Can a shy guy get a girl in a month?


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
I know that it's been a while since I lasted posted something but I this situtation and I don't know what to do. Well, I'm a junior in college and only been with one girl in my entirely life. Anyway, is a month left of school and hormones are raging like a bull. So should I just try to make the best of this situtation and try to make some friends or should I just wait to summer arrive.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
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Out of the box
Have you read ANYTHING on this site?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
So why ask this question?

If we hold your hand now, your still not going to go out and do anything...

Just go out and do it!

Or do you really want to hear us tell you to wait until summer?


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2005
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I understand what you saying it's just that I also have a speech problem and that plays a major role in talking with girls


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
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Out of the box
Yeah, your making excuses, because speech problems are addressed at least 4 times a month on this site.

practice makes perfect, and nothing can stop you

People meet over the internet
Blind people find hotties
deaf people have sign language

HUGE 600lb guys still have wives

The only thing stopping you is you...

Why you think you have a speech problem? stuttering? find the scatman! Low voice, punch yourself in the balls before you talk to a girl! High voice? puff out your neck and speak slowly.

Nealry 99% of the problems you have with women, are from inside


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
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My brother has a major speach impediment. He does very well with women. I know of times when he had 3somes with 9's the second time he met them. Both had long term stuff going on too. Obviously *****s :) Ok basically heres what I think you should do. Basically if you wait your just putting off what you really want. Heres what you need to do. If your shy and your in college. TRY to talk to atleast 1 new person a day because this will gradually make you less shy. Also get a friend of yours to help you do this. Get your friend to come with you somewhere and talk **** to you until you walk upto a hotty and just ask for her number. Do this it might hurt your ego for the time being but it will also make you far more confident. I would suggest doing this far more than once. Basically I used to be incredibly shy but I just started doing things which were outside my comfort zone and it payed off. Having a speach problem is not an excuss. Just get out there and work this stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
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Out of the box
Stop confirming what you believ is wrong about you... it just makes a repetitive pattern of self-doubt. "what poison is to food, self-doubt is to the mind"

You keep beating yourself up, and believing all the negative's you say about yourself, the more your just going to admit to yourself, and stop trying "because it's useless". You stop putting in the effort needed to get over the threshold, and you constantly second guess yourself, so you stop taking chances,and write off successes to plain luck.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...
Which shy are you?

Are you shy, just because you are scared? (scared of getting dissed by girls) Or are you shy because youre scared of girls but also you have no personality?

Do you have things to talk about if you were to approach a girl. Do you have a life in your school? (guys that you hang out with on fridays and saturday nights?) Do you have girls as friends? Probably not (to everything in this paragraph) The more things you answer yes to in this paragraph, the easier your job is. I would not recommend you start going approach girls this year. You sound like youre never around women. Women can radar sense this. So talk to some girls in your classes as friends, and try to be interesting. While you spend time with them, she might talk to you about other guys (dont ask her about them), but if she brings up other guys, remain neutral (youre not 1 of her girlfriends or her gay friends), dont throw in your 2 cents hitting her off with some ***t like 'hes not good for you'. This is friendzone to do this.

If you havent been around women, youll have to do alot of approaching to fix that, youll probably be needy and nervous but trying to mack to them, and those girls will not want to spend any time around you. Im in college too, you got finals coming up, its not worth it. youre guy friends' girls, and girls from classes are girls you want to hold convos with. Dont read this site then get an overconfident attitude thinking youre the ***t, let your confidence and comfort come naturally. In my opinion youre not ready to mack to girls yet so wax that pole or whatever you gotta do. Read the dj bible over the summer. But main thing is be interesting to women. without that, no amout of c&f, neg hitting, attitude, confidence, will get you girls. Watch guys who women respond well to, and make sure its not just b/c of good looks. if you need to know how to be interesting just respond back or send me a pm, ill tell you what you need to 'research'


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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You cannot determine what works with women in your head. You must field test everything you read. What you think works is probably not what is going to work for you. If it were, you wouldn't be here.

There is no such thing as a shy guy, that is just some category you've decided to place yourself in. You can also decide to take yourself out of it. Stop going to place that are negatively anchored in your brain. Go some place new and go there as the extrovert guy who talks to everyone.

Problem Solved. See a Speech Pathologist too while you're at it.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...
I can guarantee the problem is more than just in his head. Negative thoughts are a problem. yes. he should get rid of them and replace them with neutral thoughts like 'all i have to do is watch other guys, see what they do, and find what works best for me.' last thing he needs is fake positive thoughts about 'im the ***t', becasue he probably has nothing to talk about. He may have a problem with voice tone. He may have no life. He may have a subconcscious fear that girls. He probably has a problem with submissive body language. These things dont get better with positive self affirmations. You have to consciously get yourself to do this things better. You have to get out there, watch how other people hold interesting convos then, try some of the ways, and see what you are going to do. if youre not surrounded by other guys who do well, watch some of the MTV dating shows. Dont go for c&f too much just yet, go for interesting.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
blueangel83 said:
Have you tried it?
yeah, but my voice didn't change, it just hurt a lot and I lied that I think I broke my **** and told my buddy to call the hospital... than I pranked him and we got back to work

Come on, it's easy to talk lower, you just have to keep the mindset that your talking lower...

want a good exercise if you think your monotone, have a bad/low voice, or your box keeps clenching tight and making you feel like crying?

fake having a coarse voice for a few days...

talk REALLY LOUD while whispering

Your lips will move significantly more so than normal, and you will learn to throw your voice...

Always affirm yourself that your voice is good, if you see somebody face change when you speak, change your voice, and stay the track talking that way...

There are so many exercises you can do, you just have to not be lazy, and actually stick through the entire exercise to see any results