Can NOT work this chick out.


New Member
Aug 29, 2013
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So about a month a met this chick in a bar when I was visiting her city. I talked to her for around 30 minutes and she gave me a few really nice copliments during that time and so I asked her for her number and she gave it to me as I told her I was moving to he country for a while in a month.

She is a super hottie. 9.5 or a 10.

So I go back home for 3 weeks and she messages me and i message her regularly. I game her pretty good with that and we arrange to meet up.

First meet she cancels because she is no longer going into the town (she lives outside about 35 mins away) so fair enough even if its a bit flaky. Next night she asks me where I am and tells me she is with her friend in a club. As I have already paid for a table in another club i tell her I cant as I am with my friends at another club but she is welcome to join.

the next week passes..

Next friday she writes me asking me where i am, am I going out so she tells me where she is and thats where we are going anyway. When I turn up her and her friend are heading home as they have drank too much (this was true). She is really touchy feely with me and keeps asking me to write to her tomorrow. She sends me messages from the car on the way home.

Then the next day she asks me what am I doing that night and I tell her where I am going with my friends and she comes along with her friend. We all have a really god night and she tells me SHE HAS TOLD HER MOTHER ABOUT ME. We have some good banter and they go home. There was no chance to isolate.

Then after this we organise to have dinner together on friday, friday lunchtime she cancels because she forgot it was her cousins party but suggests we meet up for a drink after. Later she writes to tell me where she is but doesn't actually ask me to come. So I tell her to join us were we are, she replies that they are hungry and going to get food but she will write me after as to somewhere we can meet. After that she writes me a message saying "we are going to go home now" and i simply reply "ok see you another time" .

Im certainly not going to write her again until she contacts me. I am wondering if the language barrier isnt helping or if I am simply being played! hot and cold!


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Fact that she told her mother about you wasnt her being over-eager, it was a soft rejection. Woman-game, hook line and sinker. Move on, it's a lost cause

Ps, anytime you've been gaming a girl for over 2 weeks and no plans end up going through (especially if she's flaked most of the time), she's not interested


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Cas is right. Sounds like you've been enlisted as an orbiter to give her the occasional ego boost. It's a pretty good arrangement for her, really. She basically does nothing and gets the pick-me-up she needs while your hamster spins.

As the old saying goes on here, a woman who's interested in you won't confuse you.

user name

Sep 24, 2013
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Azar said:
Yeah i hear ya, but the mom bit wtf
you thought that was odd?

i was like 'wtf' at the part he said he definitely wouldn't write to her again...until she contacted him first....:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
One thing you'll learn about "super hotties" is, they tend to place little to no value on others - they're all about themselves; how they feel, and what they want. Most people are this way, of course, but it's more extreme with them. That's all I see happening here... she does whatever she wants, cancels and flakes, takes up better offers, sees you when she feels like it, and dictates when things are going to happen. It's all about her. Don't be suprised if there aren't other guys on the side, either.

These bishes are fiercely independent, on the go, jumping from social circle and BF to the next, always doing something, and not committing to ****. It's how they operate. These are the casual, fun, short-term relationships you have. Do NOT analyze everything, become all invested, try figuring her out, and blah blah. These aren't the types you become involved with - as is clear by your already state of confusion. She's living her life and doing her own thing... don't just stand back and wait for her to come around, and get all wrapped up in this ****. Hotties who frequent bars and clubs aren't quality, either.