Yes. I have long term male friendships. These are not orbiters in any way. I'm taking one (who is fighting cancer) to his biopsy next week. My husband has become friends with my guy friends and has no issue, I introduce women to my guy friends and when I was single I'd wing for them.
Most men would refuse platonic friendships with women, whether before or after sex happened. They don't want to hear about some other guy winning while you're losing. Now the part where you're introducing other women (hopefully hot and available) to said male friends is a plus, provided they actually hook up. Not sure how often that happens though. I've never had a woman wing for me, and if she did, something went wrong.
A hot woman is a great wing, but she's got to have an answer when women ask well why aren't YOU with him? Good answers are "well he's my husband's friend", "we work together", or something else that makes plausible sense.
I've seen someone go to a venue with a hot chick. Turned out she was an insta-thot turned escort. But it helped him, I think. I say that because more dudes were going up to him. I'd still need more proof...this sounds good in theory, not so much in practice.
I'm a little unusual though in that I grew up with boys and was very close to my dad doing typical boy stuff like hunting & fishing & helping with projects. I was a total tomboy. So I can talk cars & sports etc with the guys. I had to learn how to socialize with women in high school & university because as a young woman I understood men much better than women.
Give all these guys a Lamborghini or a spot on their favorite pro sports team, you'll likely find them more attractive. But you're married now, who knows how you'd actually feel? Let's not go down that rabbit hole out of respect.
So I've had close male friends all my life. My dad had close female friends; my husband has close female friends including an ex gf. She's become a great friend of mine too.
I'm sure many want to smash. Make no bones about it. A man with female friends? He'll eventually want to smash. I've had older chicks want to just be friends with me, and my rejection of that pisses them off. Same as if they want to "take it slow". Morph into their favorite athlete or celeb, see if they want to take things slow then. Hint: they won't. I cannot be reduced to platonic friends or orbiters (any beta role). Now if these women are helping me grow my business or are working for me, I can accept that. That's a case where I won't want to smash.
But ya. Maturity required. You cannot be an orbiter.
I would just say 255/256 platonic friendships would either fail or just be beneficial for the woman. Not so for the guy outside of business or she's a great wingwoman who consistently brings results. In most platonic friendships, the guy is some beta orbiter. Most guys are mature enough to recognize the unfavorable dynamic and reject it. The woman may get upset, but only because she's not getting a new beta simp on her roster. Guy doesn't get sex, gal doesn't get emotional support.