In my experience, I've found you can do your best to keep the frame in a marriage, yet if she slept around before the marriage... it will be difficult to keep her eye from wandering.
It's a battle of needs and wants, these individuals tend to be selfish and inner focused.
When either gender gets used to a lifestyle of many plates in rotation vs. monogamy... it's difficult to make that paradigm shift to loyalty after getting accustomed to the lifestyle. I don't care if either gender is a unicorn, the temptation will still abound.
The wife may aim to impress, conform, fit in with married peers.........yet when the marriage hits some serious roadblocks like loss of a job, parent, sibling, cancer, serious illness, debilitating auto accident, career crisis, identity crisis (think fear of missing out or idealization vs. reality crux of the issue), the rampant behavior ala attention seeking offline/online and more will re-emerge.