Can You Be Don Juan While Making Minimum Wage?


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
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Vice smh @ your location and post. Like something I just read here, an alpha male is a beta male who learned to become an alpha male you did not know how to bag dimes at age 8. You merely sound as if you just read every post in this forum. Your hubris is astounding and if i saw you IRL I'd take out two pairs of adult sock 'em boppers and challenge you to a duel.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I would argue that being a DJ is 100% skill and attitude. Nothing about looks, income, living situation, age, or anything like that.

I pulled a couple of women back in 2002 when I was living in my car.

Now, does that mean that looks, income, etc., don't matter? Of course not, they matter a lot. However, I don't think they matter with regard to "being a DJ."

Think of it as analogous to being "tough" or being "funny." I'm not saying that being a DJ is the same as being tough or funny, I'm just saying that they're all essentially 100% mental with some skills thrown in. Does being tough or funny have anything to do with your income, age, looks, or anything like that? No, they really don't. They have to do with your attitude, your beliefs, your skills.. same with DJ.

Granted, a DJ who is super hot and rich will be more successful than one who is broke and living in a basement, but they're still both DJs.