Can you attract a girl who isn't attracted to you physically at first sight?


Aug 14, 2003
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Yo Momma 's Snatch
Last post in this b1tch forum.

H.air S.alon Forum. Can't live without daddy Realness ,PM me.

Yo!! little azz-holes ,the beleif that attractive girls get with unattractive guys just cuz is bs and that is afc rule#1 "She likes me just cuz" ....yeah the ho might like you but attraction...

They either do it out for $$$ or popularity(School ,work ,among freinds the guy is popular) or other factors the b1tch is not stupid ,she is not attracted to him ,be real ,she's most likley using him for SOMETHING ,she just lays down for him .

This is basic pimpery boys better wrap your head around that concept ,and put down that ****ing Madden and hit the gym & the mall.

One ,b1tches ,now your free.


Aug 14, 2003
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Yo Momma 's Snatch
Re: .

Originally posted by mikel
Of course you couldn't, I suggest you try to read a girl's body language before you try to DJ her.

If there is no attraction, then you cannot make one. It's either there or it's not.

You shouldn't try to read sh1t but my posts ...Just go for it **** her mood unless she's OBVIOUSLY not up for anything.

You can try to be more attrcative ,but yeah he's right you can't force a b1tch to get wet.


Aug 14, 2003
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Yo Momma 's Snatch
Originally posted by Porky
Yes, you can - but why bother? There are many more girls out there who will be attracted to you immediately. There's no reason I should go for the lukewarm HB 8 when there's a nice HB 9 in the library giving me the eye.

Porky knows.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by EternalBachelor
Vigilante 7. You say there are lots of HB5s looking at you. Well approach them, be friendly to them, practice your flirting on them. Trust me, however good looking you are, you have to work your way up. Once you give that aura that you are experienced with women (regardless of how good looking they are) and that all the women (again does not mattter if they are 5s) then the hot girls will be so much easier to pull.

Chap I know at college, is dynamite with women, and he treats every girl as if they were a HB9 flirting with them, kinoing them etc. and they all jockey for his attention and as a result he is surrounded by women a good proportion of whom are hot, and he is able to pair off with in his own time.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Logic and rational thinking have no place when trying to understand the habits and/or logic of highschool girls.

Experince, above all, is what will bring you an understanding of what the **** everyone is doing.

To answer your question: no. Not in highschool...

I'm going through a period of change (when I posted I was taking a break, thats what I meant). I'm switching things up, bringing myself to the next level, plateau, what have you.

It is not complex; it is not simple.

Look at it this way:

Girls in highschool have a number of intentions, but they are all irrelevant and moot points.

I know what they think, what they want to think... but its not true.

Disregard sexuality, disregard attitude, disregard how you look, how you talk, how you eat, how you ****ing comb your hair in the morning -- because directly, it has no effect.

Sure, go ahead and do all those things... and see how much things change. Compliment on the new hair-cut? Good job. Nope.

None of it matters. We all want to beleive a lie that our parents fed to us, a fabrication of love that has been passed down generation by generation.

Love my friends, is love of self.

...and there isn't a single girl in highschool who wants you..

I'm not being pessimistic -- like I always say, despite my comments I am a very happy individual. Optimistic? I try to be.

All girls want is themselves...


Yes, all they want is themselves. All they want is to love themselves, and they have setup all these standards and prerequisites to fulfill that self-love.

Find me a highschool girl who loves herself., she loves her popularity., she loves her good looks., she loves her athleticism, she loves her creativity

Find me a girl who truely loves herself, despite her ****-ups, her screw-ups, her meaningless battles and irrelevant goals.

You will not find her.

We are filling a hole here gentlemen. We love ourselves, we are DJ. Girls want to love themselves, but they cannot.

They beleive that you will help them love theirselves.

I can't give it to you any better than that.

...disagree with me? I'm always open to suggestions.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Toooooo many guys confuse the term "Attraction" with "Interest".

Attraction CANNOT happen just by looking at somebody - not for men, and not for women either. Attraction is gained by how somebody is treated, not by how somebody looks.

Attraction is the desire to want to spend time with somebody. If attraction was instantly gained just be a physical glance, guys would never be frightened to approach a pretty girl because he will actually WANT to go up there and talk to her. You see, when a guy is scared to approach a beautiful woman, it's not that he WANTS to approach her, it's because he believes that he HAS to. Big difference.

Interest, however, CAN be gained by a physical appearance, BUT DOES NOT HAVE TO. Interest can be gained by many things. It could be that she looks like somebody that you know, it could be because you've seen her somewhere before. It could be anything.

All interest does is make attraction easier to create. If there is ZERO interest, then that is the only way that you could possibly NOT make a woman attracted to you - but ZERO interest very rarely happens unless you are unusually ugly, or you have a special case.

The more interest you have to start with, the easier the attraction is to build, because sub-conciously she will be more open to feeling it.

However, just because she is INTERESTED is DEFINATLY NO GUARRANTEE that she will be attracted to you. If that was the case, then so many good looking guys would not be dateless and complaining about the fact that they are dateless. So many beautiful women will not be going around wondering why the hell guys don't dig them as soon as they get to know them.

How many times have YOU seen a beautiful woman, gotten to know her, and end up NOT being attracted to her? Sure, there was initial INTEREST, but if you do the WRONG things, then intitial interest will be USELESS.

C'mon now, it's been proven that personality is about 5 times as important as Looks. Period.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
sometime i see guys that just look fu@ked up i mean it looke like a grenade went off in their face but you see them with some of the hottest chicks out ther how does that happen?

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
C'mon now, it's been proven that personality is about 5 times as important as Looks. Period.
Quite wrong.