Thx everyone, starting prog. printing and carrying to workouts in folder & towel
Warm Up
1) warm up, do about 7-10 at like 50-60% of your work sets, then like 5-7 at like 75%... etc. in the end you hit about 15-20 reps before you start your workout, and it warms up the muscles you wanna do.
2) 10 work sets means that after you warm up, you blast into your workout and do 10 sets... that could be, for example, 3 sets of pull ups, 3 sets of DB rows, 2 sets of bent over rows and 2 sets of lat pressdowns.
Work Out Routine
Back: Heavy Rows, T-Bars, Pull Ups, Pulldowns
Bis: Barbell Curls, Alt DB Curls
Forearms: Wristflicks, Fingerpulls
(Shoulder day)
Delts: Military Press, DB Presses, DB Raises
Traps: Barbell/ DB Shrugs, Power Cleans
Abdominal Exercises (See Sat.)
Chest: Pressing movements (barbell or dumbbells), Flyes w/ DB
Tris: Close Grip Bench, Skullcrushers, Tri Pressdowns, Dips, Cable pressdowns (machine)
Legs: Squats, Leg Press, Stiff Leg Deads, Leg Curls, Sprints
Abdominal Exercises
Crunches: Put your hands behind your neck (don't pull too hard on the neck); Pull your knees in just above the hips with your feet flat on the floor; Lift your shoulders no more than 30 degrees above the ground; Hold for 3 full seconds; Beginners should do 1 set of as many repetitions as it takes to make the abs burn. It is standard for huge bumpy musclemen to do 3 sets of about 25 to 30 repetitions. Do these exercises at least 3 times a week.
Leg Lifts: Lie down flat on your back on a bench; Lift your legs (straight out) about 45 degrees in the air; Then return them slowly to the resting position (without touching the ground). Do them until you firggen cry.
*Bring a gallon of water to consume to every work out.
*Liquid Creatine right before work outs.
*Protein shakes sunrise and sunset.
*Figure out meal plan!