Can any guy pull?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Do you think every human male who isn't born with major defects has the ability to pull females or not all?

Or would it simply be better for some of us to accept defeat and forget it?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Yes I think anybody could do it unless they were deformed, especially guys. Within the right circumstances and with the correct game you can really do well. It's not like Tyler Durden is super goodlooking. Of course I'm not sure he fvcks a lot of girls but he certainly knows game.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
10% of the guys do 90% of the pulling, mating, and f**king. Easily.

If you aren't in that top 10%, you just have an uphill battle.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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that mentality is why so many fat ugly women end up with decent looking guys , there scared and wanna settle , ill admit im not perfect , but no way will I ever give up , id rather battle uphill until im 40 than settle for some disgusting nagging hag


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
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Terrible self defeating attitude

You gotta sometimes take a look into your brain when being pessimistic.

Why, oh why, do you think that a normal healthy man cant get a woman????????

Every man can, he just has to play the game, and charm and flatter his way into their pantys.

Nismo has made an incorrect judgement on 10% men, 90% women - perhaps yes in a club situation, the 10% guys are going there week in, week out throwing off rejection and staying with the programme and focussing just on getting ***** - you like when were sitting here, us guys on a week night. That guy might be somewhere OUT hunting ***** - he's driven to do it.... another key word here is motivation!!!!!

The bottom line is -

Yes you can get POON IF you get the BALLS to keep TALKING to lots of girls, develop a THICK SKIN to rejection and keep plugging away, not losing sight of MOTIVATION......... O FOOKING KAY??????????????

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
If you cannot pull just change yourself into an other yourself that can.

It means hit the gym or improve your social position, as men we rarely have some "from birth advantage" like beauty of women but thankfully unlike them we have the chance to change into something we want with the right amount of work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Nismo has a very pessimistic attitude. Him and others on this forum have a very monolithic view of all women and think they are all predictable/entitled/stuck up/*****y/hypergamous creatures who will only go for the guy that lucked out with his genes or inherited a fortune from his parents. There is definately some truth to this, however there are also many exceptions.

Yes any guy can pull. All you have to do is get yourself out there and be assertive. If you see a girl you like it usually pays to make a move first (getting a phone number). Be the best you can be in terms of confidence, looks, money. Go to the gym and work hard in your career. Don't just to go to clubs and bars to meet women (or you will encounter more of the types of women that Nismo talks about). Check out all the activities/hobbies that you can.

Even if you do all this, not all women will respond to you. But many will.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I don't believe anybody is undateable. even people with disabilities get into relationships.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Serg897 said:
Nismo has a very pessimistic attitude. Him and others on this forum have a very monolithic view of all women and think they are all predictable/entitled/stuck up/*****y/hypergamous creatures who will only go for the guy that lucked out with his genes or inherited a fortune from his parents. There is definately some truth to this, however there are also many exceptions.

Yes any guy can pull. All you have to do is get yourself out there and be assertive. If you see a girl you like it usually pays to make a move first (getting a phone number). Be the best you can be in terms of confidence, looks, money. Go to the gym and work hard in your career. Don't just to go to clubs and bars to meet women (or you will encounter more of the types of women that Nismo talks about). Check out all the activities/hobbies that you can.

Even if you do all this, not all women will respond to you. But many will.
Nismo is right to a certain extent. He does paint the brush a bit too broadly though.

It all depends on what you're looking for. LTRs and exclusive dating are fairly easy to come by if you're presentable and sociable. Most women worth their salt are dying to be in a relationship with a normal, well-kept, sociable guy. The caveat is they don't want to be a guys "plate" or FWB...these are the quality women that expect to be courted and shown respect before they open themselves to the guy.

When it comes to multiple f*ck buddies, living the playboy lifestyle screwing 9s and 10s on a weekly basis, you won't be dating multiple supermodels/pornstar looking chicks unless you have some sort of larger-than-life persona. It can happen to average guys too, but that's just lady luck smiling kindly.

Or you can spend 1000s of hours "gaming" and occasionally lucking out with a one-night-stand/fling of varying quality.

It's only hard to pull with the women you truly desire on your exact terms......


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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sstype said:
Nismo is right to a certain extent. He does paint the brush a bit too broadly though.

It all depends on what you're looking for. LTRs and exclusive dating are fairly easy to come by if you're presentable and sociable. Most women worth their salt are dying to be in a relationship with a normal, well-kept, sociable guy. The caveat is they don't want to be a guys "plate" or FWB...these are the quality women that expect to be courted and shown respect before they open themselves to the guy.

When it comes to multiple f*ck buddies, living the playboy lifestyle screwing 9s and 10s on a weekly basis, you won't be dating multiple supermodels/pornstar looking chicks unless you have some sort of larger-than-life persona. It can happen to average guys too, but that's just lady luck smiling kindly.

Or you can spend 1000s of hours "gaming" and occasionally lucking out with a one-night-stand/fling of varying quality.

It's only hard to pull with the women you truly desire on your exact terms......

Breaks my heart to see someone with so much exposure to this forum, and with such a high reputation rating, still stuck in this form of thinking.

I'm not even gonna start contributing to this debate, you guys need something way more deep than a post remindin g you of the basics. You need a hypnotism session or something..


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Eternal_water said:
Do you think every human male who isn't born with major defects has the ability to pull females or not all?

Or would it simply be better for some of us to accept defeat and forget it?
Every person, if they reach optimal health, will be radiant and attractive. You need to slowly move toward that goal.

But remember: if you are rich and famous you will never know for sure if people love you for you. But it's ok. You still want to be rich and famous, so realize that movie stars are buying their friends and lovers too.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
r0cky said:
Breaks my heart to see someone with so much exposure to this forum, and with such a high reputation rating, still stuck in this form of thinking.

I'm not even gonna start contributing to this debate, you guys need something way more deep than a post remindin g you of the basics. You need a hypnotism session or something..
Lol....must have struck a nerve (or broken your fragile heart, in this case) to have you not only respond with anything substantive, but to resort to snarky personal attacks.

My opinion is just opinion. Take it FWIW. If you disagree, feel free to enlighten me with further debate. No need for the patronizing "holier than thou" attitude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I like you rocky, but on this one, SStype is close to what I was thinking.

First, the OP asked "Can any guy PULL?"

"Pulling" and having relationship sex are two VERY different things.

Any decent guy should be able to find a relationship and eventually sleep with her. But that's not what the OP wanted to know.

I believe he wants to know if an ordinary guy can have a QUICK LAY, maybe from the bar, club or wherever.

Yeah I think any guy could, but if he's not in that 10%, it's F-ing HARD to do. He needs a very thick skin and be unstoppable like the Terminattorr.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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Mike32ct said:
I like you rocky, but on this one, SStype is close to what I was thinking.

First, the OP asked "Can any guy PULL?"

"Pulling" and having relationship sex are two VERY different things.

Any decent guy should be able to find a relationship and eventually sleep with her. But that's not what the OP wanted to know.

I believe he wants to know if an ordinary guy can have a QUICK LAY, maybe from the bar, club or wherever.

Yeah I think any guy could, but if he's not in that 10%, it's F-ing HARD to do. He needs a very thick skin and be unstoppable like the Terminattorr.
Exactly, and isn't that just what inner game teaches us? The very basics of inner game is to not give fuk. So you would agree that ANYBODY who can build themselves a steel skin can pull, correct? And with a number of girls, not just a few.

sstype, Do you think there are girls out there who explicitly want to date a player? Someone who gets a lot of a55 and has a rotation of girls? The amount of girls that are up for that, and who are mentally lucid, is very small. Almost a rounding error. But the great majority of girls, including those who you may call selfrespecting (which, according to what they themselves will tell you, is practically all of them) WILL respond to the guy who HAPPENS to have many women.
BTW. There's no such thing as the "quality girl" who never dates a55holes. Theres no such thing as a perfectly classy girl. Just becuse they aspire to marry a doctor and be a stay home mom doesnt mean they wouldnt get fu5ked behind the dumpster by the bartender while their husband is working late.

Women are more easily swept away by the moment than men. We know this! When we see the girls jumping and screaming by the bar while the guys are always showing restrain and self control. As DJ's we understand why this goes on, this is what we've been trained to do, to "see the matrix", as some may say, and use it to our advantage. So how can someone exposed to YEARS of pu material still beleive that a girl carefully selects who she wants to get fu5cked by?

Like I said, lets go back to the basics:
- Attraction is not a choice.
- If you beleive you're a rockstar and act like one, people will assume you are one.
- girls are attracted to guys with the confidence of a rockstar


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure how anyone who has experience with women can define them simply by 4-5 recurring negative characteristics. After talking to many women from many cultures I've found that they all have different views on life and thus different values that they seek in a man. People who generalize women based on negative experiences that they've had with even 100 or 1000 women in their life, seriously need to rethink their logic.

I live on Long Island NY and deal with women here and from the city. Some girls are babied by their wealthy fathers and look for big strong guys who can be financially unstable losers. Others want guys who pamper them but they are creepy, unattractive men with receding hairlines. Then other girls get wet off personality and date ****y guys with absolutely nothing going for them. There are recurring themes with women, but taste varies. Not every guy in the world thinks Megan Fox is gorgeous...I sure as **** do in point


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
r0cky said:
sstype, Do you think there are girls out there who explicitly want to date a player? Someone who gets a lot of a55 and has a rotation of girls? The amount of girls that are up for that, and who are mentally lucid, is very small. Almost a rounding error. But the great majority of girls, including those who you may call selfrespecting (which, according to what they themselves will tell you, is practically all of them) WILL respond to the guy who HAPPENS to have many women.
BTW. There's no such thing as the "quality girl" who never dates a55holes. Theres no such thing as a perfectly classy girl. Just becuse they aspire to marry a doctor and be a stay home mom doesnt mean they wouldnt get fu5ked behind the dumpster by the bartender while their husband is working late.

Women are more easily swept away by the moment than men. We know this! When we see the girls jumping and screaming by the bar while the guys are always showing restrain and self control. As DJ's we understand why this goes on, this is what we've been trained to do, to "see the matrix", as some may say, and use it to our advantage. So how can someone exposed to YEARS of pu material still beleive that a girl carefully selects who she wants to get fu5cked by?
I don't see where this conflicts with my post.....other than my blasphemous statement that some women (gasp) eventually do want LTRs with strong masculine good men. So what if they respond to players, I'll always respond positively to nice tits and ass....doesn't mean I have no choice to but to cheat on my girlfriend. Not all women are immoral to screw behind their husband's back.

Yes, some women do make guys "wait" and want to be courted for the very purpose of weeding out players. Google "The Rules." You obviously don't live in the South but here women eat that sh*t up, especially if you're a guy with his sh*t together. I highly recommend if you want to find your future wife, come to Atlanta.

Like I said, lets go back to the basics:
- Attraction is not a choice.
- If you beleive you're a rockstar and act like one, people will assume you are one.
- girls are attracted to guys with the confidence of a rockstar
1. Attraction is not a choice.

I agree...however women can be socially conditioned not to act on this attraction.

2. If you beleive you're a rockstar and act like one, people will assume you are one.

"Acting like a rockstar" is pretty hard to pull off for a guy like me who works as a corporate consultant and runs a side business. But we do have a bunch of those here....the "fake-it-till-you-make it" 30k a year millionaire crowd. I prefer to keep my sanity just being myself and not teetering on personal bankruptcy trying to keep up the payments on my leased BMW and dropping $300 weekly on VIP bottles.

3. Girls are attracted to guys with the confidence of a rockstar.

I think the girls were just being nice to you when they told you that....they actually want the rockstar because he's famous and rich. I see tons of average guys with the "confidence of a rockstar" get blown out harsh by women. I've seen guys with killer dance moves at the club, dancing alone all night. Fact is, that women have seen it all, heard it all. Unless you have tangible value to back up your confidence, overly confident behavior and false bravado is bound to get you labelled a "delusional bullsh1tter" very quickly.

I've done best when I just pick the women who are attracted to me and have a normal flirty conversation with.....I've done worst when I try to put on some fake persona I know she can see through.

I only speak from experience. If the "rockstar" personality works for you, great job....I personally couldn't pull it off. Part of being a DJ is finding what works best for you, not necessarily what is the "correct" way to act.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
r0cky said:
Exactly, and isn't that just what inner game teaches us? The very basics of inner game is to not give fuk. So you would agree that ANYBODY who can build themselves a steel skin can pull, correct? And with a number of girls, not just a few.

Yes and yes.

Like I said, lets go back to the basics:
- Attraction is not a choice.


- If you beleive you're a rockstar and act like one, people will assume you are one.

I wouldn't say rockstar. That might be a slight stretch. But if you are confident and believe you are an attractive guy, it will definitely help.

- girls are attracted to guys with the confidence of a rockstar
Confidence is important, but be careful faking it too much.

Like if a guy develops natural confidence from his life or lots of approaches, fine. That will be congruent and will help.

But just mentally pretending he's a rockstar is not recommended.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
It seems like I phrased it badly, "pull" was the first word that sprang to mind.

I mean either, yes go to a bar and pull for a ONS or get into a proper relationship, either of the two.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Absolutely. No doubt about it.

If you're very ugly or socially awkward you will pull less and less attractive women but you can absolutely date women and enjoy life.