HardTimes said:
I already know creating this topic is going to get me flamed badly and that the captain save-a-ho DJs are going to come in here and say its not that women are evil its the fact that I have no game (which is true).
Ok,I'm ready. I had to put some more fuel in my flamethrower. It's fully charged,and I'm ready to go. Let's get it started!
You say that women are evil. Why? What are you saying this for? Why,because you can't find a girl who'll let you have sex with her? Is that it? So if you were to be able to have sex with any girl you want anytime you want,would you still be saying this? I doubt it. If you're talking about women who kill,steal,and who intentionally try to hurt people,then I agree with you. But if you're just talking about all the girls who you've approached,and who have turned you down,then that's a different story. Can you blame them? Look how negative and bitter you seem. You think any woman wants to be around that? If she does,then she's not evil,she's crazy.
Hardtimes said:
I know if I was a DJ or at least had some DJ skills I could get some women. I'm not arguing that. But the fact that I don't and never will I think has opened my eyes a bit more than the average DJ and I think that I can get at least some AFCs on here to agree with me.
Well why are you here? You say that if you were a DJ,or had some DJ skills,you could get some women. Well? What's stopping you? This is the place to learn what you need to do in order to be successful. You seem too downtrodden,too jaded. Even your name gives off an air of despair.
You know what? On second thought,you might be right. Maybe they
are evil.....to you. Women are emotional. They can
easily pick up on a vibe/feeling coming from a person,and reflect that vibe right back to you. So if you're happy and excited around a woman,she'll sense it,and reflect it back to you. If you're sad,she'll reflect that sadness right back to you. If you're angry,bitter,and jaded,then her spending a few minutes in your presense,will get her feeling the same way,but you'll think it's her. Hmmm,maybe you;re right.....as far as
you're concerned.
HardTimes said:
Why can't we finally man up and just admit that women these days are evil human beings? They are make good men go through hoops just to have a chance of having a real man treat them a lady is suppose to be treated, only be to interested in the men who treat them like shyt (not DJs, *******s) for the most part. There are plenty of good men out there that are not DJs (is it a crime to just be a normal guy?),
Can't argue with you on this one dude. They do reject the good guys,and date the jerks,but do you know why? It's too much to get into right now,but it has NOTHING to do with mean or abusive behavior. They're not attracted to being mistreated,they just stay with guys
in spite of it.
Oh,and one more thing:You say why can't we just "man up" and admit that women are evil. I disagree with this,but let's say you're right. Ok,they're evil.
Now what?
HardTimes said:
yet these good men are forced into lonelyness and depression because of these women. Yes I am one of those men and yes that is why I am making this thread.
This is false. No one is "forced" into loneliness and depression. You can have a girlfriend and feel lonely and depressed. You can be married,and feel lonely and depressed. You go to China and be standing in a crowd of a billion people all walking around speaking chinese and feel lonely. It's your job to get off your butt and create the life you want....nobody elses. It's not the job of a woman to make you happy,that's your job. The job of a woman is to aid you in your life,not to be it. As long as you're waiting for some chick to come along and make you happy,you'll continue feeling bitter and depressed. It's a cycle:You're lonely and depressed because of women,but women reject you because they
"FEEL" this loneliness and depression coming off of you.
Nobody wants to be around that.
HardTimes said:
Women make really crappy decisions on who they date and end up procreating with, statistics will back me up on that. Good smart and educated men like me and other AFCs on here will continually get passed up for the deadbeats
You're right on this man. They do make poor choices when it comes to guys a lot of the time. You know what I say to that? So. So what? What has that got to do with me? What has it got to do with you? Look,there are many,many women who do this. Too many to call this a fluke,or just a few bad apples. Therefore,if basically all of women do this,that means that there's something about women's attraction that we're missing,because you DON"T have to be abusive to women in order to date one. I know because I've dated enough women to know that you don't have to be a jerk. Look at it this way:if you subtract the abusive element from a jerk,and use whatever is left over,you can still attract women. I know,I know,it seems life whenever you see a girl,you see a jerk. I used to think that way too. However,after learning a few things,and going out into the field and actually testing those things,I realized that you actually don't have to be a jerk. It's just that jerks have specific traits and qualities that attract women,but when you look at him,you don't see those qualities,all you see is the a-hole-ish behavior.
Woo,that's a lot of typing for me. Besides,I think my flamethrower is running low on fuel.
So in a nutshell,if you think that women are evil,well what can I say? They're not going anywhere anytime soon. Go ahead and get it all out. Be angry,pissed,bitter,yell,curse,do whatever you have to do to express your rage and bitterness with women. Have at it. But once you've finished spewing out all that hatefulness and animosity,know this:they'll still be right here waiting for you exactly the same way they've always been.
You may feel better after ranting and raving,but their illogical behavior will still be here waiting for you to deal with.