Can't Get Over Her!!! Please Help Me!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Easy to say

It's so easy to say "forget about her," but so much harder to do. My suggestion is to devote a bit of time regularly to just obsess about her -- with your phone turned off and put way away so you can't call her -- and get it out of your system. Maybe get a dart board and draw a picture on it of her. Hit a punching bag and imagine it's her face. Whatever it takes.

Then if you pass her way, just act as if you've never shown any interest in her. Don't be obvious about avoiding her, but don't acknowledge her either, especially if she somehow tries to bait you. If she really tries to get in your face, just tell her to grow up already, it's not 5th grade anymore. Don't show any sign of concern, or they'll rub it in your face.

I agree that the best thing to do is involve yourself with other women, even if they're not quite so hot looking as the evil one.

Meanwhile, stick around here and develop the kind of traits that will attract hotter and better women to you, and hone your game so your future girlfriends will erase the memory of her for good. And when you do find a gal to date, keep dating others until it's really clear you're a "couple." No better antidote to obsession (unless it's a genuine mental health condition) than options.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
do you guys thinks its possible for me to go out with hotties who are atleast 23 years older than me?


New Member
Jan 29, 2005
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Stuff like this is self-inflicted, you just have to take a step back and look at the big picture. It's natural instinct of a fella - wanting to screw every girl (helps the spiecie or however you spell it tosurvive). I bet if you shagged her once you'd be over her and would be happy to move on, but right now you've been rejected, you pride is hurt and that's deepend your 'obsession', it makes every other girl look average. This natural instinct has obviously manifested itself in a more harmless way though, a schoolboy crush perhaps. You're best bet is to just shag a few other girls, this will give your arrogant, domineering masculin traits their confidence back, you need to think you're gods gift to women again. Sorry if that was offensive, it might not be 100% true to you (so take as much or as little from it as you like), but it's what happens in my head, so i hope it helped.