Don Juan
since learning about the game or becoming a dj i have changed quite a bit but some times wonder if thats a good thing. i am happy but dont seem to make the woman im with happy. i am in a relationship at the moment going on 3 months and heres the thing. ive read books such as double your dating , ross jeferys etc. alot of that stuff is how to pick up woman but when you have a woman to keep her interested you cant be clingy or say i love you etc, be your own man do your own thing. soz if im not explaining this well. when ever we fight its usually over something pointless like i dont show her enuff afection or she feels unwanted or i go talk to her friends to much and dont spend every second with her for example. weve had a few major arguments which usually ends up with me walking away then her stopping me. this causes her to tell me that i dont fight for her and that id quite happliy walk away. now i thought that was the point to keep her interested. she knows i can leave at any time. but are all these methods of keeping a woman only to establish a relationship and should be disregarded when actually in one. im only 20 so im learning all the time and any help on this would be greatful