Can a guy get away with a lot more if he's great in bed?


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
I'm talking about cheating on her, lying to her, living with her + not having a job, even hitting her. It seems a lot of (if not most) women have a hard time resisting a guy they know is great in bed, even if she knows he's really bad for her.

I only ask this because I remember reading Ross Jeffries' early experiences of being women's emotional tampons, being their shoulder to cry on while they b!tched and moaned about how awful their boyfriends were. And the "knife twisting in his stomach" was when they'd say "I'd leave him but the sex is so incredible."

Just wondering what guys experience here has been.....just how much WILL a woman put up with if the guy is good enough in bed?? If there's anything to this, then so much for guys being the ones who sex is so important to. :confused:


Dec 15, 2004
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Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
What's the most you've ever seen a woman (either one you were with or one someone else was with) put up with from a guy because he was great in bed? I suppose if she wasn't your woman you don't know for sure if she put up with it cause he was great in bed (unless she told you).

Another question: is it enough for a guy to just be really big (anything above 6" I guess is considered above average), or does he still actually have to know what he's doing? Are there some women for whom just being well-endowed qualifies as good in bed? I've talked to some women who make such a big deal out of size that it makes me wonder if that's all a guy needs sometimes. No skill, just size.

If that's the case then if I can ever afford it I'll just pluck down the money to get "upgraded" shall we say....I know there's supposed to be non-surgical ways of enlarging yourself down there but I'm lazy, what can I say? :D Which is also why not having to have any skill would be very appealing to me ;)

I'm talking Garfield the cat lazy. And not those godawful-looking movies but the comic strip. Garfield doesn't dance!! If he didn't have to eat and relieve himself he'd never get out of bed again! But I digress....

Is size alone enough?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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size makes it easier to be better in bed. Doesn't mean you are better in bed, just means you have the potential to be better.

Just like taller guys compared to shorter guys. Taller guys have the potential to get w/ more women b/c women prefer taller guys. Doesn't mean taller guys get more women, just means that they have more potential too.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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FatHairyM4F said:
To size alone being enough, or women putting up with a lot of sh!t if he's great in bed? Or both?? :confused:
Okay, I have a big one and know how to use it. Gfs have usually said they prefer a big one though that some are too big, but ATTITUDE is far more important.

For instance my gf says she'd rather have my mind controlling a small **** than my huge penis in the hands of an amateur.

People will forgive a person a lot if they are good in bed - I agree with whoever said it is roughly 70% of your final score. Score 70 and be terrible at every other aspect of the relationship and you might be ok. Ace that 30% - being funny, confident, not a murderer - but absolutely suck in bed, and your days might be numbered.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
BTW, does anyone know how much pen!s enlargement surgery costs? Does it depend on how much bigger you wanna get? Say I wanna go from 6" to 9". And would medical insurance cover that? I'm guessing not but just thought I'd ask. I could say its necessary to my mental health to know that I'm one of the biggest a woman's ever had. Don't think they'd buy it though. :D

PS: Not that it matters because I'll probably never meet any of you in person, but I don't agree with using being great in bed, or anything for that matter, to get away with treating a woman badly. Especially hitting her!

Would be awful nice to have a woman 70% happy with me just by being great in bed though :D


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
Nighthawk said:
Okay, I have a big one and know how to use it. Gfs have usually said they prefer a big one though that some are too big, but ATTITUDE is far more important.
Sam Kinison said that women shouldn't tell a guy that the guy before him was bigger than him. Even if the last guy was so big that it hurt her. He won't care that it hurt her, just that it was bigger LOL

Nighthawk said:
For instance my gf says she'd rather have my mind controlling a small **** than my huge penis in the hands of an amateur.

People will forgive a person a lot if they are good in bed - I agree with whoever said it is roughly 70% of your final score. Score 70 and be terrible at every other aspect of the relationship and you might be ok. Ace that 30% - being funny, confident, not a murderer - but absolutely suck in bed, and your days might be numbered.
G0ddamn!!! Sorry to repeat this from the original post, but WE'RE supposed to be the ones so crazed about sex?? Holy crap!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
So what am I doing wrong? The women I know start getting clingy and kinda possessive after we sleep together. None of them have ever given me an ultimatum to be exclusive but they do get more curious about my whereabouts when I'm not with them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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FatHairyM4F said:
I'm talking about cheating on her, lying to her, living with her + not having a job, even hitting her. It seems a lot of (if not most) women have a hard time resisting a guy they know is great in bed, even if she knows he's really bad for her.
"Can a guy get away with a lot more if he is great in bed"?


But, "getting away with a lot more" is not the same as emotionally and physically abusing somebody.

From a man that has LOT of life experience dealing with good as well as messed up women...and has a lot of experience in getting away with a lot more (I don't abuse or beat women - but I did some cheating in my younger years and lying-) let me tell you something.

Allowing a man to emotionally and physically abuse her (and that includes cheating and lying) is a clear indication of a deeper problem. And that problem is one that deals with self esteem and even psychological problems. some instances, women allow men to cheat, because they are married and they want to keep that man for whatever reasons (many times $$$ security, and even sex).

Now...if you are referring to dealing with other issues such as lack of compatibility in areas such as goals, romantisism, economics (money), etc. Then COMPATIBILITY with sex plays a great factor.

Notice that those issues I listed above are very important in a relationship...but lack of compatability does not make a person loser (just make them different). While the ones you listed makes a person a LOSER and abusive.

Therefore, "great sex" is NOT going to get a woman hold to a man that abuses her. In those instances, sex is used as a tool of power (men dominating the woman) by the abusive man. Consequently, fear, lack of self-respect, deep psychological scars, etc. is what makes her hold into the abusive loser.

HOWEVER, compatibility in sex (if the woman does not like sex as much, then it won't work) will keep a relationship running IF there is lack of compatibility in the areas that I listed (not your areas). And many times can spark things back in place when the relationship is going through hurdles (happens in all great relationships).


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
Is size alone enough?[/QUOTE]

No I believe size and performance go hand in hand. You can have a big ship, but if you suck as a captain you're just gonna be floating around like a big jackass.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Grow up guys! This thread is the same as all those confidence/good looks debates and what's more important.

Assuming you last longer than a few mins, if you are big you WILL be good in bed, at the end of the day it's not exactly rocket science. You don't need a degree for it. That's not saying there isn't a technique, just saying that everyone nails that pretty quickly.

As for the gfs who tell their bfs this that and the other: It's to make the guy feel good (or bad, some are *****es) even if they are big.

Now oral sex and kissing. For those things - There really is technique.

When you're talking to girls about these things. Don't listen to her words, read her face! Normally a small, sneaky smile will come across her face when she talks about her biggest - she could be saying "Yea it wasn't great, it hurt, blah, blah, blah". Her face tells a completely different story.

The reason why slutty girls go on about size is because they will tell you straight and aren't reserved about sex and what we SHOULD think about sex.

Oh - and yes. I don't think great sex will allow you to beat the crap out of her but it will give her a VERY good reason not to want to leave you.

Look at Britney and K-Fed, the guy is a total loser but apparently he's amazing in bed and she's only getting round to ditching him now.