Interceptor said:
Iqqi, I guess it's the fact that you're a female.
The stance you sometimes have in some of your post may not alwasy be very encouraging or considerate or friendly in tone or content.
I know you already know that.
Actually almost every
first post I make to a thread is indeed considerate and friendly, and I keep in mind how sensitive certain ppl can get here. However, when a response to my post is negative and insulting or abrasive... I can get that way right back, and I will repeat what I said the first time, maybe without sugarcoating.
Some people tend to take my disagreements as being unfriendly or inconsiderate simply because
Iqqi, I guess it's the fact that you're a female.
As a matter of fact I tend to deflect most personal comments and attacks on me with humor and teasing...
Interceptor said:
It's not that any men are 'intimidated' or afraid, or "overly sensitive".
It's that most men just don't take kindly to females criticizing them.
I know that many men come here to be heard by and hear men.
And many men have no problems assessing themselves in front of other men.
Now, I do appreciate women's presence in the forum. Absolutely.
No question.
But some men don't.
And often if a female is pretty unapologetic about her nitpicking and fingerpointing and sometimes shaming and emasculating attitude, then we can't blame any of the men with objecting to it.
I don't think I nitpick and fingerpoint.
I do what everyone else does on this forum.
I point things out... but I guess that is the male description. When a woman does it, it is finger pointing. Lol.
I also disagree and offer a different viewpoint when I feel it is necessary... or is that a man's logical argument? AKA a woman's nitpicking??
And you are 100% correct... I am not apologetic about what I point out, or my viewpoints... if I was truly apologetic, that would mean I was sorry about it... so why would I say it in the first place. ?
It is obvious that it is really
the fact that you're a female.
For some men here, yeah, I guess criticism from a woman can be like a slap in the face... but that is being overly sensitive, all because
Iqqi, I guess it's the fact that you're a female.
Which is just silly.
Some of you need to open your minds.
NOW, for
your way of saying things, Interceptor, and mine...
When you surround what you are really saying with lengthy parts and pieces about how we are friends and you have nothing against me... to me that is sugarcoating, and also
passive aggressive, and you could just give me the salt without the sugar.
If you have a valid criticism about me, I don't need to hear the "we are friends" part before and after what you are really saying, because I am going to address what you said, not our relationship based on what was said.
I notice a lot of that babying going on, before a poster says what they really mean. I also notice that a lot of things said behind closed doors (PM's) are delivered with more sugar than salt when said publicly. To me, this is ok for some to do, but comes across as contrived and almost even false depending on the extent, and it isn't my way.
I choose humor to build most of my bridges, not sugar. To me humor is real and substantial, while sugarcoating and passive aggressive compliments followed by criticism, is insubstantial and not really true.
Sometimes criticism can be taken very badly, and like I said, that is when I will try to say something nicely first, with maybe some humor as well.
I can see why it is done, but I hate when it is done to me, and I also for that reason cannot do it to others. Some people will appreciate that about me, while others will continue to feel insulted when I don't deliver my punches with a soft hand, since I guess I should since
Iqqi, I guess it's the fact that you're a female.