Can I remove my sex drive?

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
Have you ever felt like this before, then the next day there was something that made everything alot better?

What was it and why?
Sometimes it was my favorite TV show. It made feel better because it was funny.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can I remove my sex drive?

Originally posted by Eighth Passenger
I really don't wanna spend another day on this stupid a$$ earth anyway. I curse the day I was born. My existence is pointless. God made a mistake in creating me. I have nothing to offer anyone, anything, not even myself.

That is all.
Uh-oh... I hope I don't hear a gunshot.

BGMan :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Brain biochemistry

Often people have brain biochemistry imbalances that cause depression that can't be overcome by therapy. In my case, I was getting suicidally depressed on account of eating allergic foods. I removed those foods from my diet and my moods improved immeasurably, my thoughts became clearer and more reasonable, and I became a much more effective, self-confident man overall.

There are lots of possible sources for your problem. I suggest seeking out a doctor who's up on "complementary" medicine, so you can find out if there's a natural way to straighten things out. It could be something very simple (though not necessarily easy).

In any case, look to biochemistry first.

And weight training does generally help ones biochemistry, but probably not enough to cure serious depression.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk

Now as you think about that funny TV programme, you may realise that you can infact influence your mood somewhat for the better.

I'd suggest getting a few vids of programmes like that and watch them again. Belly laughs release chemicals in the brain that give you a sense of well being.

The suggestions for exercise are great, but perhaps at the moment, if you have those heavy, sinking lethargic feelings, it's very difficult to get off your ass. Walking in a peaceful park would be an excellent start until you gain more energy.

By this time you should feel a bit better and feel up to taking some action.

This will make you feel 10 times better. Look at ways you can improve your lot, write down a plan, then just take the first step. It doesn't have to be massive, just start the ball rolling.

When you realise that HOPE is what you have lost and you have created new HOPE, then you will be feeling a lot better.

Don't jump to conclusions or label yourself a depressive. Pretty much everybody at some time in their life feels the way you do and even says some of the things you've been saying.

If it carries on for more than a week or two, then see a doc. Even then you don't necesarily want to be labelling yourself.