I met a girl a couple years back who I felt the strongest mutual attraction with. We had sex the first night and for months after. She said she hadn't been so attracted to anyone in the longest time. Then when it eventually ended she told me I had awful body odor and needed to shower more! I never saw her again after that.
It seems like a huge contradiction that she would:
A) Be so attracted to me early and often.
B) Be so repulsed by my natural scent.
Note I do not use scented soap, perfume, detergents and deodorants.
I've been reading lately about how women screen men based on their scent (an indication of DNA and immune system matching for offspring as they seek their opposite). But it seems that should happen right away.
Have you ever had a woman who loved you tell you that you had BO?
It seems like a huge contradiction that she would:
A) Be so attracted to me early and often.
B) Be so repulsed by my natural scent.
Note I do not use scented soap, perfume, detergents and deodorants.
I've been reading lately about how women screen men based on their scent (an indication of DNA and immune system matching for offspring as they seek their opposite). But it seems that should happen right away.
Have you ever had a woman who loved you tell you that you had BO?