Cashier's worth a try? *Originator of my DJ practices*


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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It all started about 5 month's ago.

*Written in 3rd person, easier for me to tell the story....pvf94=Me.

One day pvf94 was out walkin around his small city bored as one can be. He had a pocket full of cash and no real motive to be out roaming around besides the fact that he was fed up with being inside all day. Now at this time pvf94 was a pretty pathetic young man, the definition of AFC would fit him perfectly. He was kinda pail, do to wasting his whole summer playing video games and barely going outside. As he walked from store to store with his head down and body language in a slouched form he was not feeling to good about himself, confidence was non existent.

Pvf94 enters the local hardware store, proceeds to just walk up and down every aisle of the store, and suddenly he looks up to see a gorgeous female pricing some stuff she says HI! Pvf94 makes eyecontact and breaks it away instantly and mumbles "hey" so low she would be lucky to hear it, pvf94 proceeds to walk right by and say no more. Pvf94 is all of a sudden in a refreshed mood, thinking...hey! A good lookin lady said something to me, how odd is that...that never happens!

***************Lets switch to first person.

So I got home and being the chump I am, I googled something along the lines of "attracting woman" Hey look a website full of tips! I read the bible, and it became my goal to get some excercise going, for some odd reason I had a sudden rush of energy and want to improve myself. I began making eye contact and doing all that jazz.......

From time to time I would enter the hardware store and never see that one girl that I saw before. Oh well, plenty of other females roaming around the small shops and so on. Practiced cold approaches, did some mild sarging....still do to this day. I am beginning to get pretty good at it, 5 days a week or so I go out just to run into strangers and talk to them.

Anyhow, there is a cashier that work's at the hardware store...she is not a model or anything but id hit it....shes hb 7/7.5. Everytime I have been in there I noticed she always makes solid eye contact with say only 3 times. Its kinda funny, I go in there once a week and get a arizona iced tea lmao....random I know but its my *excuse* for going in there. It never fails....the same girl is always the cashier. I need a way to break the ice, she does her usual stuff that she is trained to do says hi and all that. I just return the hi, with a "hey". Than the have a good day,and the thank's.

I Need a way to get this girl to laugh, or enjoy my company for that little moment of her day. If I can pick this girl up in a checkout line, ill be fearless =P

So fellow dj's, gimme what you got.....its a small store, not alot of people at checkout usually, the girl establishes eye contact, she is not amazing looking, so im pretty confident, she has definently seen me that could be a good thing. Gimme some ice breaker's, something to make her seeing me something she look's forward too. hit me fella's.....

if you need extra details let me know what you need

Im goin out in about 8 hours, my weekly *Tea* haha, so any advice you have would be great, and maybe I can make something of this.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Why are you focusing on this one girl? You want her to be your girlfriend? This is not DJ at all!

What if she has a boyfriend already? Are you gonna go back into AFC mode?

This website is here to help you become a better man! Not to help you pick up 1 chick. Can you read the entire bible in 8 hours?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Look,anything is worth a shot you only live once. If you want go for it,you never know.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Diesel_Power said:
Why are you focusing on this one girl? You want her to be your girlfriend? This is not DJ at all!

What if she has a boyfriend already? Are you gonna go back into AFC mode?

This website is here to help you become a better man! Not to help you pick up 1 chick. Can you read the entire bible in 8 hours?

I didnt proclaim I had oneitis buddy, is just this one situation that I dont know what to do in. Im focusing on other ladies as well. I guess I should of included that this is a special case, and that it is not the 1 and only thing I am focusing on.

And, no I cannot read the bible in 8 hours. It took me a little over a week to read it. I never even said I read it in 8 hours?! You jump to some thick conclusions.

I am simply asking for some way to crack the ice, something besides the usual, "hi, workin hard or hardly workin"

This is not a case of oneitis, it is a SINGLE case in which I am unsure about what to do, I have other things lined over focusing on one single person. You do have the right to assume that is my case but im informing you that it is not. Just using the board for some help on an individual case is alright isnt it? Thank's


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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blinkwatt said:
Look,anything is worth a shot you only live once. If you want go for it,you never know.
never said I was NOT going to go for it, I am asking for a way TO go for it. If I dont get any responses worth while im just gonna get creative and do whatever I have at my immediate disposal.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
I would say hi, then I would be like so hows your day been? and she migh say its been kinda busy. Then you should say well that sucks. she might laugh, just go from there. ask her things like so how long have you been here today? remeber if you up dont tried, maybe even Treat her like a friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
This thread hits close to home.

I met my current gf when she was workin the checkout line. Every day I'd go for a jog, and go there afterwards to get a fruit shake. I noticed her looking at me at one point and decided to use her checkout instead of some random old farts. Went up and said hey, made decent eye contact, she said hi, yada yada...I had a strange feeling I knew her from somewhere but couldn't place it. So while she's helping the person infront of me I glance down at her boobs(she has a nice set, what can I say) to get her name from the nametag. Turns out I was her classmate in elementary school! Bingo, opener right there. So it's my turn, and while I give her the money I say her last name out loud "Ashley *****, right?". She looks up and guesses my cool, eh?
Anyways, I follow up and ask "where u go to school now" "its been so long" "you've changed", was pretty brief convo, mabye 1 minute long.
So to close I just say: "well look, I gotta go. What's your number, we'll catch up sometime"

She gives me number.

I walk away.

It was a wednesday, I call her friday telling her we're going on a date saturday nite(chicks like time to prepare).

She agrees.


What's cool about the whole thing was that before I ever talked to her in the store, I was thinkin to myself that she's freakin hot. Next thing I know, I'm taking off my watch because it keeps getting tangled in her hair.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
BluEyes said:
This thread hits close to home.

I met my current gf when she was workin the checkout line. Every day I'd go for a jog, and go there afterwards to get a fruit shake. I noticed her looking at me at one point and decided to use her checkout instead of some random old farts. Went up and said hey, made decent eye contact, she said hi, yada yada...I had a strange feeling I knew her from somewhere but couldn't place it. So while she's helping the person infront of me I glance down at her boobs(she has a nice set, what can I say) to get her name from the nametag. Turns out I was her classmate in elementary school! Bingo, opener right there. So it's my turn, and while I give her the money I say her last name out loud "Ashley *****, right?". She looks up and guesses my cool, eh?
Anyways, I follow up and ask "where u go to school now" "its been so long" "you've changed", was pretty brief convo, mabye 1 minute long.
So to close I just say: "well look, I gotta go. What's your number, we'll catch up sometime"

She gives me number.

I walk away.

It was a wednesday, I call her friday telling her we're going on a date saturday nite(chicks like time to prepare).

She agrees.


What's cool about the whole thing was that before I ever talked to her in the store, I was thinkin to myself that she's freakin hot. Next thing I know, I'm taking off my watch because it keeps getting tangled in her hair.


Inspiring =)


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
So, what happened bro, did she chew you up and spit you out, or did you just chicken out and not say anything to the girl? It's not like she's gonna bite your head off. She's just a girl.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Youngblood, I'm sure the highlight of her day is calling to one of the fellas in the back to get a ladder and grab a ceiling fan for some asswipe.

You got the glare from the girl. Move in and get it.

dj ben2

Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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sydney, australia
i cant emeber were i read it either on this site of from david d is u wanna break the ice say something along the lines of wen u hand the money so how much of that do u get to keep. wen she says none say i thougth it was like 50% and i was gonna ask u out but now i dont think you can support me and carry on from there


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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ryannath said:
So, what happened bro, did she chew you up and spit you out, or did you just chicken out and not say anything to the girl? It's not like she's gonna bite your head off. She's just a girl.

Havent went there in 2 week's. Im do for a visit though....=P


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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dj ben2 said:
i cant emeber were i read it either on this site of from david d is u wanna break the ice say something along the lines of wen u hand the money so how much of that do u get to keep. wen she says none say i thougth it was like 50% and i was gonna ask u out but now i dont think you can support me and carry on from there
I can picture myself doing that, but wouldnt it be weird if out of nowhere I said something like that to her....after her being my cashier 4-5 times? Regardless...I like that, might go out and try it


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
i can totally relate to you yesterday i was taking the bus and there was a pretty girl at my side but i didn't noticed, a friend told me to speak to her but it took me off guard and i didn't have the courage (needless to say i regretted it.. but everyone makes mistakes!:p) what i noticed though is that the more time passed the less unlikely and wierder it was for me to approach so i think if you see it as weird now it will be worse as time passes so make up your mind right now, if you think it's worth the shot don't hesitate if you don't move on and choose another target, start fresh and act fast :D i'll try to do the same next time i'm on the bus:D hope i don't get *****-slapped lol xD!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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DJsomeday said:
i can totally relate to you yesterday i was taking the bus and there was a pretty girl at my side but i didn't noticed, a friend told me to speak to her but it took me off guard and i didn't have the courage (needless to say i regretted it.. but everyone makes mistakes!:p) what i noticed though is that the more time passed the less unlikely and wierder it was for me to approach so i think if you see it as weird now it will be worse as time passes so make up your mind right now, if you think it's worth the shot don't hesitate if you don't move on and choose another target, start fresh and act fast :D i'll try to do the same next time i'm on the bus:D hope i don't get *****-slapped lol xD!
haha good luck!