Can I remove my sex drive?

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Is it possible to remove my sex drive (so I'll be able to look at a nude woman without getting an erection or being attracted)?

I'm a perfectionist. I get very upset if things don't go my way. Becoming a DJ isn't going my way exactly. I will never be a guy women faint over. I will always have to consciously "prepare" myself whenever I approach women. Being a DJ is not going to become natural. I know what I'm capable of...and being a real ladie's man isn't.

I don't need or want a relationship with a woman. Sex is overrated. And I don't want any kids. So why do I need a sex drive?

I just want my depression to go away. And the constant jealousy I have of other people who are in relationships with hot girls. Without my sex drive, seeing a hot girl won't even phase me. I can concentrate on other things in my life besides women, sex, and relationships.

So, please answer my topic question.

(I think testicals cause sex drive....and I'm not chopping of my balls.)


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
If you want your depression to go away, start lifting weights. It really helps alot. My depression I had from ninth grade and forward is gone. It will supercharge your sex drive though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ok....... You'v got some serious issues, that may need the help of a therapist if you are thinking like that.

Of coarse sex is over-rated but its only a big deal if you are not getting any!

Part of being a human being is to enjoy sex! why deprive yourself because you are feeling down?!

You place your entire existence on this planet on what women think of you. When you start getting buzy with your life: GET A FULL TIME JOB THAT MAKES YOU SATISFIED, GET HOBBIES TO KEEP YOU BUZY, you will have less time to think of why girls don't like you and you will be more happy in yourself then what others think of you.

Slowly your confidence will go up, because you are living your life through experience. Spending alot of time on this website is a waste of time if you are not willing to apply what you are reading to the real world.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by Eighth Passenger
Is it possible to remove my sex drive (so I'll be able to look at a nude woman without getting an erection or being attracted)?
Yes, and no. You may be able to not get an erection, but as for attraction - that's a part of human nature. Short of ripping out your brain, I don't see any way you could never be attracted to another woman again... unless you turned gay. :rolleyes:

I'm a perfectionist. I get very upset if things don't go my way. Becoming a DJ isn't going my way exactly.
How many things in life go your way all the time? Just about none - but that's life.

I will never be a guy women faint over. I will always have to consciously "prepare" myself whenever I approach women. Being a DJ is not going to become natural. I know what I'm capable of...and being a real ladie's man isn't.
Giving up is the mark of a loser. Give up on yourself, and you'll have to live with that for the rest of your life. You aren't a loser, are you? Are you!? So stop acting like one!

I don't need or want a relationship with a woman. Sex is overrated. And I don't want any kids. So why do I need a sex drive?
To perpetuate the species. It's biology. Oh, and unless you've met every woman out there, how do you know you don't want a relationship with any of them?

I just want my depression to go away. And the constant jealousy I have of other people who are in relationships with hot girls.
This is a matter better left to a psychologist. However, you've contradicted yourself. If you don't want a relationship with a woman, you wouldn't be jealous of people who already are in them. Definitely schedule an appointment with a mental health care professional... it's nothing new, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Without my sex drive, seeing a hot girl won't even phase me. I can concentrate on other things in my life besides women, sex, and relationships.
Wrong. Right now, the problem isn't your sex drive - it's your self-esteem. Seeing a hot girl isn't making your penis bring you to your knees - it's your mental reaction to the person it is you're seeing. Simply "turning off your sex drive" isn't going to change the way that you think.

So, please answer my topic question.

(I think testicals cause sex drive....and I'm not chopping of my balls.)
If you're serious about eliminating your sex drive entirely, I'd recommend you read up on "castration". There are doctors out there who will perform the surgery... I do think that's a rather extreme measure to a problem that lies only in your head. Like I've said earlier, pick up the phone and call a shrink.

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce
If you want your depression to go away, start lifting weights. It really helps alot. My depression I had from ninth grade and forward is gone. It will supercharge your sex drive though.
How does lifting weights affect depression?

Seizing The Day

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Beat ur meat.....alot.

Its nothing to be ashamed of and its the best hormone releaser a man has.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, I didn't really read the whole post, but if you want to really lower your sex drive....

Get no more than 4 hours of sleep a night.
Start drinking alcohol
Start smoking pot(varying opinions on this one)
Cut ALL fat out of your diet
Try to eat lots of soy products, drink pop

These are all things that are known to lower male testosterone levels, thus decreasing your libido.

I don't recommend you actually do any of this, just gave out the info for the hell of it.

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Okay, I didn't really read the whole post, but if you want to really lower your sex drive....

Get no more than 4 hours of sleep a night.
Start drinking alcohol
Start smoking pot(varying opinions on this one)
Cut ALL fat out of your diet
Try to eat lots of soy products, drink pop

These are all things that are known to lower male testosterone levels, thus decreasing your libido.

I don't recommend you actually do any of this, just gave out the info for the hell of it.
I don't wanna kill myself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Eighth Passenger
Is it possible to remove my sex drive (so I'll be able to look at a nude woman without getting an erection or being attracted)?

I'm a perfectionist. I get very upset if things don't go my way. Becoming a DJ isn't going my way exactly. I will never be a guy women faint over. I will always have to consciously "prepare" myself whenever I approach women. Being a DJ is not going to become natural. I know what I'm capable of...and being a real ladie's man isn't.

I don't need or want a relationship with a woman. Sex is overrated. And I don't want any kids. So why do I need a sex drive?

I just want my depression to go away. And the constant jealousy I have of other people who are in relationships with hot girls. Without my sex drive, seeing a hot girl won't even phase me. I can concentrate on other things in my life besides women, sex, and relationships.

So, please answer my topic question.

(I think testicals cause sex drive....and I'm not chopping of my balls.)
God I hope this is a joke.

God designed human beings with a sex drive. God doesn't make mistakes. The sex drive has kept humans as a species around for a long time. Why don't you USE it?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio
Originally posted by Eighth Passenger
How does lifting weights affect depression?
gets ya mind off those bad depressive thoughts for awhile

if you are seriously depressed, talk to me a/b it dude. I was about ready to kill myself 8 months ago- now things are so much better. PM me, or AIM IM me at WSUegrStudent


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
LOL dude.. I feel your pain!! How old are you? I used to have the uncontrolled sex drive all the way through school!! What a pain in the ass.. erection at dancing with a chick and at the thought of something.. now days I am way more controlled and he only responds when I want him to.. so it will get better with age... as for your depression.. agreed with other posts.. go to gym.. great stress relief.. and your here for a reason.. to learn to pickup.. frankly i wished I had found this site when I was in school.. would have been awesome.. not let any of those good feelings go to waste. if you haven't started do the BOOT CAMP! and stick with it no matter how weird or frustrating..

Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
Listen to me closely, I have the perfect solution for what you described.

Take an anti depressant... prozac, paxil, zoloft, etc.

These lift your depression and kill your sex drive.

Two birds, one stone.

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Can I remove my sex drive?

Originally posted by squirrels
God I hope this is a joke.

God designed human beings with a sex drive. God doesn't make mistakes. The sex drive has kept humans as a species around for a long time. Why don't you USE it?
F*U*C*K God and F*U*C*K women, sex, relationships, kids, marriage, and everything else in between.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
It releasees endorphines, change your posture among other things. It will help. But you seem to be in another boat, it seems like you need more help with destroying limited beliefs at the same time as you get out of the depression. It's often the case that depression will give bad beliefs, the beliefs then will make you stay in the depression because it has become a part of your personality.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Re: Re: Can I remove my sex drive?

Originally posted by Eighth Passenger
F*U*C*K God and F*U*C*K women, sex, relationships, kids, marriage, and everything else in between.
If that's truly how you feel, your sex drive is the LEAST of your worries.

Get some professional psychiatric help if you can't handle learning to live well on your own.

Eighth Passenger

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Can I remove my sex drive?

Originally posted by squirrels
If that's truly how you feel, your sex drive is the LEAST of your worries.

Get some professional psychiatric help if you can't handle learning to live well on your own.
I really don't wanna spend another day on this stupid a$$ earth anyway. I curse the day I was born. My existence is pointless. God made a mistake in creating me. I have nothing to offer anyone, anything, not even myself.

That is all.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
If you feel that way, then you're right - you don't need to be in a relationship with anyone else. It's better that you focus your energy into improving yourself before you try to find someone to sleep with, date, or marry. By the way, call a psychologist tomorrow and schedule an appointment. It'll be the best thing you've done in a while, I promise.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Have you ever felt like this before, then the next day there was something that made everything alot better?

What was it and why?