Can one man really steal another man's girl? (Rhetorical question)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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New york, New York
Is it possible to steal someone's girl and what do you do if some guy "steals" your girl?

First off, no one can "steal" someone else's girl.

If someone steals her, it is ONLY because she wanted to get stolen.

If she didn't, the other guy would never have had a chance.

Let's take a look at this.

The reality is that most attractive women have men in their lives at any given point in time.

Women don't like to be alone so most of them will keep at least one or two guy around in the picture.

So in other words, about 95% of the time when you mack up on some chick (especially an attractive one) trust me, there is already some other guy (or guys) that she is f*cking with.

Women compare themselves to other women (especially their friends) and no woman want to be the only one in their girly circle that is "manless".

For most women, having a man is a social status statement and the more desirable the man, the better.

Women love nothing better than to have man they can show off in front of their friends and people in general because it is an ego and self-esteem boost for them.

Alot of women would even rather date some guy they only have average or little interest in rather than not have any man.

Getting back to the topic of stealing someone's girl, let's take a look at one of the most interesting relationships between a man and a woman, that of the pimp to his ho.

I know that in the pimp world, sometimes hoes might choose to go to another pimp.

The pimp has to accept this because a true pimp rules by the choice of his hoes and not by force.

Contrary to the Hollywood movie image, a true pimp rarely if ever beats his ho to make her do what he wants because the only weapon he needs to control her is his verbal skills, confidence, and his knowledge and experience in dealing with hoes.

Only fake pimps, wannabe pimps, and pimps with weak verbal skills and game have to resort to beating their women.

So he doesn't use force to make a woman to stay with him (again, contrary to what most people think about pimps or at least real pimps)

Usually when a pimp starts losing hoes, it is usually because his game has starting leaking (a pimp term for "falling off") and he no longer holds the same attraction value to the ho.

So she starts looking for a pimp whose game is more "tight" (a pimp term for having his sh*t together).

The same thing goes on in "square" (pimp term for non-pimps) relationships also.

In most square relationships, the man will get angry because his girl left him for another man and he accuses the other man of having "stolen" his girl as if she is a piece of property like a watch or an iPod.

Watches and iPods aren't able to think or feel or choose.

What kills me is when some dude wants to fight the other guy as if it is his fault his women chose to f*ck with the other guy.

It's like when a husband comes early from work and finds a d*ck shoved way up his wife's a$$ and wants to get a gun and shoot the guy.

It takes two people to decide to have sex and she gave up the p*ssy because that is what SHE wanted to do.

The guy she chose to do it with DOESN'T matter because it could have been any guy and it just happened to be this guy.

When a two guys fight each other over a chick, the only real winner is the chick because she has the satisfaction of having two idiots fighting over her.

The guy that girl may leave her man for hasn't won anything because usually the women is just using him for her own benefit.

The bottomline is that no girl is worth fighting some guy over.

If she wants to go elsewhere let her go.

After that you tighten your game up and keep looking for other and better options.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Like you said, only if she wants to be stolen.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Dats why u gotta be tha man. Cuz hoes wanna get tha mans **** shoved up their ass. Dats why Im tha man.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Ralston said:
Dats why u gotta be tha man. Cuz hoes wanna get tha mans **** shoved up their ass. Dats why Im tha man.
Thank you Ralston with that commentary, now back to Jim with today's weather...:D


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
If a guy has 3 or 4 backup women I doubt that a woman is going to be as comfterable trying to cheat, especially if she knew you would next her slutty ass.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
I agree

For most women, having a boyfriend is a badge of honor, someone they can show off to their friends and family. It makes her feel attractive as a woman to have a man in her life. That's why it seems like so many girls already have boyfriends, they need their boyfriend to make their life complete. The truth is, most women know they really don't love their boyfriends that much, they just don't want to be by themselves on the weekends or be the only girl in their group without a man in their life.

- Paul: