Bout time an easy question showed up. Alright man,listen up:
Using logic to a woman's emotions doesn't work. It's useless,futile. The reason why is because emotions are not rational. They don't make sense.
If a woman feels a certain way,then you try to explain to her why shouldn't feel that way,it won't change anything. It's like this with ALL kinds of feelings. Let me give you an example:Let's say you go to a buffet,and eat all your stomach can hold. You eat 10 slices of pizza,3 salads,4 bowls of spaghetti,5 buscuits,2 cinnamon rolls,and drink 4 glassas of soda.
Then you go home,and a hour and a half later you say to your friend,"I feel hungry". Now,the first thing your friend is going to do is look at you like you're crazy. Then,what is he going to do? He's going to go down the list to you of ALL the things you just ate. He's going to say,"What? You just ate 10 slices of pizza,4 bowls of spaghetti,3 salads,etc. Ok,now why is he doing this,why is he telling you about all the food you just ate? It's because all of these foods he's telling you about are reasons you shouldn't be hungry.
He's naming off reasons why you shouldn't "feel" hungry. You get it?
He's giving you reasons why you shouldn't feel hungry,but guess what? Once he gets finished going down the list of reasons,you're not going to turn to him and go,"Yeah,you're right. What was I thinking? I'm glad you straightened me out. Thanks". It doesn't work that way.
If that's how you feel,then that's how you feel. If I go outside when it's 90 degrees,and I say I feel cold,then that's how I feel. You can tell me all day long about how hot it is,and how the sun is out shining,and how everyone else walking around in shorts,tanktops,and how they're drenched in sweat,but once you get finished going down the list of reasons why I shouldn't feel cold,I'm not going to say to you,"Yeah,yeah.You're right. Everybody else is in shorts,the sun is out shining,and people are sweating like crazy. Alright,you've convinced me. You win. I won't feel cold anymore."
You see what I'm saying? You cannot LOGICALLY talk a woman out of how she feels. If that were the case,then you could logically explain to a woman why she shouldn't be in a relationship with a man who beats her and abused her. Or with a guy who cheats on her repeatedly,putting her health at risk.
We've all seen situations like those before,and usually when you try to help women in matters like these,what happens? They ignore your logical,sound advice,and keep following their feelings,sometimes to their death.
Those emotions ain't no joke.
Well,this was the best I could explain this emotion/logic topic.
Hope this helps.