Can u really be THIS shy???


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, first of all, I'm a girl, asking all u guys a question that im really confused about.
I met this guy in person that i met on myspace. We went out once, we both seemed to enjoy ourselves. As we were walking to our cars he said that "next time maybe we could do something more fun", i guess he meant something other than just a movie.
But now twice already, he suggested we do something, I'd say ok and offer a suggestion for something to do, and then I wouldnt here back from him. This arranging was done through text messaging, just so u know.
What is his deal? How come he keeps bringing up hanging out, but then when i say ok, he never completes the transaction, lol, so to speak?
It's really confusing me. It makes no sense at all. Why would he even mention seeing me again if he had no intention to?
Remember, he did this twice already.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
He's obviously not that shy since he went out with you once..

need more details, how long ago was it that he said "let's do something more fun next time?"

He might be busy if it only been days. if it's been over a week, then he might found another girl, and keeping you as a backup.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
uh..he said "maybe next time we can do something more fun" the same night we went out the first time when we were walking to our cars. that was two weeks ago. the wednesday after that, he tried to set somethingup again, said he wanted to hang out but he couldnt cuz he had a class. then this past saturday, he said he wanted to do something, i suggested something, and i never heard back from him. then yesterday, the same thing: he said maybe we can do something, i said ok, and i didnt hear from him after that. lol, whats his problem...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by udontknowme
uh..he said "maybe next time we can do something more fun" the same night we went out the first time when we were walking to our cars. that was two weeks ago. the wednesday after that, he tried to set somethingup again, said he wanted to hang out but he couldnt cuz he had a class. then this past saturday, he said he wanted to do something, i suggested something, and i never heard back from him. then yesterday, the same thing: he said maybe we can do something, i said ok, and i didnt hear from him after that. lol, whats his problem...
Do you know if he has a job besides school? If he doesn't, again he either has another girl he is more interested in or he isn't that interested in you. You should keep yourself busy and meet other guys...