advice. Unless I change my whole way of life, and that isn't a current possibility.
I get where you are coming from. I'm still a clubber but my gosh finding women my age who feel comfortable in a techno club is a definite hard find. Yeah, I'll agree that woman that only do coffee, dinner, and/or movie dates bore me to tears. The flip side is that the ones who only club don't usually do anything other than that; y'know travel, play sports, have other interesting hobbies(etc.). I don't give up hope though, I try to have a good time during the search. ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
My last date was to BT's Show in Tahoe. Great times made a mini Vacation out of it. It was a lot of firsts for her. First time to Oxygen Bar, Real Club, and World Class DJ/Producer.

I was reading on this subject just trying to get a feel for the options. Seems everyone is into the coffee date thing. I found a post by POOK that I can relate to.

He was saying how the Action Dates are better (i.e. dancing, bowling, rock climbing) I can do that!

He was saying that the action dates are natural settings for a man to be a man. Where the dinner or coffee dates sets you up to be a friend...Listener, or you will have to work harder offsetting that I guess.

I would much rather go out and do something where we would have to interact both verbally and physically.

However; we are catching a movie tonight.... :eek:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
zerocelcius said:
My last date was to BT's Show in Tahoe. Great times made a mini Vacation out of it. It was a lot of firsts for her. First time to Oxygen Bar, Real Club, and World Class DJ/Producer.

I was reading on this subject just trying to get a feel for the options. Seems everyone is into the coffee date thing. I found a post by POOK that I can relate to.

He was saying how the Action Dates are better (i.e. dancing, bowling, rock climbing) I can do that!

He was saying that the action dates are natural settings for a man to be a man. Where the dinner or coffee dates sets you up to be a friend...Listener, or you will have to work harder offsetting that I guess.

I would much rather go out and do something where we would have to interact both verbally and physically.

However; we are catching a movie tonight.... :eek:
Pook was correct in saying that action dates are very natural for men to be men. However, I challenge that concept with the overlooked; what about the woman?

Initial (first) "action dates" aren't very comfortable with most women. Sure, a guy can be his best self, showing his prowess and value but that's not what a woman is looking for during the initial meeting. She wants to get to know you, she wants to know what makes you tick in a comfortable and laid back setting. This is where she is most comfortable. Perhaps some would say this is where she has an edge but this isn't necessarily true if you are equally as comfortable in such situations.

Some would say drinking (bar hopping) dates are better, alcohol being a well known releaser of inhibitions. Sure this can be the case but don't expect to really get into her head, just her pants if you're lucky. Also, you have to be careful not to go overboard with your own drinking. Many tales have been told that after enough drinks the guy becomes uninhibited, very uninhibited; at times too much.

Are coffee dates better than action dates? It's not whether one is better than the other, it's just a progression. I always use the first meeting to qualify the woman, it's her chance to impress me. I also use the meeting to raise her interest level. If we're both interested guess what happens next? We prepare for the action date. We both feel comfortable with each other and are excited to see how well we interact together in a less secluded environment (how well we look together in public). ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
I like Coffee, I go to one of 3 of my favorite places a day. And I am open to going to a shop with a girl. On that note I can't take them to 2 of the spots 'cause the girls that work there flirt with me ...Tips... Or maybe that would be a good thing.

I can understand your approach to testing on the first date. I am going to keep that and file it under Test - First Date. For some reason thinking of it as a test or a audition if you will, makes the first date seem not so bizarre and casual worthy.

I have looked back to places I have gone with girls. Exotic Food Diners (first time stuff), Adventure Stuff, Camping, Clubs, Parties, Car Show, Plays, etc.

I want to go Repelling or just Rock Climbing. Has anybody done this as a date and how did it go?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
I am still an enormous chump, but one thing I can do: my date ideas are always amazing - she may find we to be a twit, but what we do is always fabulous. I don't go "just anywhere" with anybody. I am always extremely excited to do my ideas, and would do them alone.

I have been stood up a number of times in my life. It hurts, but then I just go on the "date" alone and have an amazing time. I have so much fun doing my date ideas, without a hint of arrogance or bitterness, I pity the woman who was so stupid as to not come. That is probably my greatest accomplishment since coming to this site. Whatever you do, make your date ideas f*cking awesome.

I used to explore a lot of parts of Paris when I lived there. That was always incredible... I tell you I saw the wonders of the world with these women. I went on this one bike ride with a very pretty German girl, it was the most amazing day of my life. I explored places by night and by day, museums, art galleries, saw poetry readings, played music together, I told this one girl to meet at a park and bring strawberries and I would bring whipped cream. Go out for coffee?! Go for dinner?? What the hell. Ok, maybe if you guys are passionate about dinner or coffee or discussion, that's cool. Personally, I hate just sitting there and talking. If you do it well, you'll meet with success."date+ideas"


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
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zerocelcius said:
I want to go Repelling or just Rock Climbing. Has anybody done this as a date and how did it go?
I went indoor rock climbing on a first date. She was experienced, I was the newb. It went great. I also went on a casino first date, which went well. I'm a night owl like you are. We hit the place late at night to watch the poker tourny and didn't leave until morning. Never even gambled theres so much sh-t to do and see. I've taken a few chicks out for beers and air hockey. That was pretty cool. Competitive too. Fun. "Speacialty bars" are another option. I've found a few places around that serve only beer, but they have a huge menu with sh-t from all over the world that you've never even heard of. Great for beer snobs.