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can a girl lose interest in you this quick?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
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Dopaminergic pathways
Jaylan said:
I personally dont buy into the whole idea of **** tests. Pick Up is filled with WAY too much overthinking.
I have to agree, shit tests are the biggest pile of crap I've heard about.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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Robert28 said:
I have gone out with this girl twice, each time we had alot of fun, blah, blah, blah. I asked her if she wanted to go to the fair on Monday(I asked her this 6 days ago). we'd planned on it, set it in stone. I get a text from her today saying she had alot more stuff to do on Monday then she realized and asked if we could do it Tuesday or Wednesday.
So far, nothing that's a big deal. People get busy and her offering different days is not a bad sign (if she offered them - then canceled again - that would be a bad sign; or just canceled without offering another date).

Robert28 said:
I told her politelly that I couldn't because I had plans Tuesday and Wednesday night.
This is fine too. Were you really busy on those days though? Or just trying to "act" like it? (i ask because a lot of guys on here do these things and are just doing them because they want to "appear" a certain way.)

Robert28 said:
She acts all depressed all of a sudden that I had plans on two days that she took for granted would be availible to her I guess.
I want a lot of you inexperienced guys to understand that this is not all that abnormal when a woman does not get her way! Women can get depressed when they offers plans to you and you turn them down (it doesn't matter that you already have other plans for those days - women do not see it that way; especially if they're LSE; which i believe this woman is). I believe women feel their femininity is failing when a man doesn't do as they wish, etc.

Robert28 said:
So now she is like well "forget it, it's not going to work" and I replied back "what's not going to work? going to the fair?" and she replies "no, us.".lol
She's probably very used to having men bend over backwards for her.

In his response to you - Jaylan said this:
b) shes a tad insecure and takes your lack of availability for that one hang out as a sign of you being uninterested in her. Hence she tried to axe you before you axed her. Just give it time, and if she doesnt come around, assume it was scenario A and move on.
I agree with all but 2 points. 1) The "tad" part! This woman is very insecure. 2) I don't think she'll come around.... When woman blow a man out like this - there's a good chance - she won't go back to him unless he sacrafices some strength over to her or is pro-active and not burning the bridge between them.

I personally just believe she took you not being available tuesday and wednesday - combined with her perception of you (possibly as a "player") and blew you out before she assumed you were going to blow her out. Again, this is very low-self esteem stuff.... But the modern women are very LSE.

I also believe that she thought by "ending" it with you - she was going to get a reaction of weakness from you. I assume you didn't show any.

Robert28 said:
just like that her "interest" vanished simply because I had sh!t to do tuesday and wednesday,
I don't think her interest vanished at all. I think she was bluffing a bit; but got called and it looks like she's one of those donkey's who won't fold.

Robert28 said:
but yet I was supposed to accept her cancelling on Monday even though that's the day we both agreed on almost a week ago.
You expect a woman (especially a LSE one) to be fair? to be reasonable? to make sense? lol

Robert28 said:
you ever had a girl act so interested in you only to have it magically dissapear in an instant over trivial bullsh!t?
Nothing magical here man....

Robert28 said:
my question is why can women be so "busy" but a guy that's busy is a bad thing?
Better to not focus on trying to figure out what's right in wrong in the same way a judge would. Put your energy and time elsewhere. The reality is - there's 100's of reasons all of this could have gone down. Trying to analyze each scenario - is foolish.

Robert28 said:
what is it that women have going on so that we men don't that keeps them busy bee's? keep in mind that i'm in grad school and own my own business. to me that would define "busy", yet I make time to do stuff I want all the time.
This is all boring stuff.... No need for pitty man... Just move on - if she comes back - she comes back.... If not - so what?


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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What stood out as a red flag for me was this:

"I asked her if she wanted to go to the fair on Monday."

You asked. For me, what has worked consistently for about 5 years now is never ASK a girl out. Never. Remove all question marks from your vocab. A MAN never asks when it comes to girls. You lead. That's what they demand. Secretly, of course.

I would've said: "Hey, I'm going to the fair next week, you should tag along."

Now, if she truly has interest she will say yes. This simple technique(learned here) is gold. Has never failed. Even when the girl says, "Oh, TAG along huh?(test) Why should I?"
From here, you know what to do. Point is, you project a high value status with this frame and she feels it. Just don't flunk her tests. She desperately wants you to pass them.

Remember, its a sellers market out there right now. The simple fact is girls cannot find better men than the world produces.

Without a real MAN to push against her world, her interest atrophies. Don't starve her interest into a coma with questions. "What do you wanna do tonight?" gag. "You wanna go get a coffee?" puke.

ME: "I'm goin to see Real Steel, you should come."
ME: "I'm goin for a drive in my 69 428 Cobra Jet with Ram Air Cougar. I'll pick ya up."

If she's busy, big deal. Say, "Cool, perhaps another time." And I guarantee she'll be making time soon.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
This is simply ridiculous. Let me give you a valid run-down...

You guys had a good connection because she broke out of her shyness to invite YOU to do something. That is pretty high interest right there. Then, when you said you couldn't make the dates, she made a counter-offer. Still, a sign of high-interest. However, when you denied her counter-offer, she got a little upset. Getting upset and frustrated does not simply mean she has lost interest in you. Its just her emotions getting the best of her. The best way to react to something like this is to NOT REACT.

Saying things like "what's wrong?" or anything like that is too wimpy. It shows her that if she gets mad at you, you crumble like a cookie and get all emotional. She may not be purposefully testing you, but it is definitely a test. As soon as you do stupid sappy emotional stuff like that, she definitely loses interest, but its not to say she's completely uninterested. Its a turn off. Put yourself in her're dating a girl and you deny her a chance to hang out. SUddenly, she flips out on you " WHAT's WRONG??? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG TO YOU!?" (complete turn off). This kind of behavior causes a lost of interest. It reveals a clingy and needy insecurity whether you realize it or not.

My advice: Play it cool. don't act like her little frustration got to you. You are man. There is just certain things you have to tend to and you can't spend all your time with a woman. She'll understand. Wait for her to respond (possiby an apology). If she doesn't, hit her back in a few days in a very casual manner like nothing had happened and pick it up again


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score

For the last time. **** tests do not exist. Pick Up teaches some good stuff but def teaches some bad stuff.

Women dont test men they actually like. All this girl simply did was overreact.

Whenever a women is rude or a b!tch to you, she isnt "testing" you. She either wants you to leave her the hell alone or she like playful banter. Simple.

You having the chance to sleep with her doesnt rely on whether you pass some imaginary test. Women decide if you get that chance when they first meet you just by looking at you. If shes attracted to you enough, chances are you will screw her. Simple.

Stop overthinking and just live in the moment


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Insecure and shy women are ten times crazier. If she is indeed like this, I would head for the hills.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Women dont test men they actually like.
I'm not really following this particular thread but this Imma have to disagree on. Women will always test men. Especially the ones they actually like if they're interested in anything long-term with them. They need to separate the Men from the AFCs trying to impersonate them.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
vatoloco said:
I'm not really following this particular thread but this Imma have to disagree on. Women will always test men. Especially the ones they actually like if they're interested in anything long-term with them. They need to separate the Men from the AFCs trying to impersonate them.
dude the only reason a woman will test you is because you're using all these "DJ tricks" to come across as a person who you really arent. just like if some random guy off the street told you he was an NBA player, you would probably "test" him too.

if you're really the badass you pretend to be, you will pass all these "tests" with flying colors without even knowing they're tests.

about half the guys in this thread know what they are talking about. the other half are seriously overcomplicating things. women seriously are just as simple as men, and if you think back to your "afc" days, almost all girls are just as clueless as that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
vatoloco said:
I'm not really following this particular thread but this Imma have to disagree on. Women will always test men. Especially the ones they actually like if they're interested in anything long-term with them. They need to separate the Men from the AFCs trying to impersonate them.
I agree on this. I test people in general that I like for integrity as well as other qualities all the time, in fact anyone who would be a potential friend. I can imaging if I were a woman approached by a bunch of men I would certainly have something in mind to weed out the good ones, intentionally or not- simply looking for something where you trip up.