Based on some things posted, just want to caution those who may not realize that many states now suspend your driving license for a year or more on any drug possession charge, even a single roach, together with onerous and costly reinstatement requirements.
Moreover, many corrupt local police bureaucracies go straight to blood tests invoking their implied consent choice and will charge DUI on -any- amount of THC in the blood, even if smoked weeks ago and far away. This has been held unconstitutional in several states, but it will cost you $10,000-20,000 in legal fees to get to the level of court where that means anything. Have a minor fender bender with someone the arriving cop knows, and get ready to be railroaded in whatever ways, don't have anything in your blood at this point, even weeks old, or get screwed. Same if the cop doesn't like you (you are male) or the cop just let off a chick and needs to balance out their internal sense of fair play (you are a male).
This exact scenario has happened to me three times in my life, all involving minor accidents with women who knew the cop, all in cases where the accident was very minor, and entirely her fault. In all three cases, the cop fabricated the accident report in blatant ways. In two of the cases, truth outed along the way and I was unharmed legally or financially. The third time the crooked cops won and I was out over $10,000.
Finally, even in states where pot is legal, -driving- with any in your system may not be, and usually is not. Be very careful in planning and doing any kind of "weed junkets" to U.S. states, especially if any driving is involved back and forth or during.
And truthfully, it's just plain stupid in the nanny-hysteria stranger danger state status quo to operate an automobile regularly as a weed smoker, especially at night. If one must, never ever smoke in the car, keep no paraphenalia of any type on your person or in the car, don't have hipster stickers or indicia of "stoner" on you or in the car, drive a boring "mom" type car if possible, minivan, boring sedan, keep smoking entirely in the house, curtail night driving smoking or no. Come to complete stops, keep your brake lights and other lights working, tires inflated, tag updated.
Just because a couple of states legalize or decriminalize doesn't mean MADD and the local brownshirt cops suddenly transformed into reasonable people from the human scum they are now.