Great advice here:
I’ll add a couple of things that helped me:
1. I am still going through a messy divorce and it teaches you one thing (well others too), let’s say one more thing...sometimes a woman turning you down for a date is the best thing that ever happened to just never find out why. The reality is the we judge things as good or bad but in reality we do not know if many happenings are truly good or bad for sometimes years do not label them as such.
2. There is a good post about on tests women must pass, but I would add that firstly she has to like you and actually go out with you. If she says no then she failed the test, not you. She must, and I mean must, treat you well and with respect. If she does not you are better off without her. So treat it as a test of her.
3. You will come to realise that women and money are replaceable. Children and time are not, so do not waste any more time. Try and if you fail "laugh it up Fuzzball." The trully great thing about being a guy is we ask (mostly), yes they can say yes or no, but they (mostly) have to wait for us to ask and guess what? There is no limit on the number of girls we ask. You only need to win one out of 10 times and you will be booked out if you ask enough girls out.
4. Your fear of rejection (asking) is directly proportional to the emotional investment you have in the asking..minimise not care about the outcome. Do not give anyone emotional investment unless they have earn it first. Who is she to judge your worth as a person?
5. Finally, do not assume that women make good choices.
Hang in there “this too will pass”.